The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 829: Colorful memories

The will of the world will have his own way to protect this relatively complete and unified planet, but now, the people of his own planet are falling apart, and the whole world is falling apart. After the whole world is falling apart, everything is no longer complete, and the origin of the world is incomplete. the power of.

There is no way to mobilize the power he can get to protect the planet, so after this involves his own weaknesses, the world will have no way and no power. After that, Hammers began to attack his own planet, and this is the case. Under the circumstances, the universe collapsed.

So they started their grayest memories. After that, their relatives and friends talked and laughed at the last moment, and they turned against each other at the next moment, attacking each other, and then under the influence of a constant light wave that did not know what. Next, they actually had red light in their eyes that they didn't know.

Then, they began to attack each other until everyone saw the blood, and gradually came to wake up, then everyone realized that this is a big scam, this is affected by the alien planet creatures, the big scam, everyone is not I don’t understand, I know why.

Later, everyone realized that it was because they used their own selfishness. They used their own selfishness. Human selfishness is terrible. Human selfishness can make one lose oneself, or one can stop oneself from thinking about other people’s feelings. You can also stop yourself from thinking about the world.

In this way, the world can be easily broken by people, and human power is very incredible. When he is willing to transform the world and make the whole world better, then the whole world can be in his one. Under the transformation, it becomes even better.

But when he is willing to destroy this world, he is a demon that is more destructive than the evil demon, because he has the most fundamental origins in this world, and he has the most fundamental connection with this world. These people who want to destroy this planet.

People on this planet began to destroy their own planet, which is terrible destruction. Hamos understood this truth very well, so he applied it to the cosmic attack. It was such a kind of practice that defeated not knowing how many planets and how many universes were suffering.

The higher intelligent creatures of the universe are always aware of hindsight at the last moment, but also because of such hindsight, they are also willing to pay for their mistakes and are willing to leave something better for their planet. And are willing to leave the last seeds for their universe.

So, unknowingly, they chose to inadvertently choose to protect children, protect the next generation and protect themselves from the last hope of the planet, so they began to let go of the mustard, let go of hatred, let go of each other only because of this other biological separation. Caused a contradiction and hatred.

In the end, everyone is under such a hatred, and everyone has completed their redemption under such a regret, so they decided to do something, they decided to use their sinful body to leave some purity for this world Hope, so they chose.

Put their hopes on the next generation, whether it is their own children or other children, as long as they are the next generation, they are the objects of their protection, so in this case, everyone is very tacit to protect their children This is also the colorful memory in their memory. It is because of this love, because of this selfless dedication, that these children feel the greatness of this love, and the children feel the greatness of selflessness. In such a dirty environment, in such a chaotic environment, the original intention of tens of millions of years can still be maintained.

Although it is said that many times, this original heart has been covered by this endless dust, but the dust was eventually removed by Chu Lan. After the dust was removed, the original heart still appeared here, that is, the ancestors of that year used their lives and used them to say sin but great life.

Show them the brilliance of human nature, let these people believe that their lives can also grow to such a glory, believe that their duties are great, it is worth persevering, because those are exchanged for the lives of their elders, so they You cannot live in vain and you cannot become evil against the wishes of your elders.

Become violent, become like the elders say that they hate them, or become the wicked people who hurt their elders and destroy their own cosmic planet, so the talents persevere in this way, when everyone sees themselves as a key node in life I realized that all my achievements.

All of your own persistence of your own greatness is not actually derived from the blessing later, but because of this love, it is because of this love in childhood that they can be in the suffering of the future, can be in the later In the face of adversity, keep maintaining your clarity.

This love is the most critical thing that motivates and keeps you clear. They understand what they should do, because their ancestors gave them love, so they only have this determination, only This firmness has everything that comes afterwards.

So they have to go to the communicators like their ancestors to buy and continue this love, to inherit this love, so that more people feel their selflessness, their dedication, and plant the seeds of love in the hearts of more people .

Only in this way can the whole world develop better, so that the whole world can leave more seeds like them. It turns out that their seeds are indeed very positive in the later development process. Whether it's themselves or the world.

Are of very positive significance

The picture continues to move forward, and when they come to push the void of the atmosphere, they are actually pushed by the aftermath of the explosion, and they can survive without knowing this aftermath, in fact because of the bodies of the elders around them These elders, although they are said to be dead.

But they don't know what kind of will and spiritual power, they actually keep their bodies, their broken bodies as a barrier, protect these children separately, and then this child is like this.

Without missing anything, without any reason, and without making any mistakes, we just carried the destruction of a universe. ..


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