To the real master of the outer space universe corresponding to the human kingdom, to the master of each constellation who is now looking at Chu Lan religiously:

"Do you now feel that you are just like the two before? Although everything before is only a few seconds apart, just like life is like a dream, this is normal. When a person is struggling in a stage, He felt incomparably real, but when he passed this threshold."

"When you reach a new realm, in this new realm, it's still smooth, you haven't got any hardships, and when you haven't encountered any problems, you may not have so much memory of the previous sufferings. There will not be so many feelings, previous memories and sufferings."

"Although it is true, it is like a dream to you. There is no way. No matter whether it is life or being, you can only go to your own one based on the things and sensory feelings brought to you by your existing world. Emotional and emotional, this is our connection with this world."

"It is the only evidence that we are alive, this is the only thing that we can judge, so now for you, it is the most important thing. Everything before is said to be part of your life, but On another level, you are actually dead."

"At the moment you choose to surpass, at the moment you choose to be God, you are no longer human. All your connections with this world, all your hatred, and the planet of your family before you, actually have nothing. Imagine if this is the case."

"All your previous hatreds and all your obsessions were actually put down at the moment you matured. I felt the thoughts in your hearts and felt that you are carrying out such a glorious task for better. You give up There are a lot of things, and you don’t think revenge is the most important thing."

"You think creation is the most important thing, you feel that your abominable emotion is actually more abominable than evil itself, you choose to let go, and you get detached, but you can rest assured that I have set the rules of this world, This world will surely be under your dedicated efforts."

"Get faster expansion, get faster growth, yes, this planet can definitely continue to expand like the previous universe, and it is a natural expansion, not a mechanical one. Growth, expansion, and the nation will continue to expand."

"The kingdom of man is transformed into countless universes. Of course, in these countless universes, the kingdom of man is equivalent to the **** kingdom seen by their ancestors, and these universes are actually the original universes of your twelve constellations. This is for Your gift, you have fulfilled my wish for this."

"Or to fulfill your own inner needs and give up some things, but in fact some of your inner obsessions are as important to you as what you want to pursue. You have succeeded and you have even destroyed the world. "

"You destroyed the relatives and friends who really killed your family and friends. The real source of the destruction of your homeland is this dirty world. You have captured the ultimate enemy. Think about it, who is the real enemy? Which bullet hit your loved ones’ heads?"

"Or which one is not the bomb that will not let your planetary home go? It’s not that, then the one that fired the bullet, the one that bullets, are they? No, it’s the gun that made it. Human? Not even, it wasn’t the one who ordered them, that rogue."

"Isn’t it Hammers and Moore? Nor is it that this world is too dirty and chaotic, but this world is too much to advocate force, so the most critical and real enemy is actually this world, in you When there is no ability to fight against this world."

"You estimate hatred on a person, then when you have no ability to change this world, you should not feel that there is anything wrong with this world, and you did it, you succeeded, and I am proud of you."

"And when you chose, you chose not to have a belief for yourself, a reason not to live for so long, and in order to make this world a new world, you gave up your previous pursuits and gave up Your silent promises to your family."

"But, believe me, I will not let you give up another good thing for a good thing. Believe me, not long after, when the principles of this world reach a certain level, open this seed, Put it in a place where you want them to exist."

"They will come out, which contains all the seeds that your creatures have received before. The seeds of life and the seeds of plants all exist here. They will naturally grow. Then, this is my last gift to you. I hope you will receive it. Before you get this gift."

"Before I hand it over to you, I would like to tell you a few words. As a person in power in the world, always introspection, self-restraint, and always tell yourself where you are is the most important thing, you should understand that your every move, Any decision, any choice."

"It’s not you who is involved, but the area and the world that you are responsible for, the future direction of the world, and the rules of operation of other worlds, so don’t use your emotions or have any personal feelings. You can have preferences."

"But this preference can only be at a level that I can accept. Rest assured, the agent I chose will always represent me and supervise you. If you do well, you will feel absolute freedom, because self-discipline Free, but if you are not disciplined enough."

"Then I will make you feel full of freedom and even kill you directly. Remember that I am not here to be friends with you. I am here to build a better world with you. If you, If you want to see such a good world, then we are fellow travellers."

"We are friends, but if you change, then you are actually the garbage that should be cleaned up. I speak very straightly. It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, now, I want to take this The gift is in your hands."


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