The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 830: Homeland destiny

Carrying the end of a universe, carrying a universe, the destruction of such a race of destiny for the entire country.

Such things, such responsibilities, as well as such sins, such pressures, really should not be given to them, but, living is better than dying, the responsibility is actually taken, these people did not let them bear anything, just tell They, as long as they live well, forget this sin.

Forget this planet, forget this universe, and start a new life, everyone knows that, in fact, they misunderstood the meaning of those ancestors, those ancestors wanted them to not think about it, and don’t want to remember everything now, because all this is actually It was all caused by their elders.

Although it is said that there are other people's vicious intervention, if they do not have this inferior root in their own minds, if they can think about this matter better and understand the terrible behind these things, then they will not have a later These things, then this planet will not bear.

Such an ending, so these people, these descendants do not need to pay for their mistakes and then pay for them. This is actually not fair to them, but what should they do? What can I do? Everything is actually destined.

But these elders feel that everything is their own fault, and nothing can save themselves. They can only use their lives to protect those innocent children from this encounter, but what about such a compensation? Doesn’t this planet belong to this child?

Doesn't their happy life belong to these children? The children's father, mother, parents, and friends, as well as the environment in which they have lived for so long, and the happiness they can enjoy in the future without the disaster of this planet, and their children and grandchildren.

Haven't these things been ruthlessly deprived by the wrong actions of these adults? So these adults are particularly emboldened, but these are the subsidies. This is all they can do for these children. In this way, they help these children survive this war.

Use their bodies as much as possible to give them a life, and do their best to give them a less tragic and relatively less painful expression, give them a relatively peaceful memory, and give them a relatively peaceful state of mind, Adults don't know if this has any effect.

After all, although they endured the pain, they smiled back at them and said, don't remember all this and let them live well, but can they really live well? Outside are these evil army like wolves and tigers, and their homes have been destroyed, the screams, fire, and explosions around them.

Think about it, can't these children see it? Do these children remember them in their hearts? Won't these things appear in front of the children, but they will have no choice. They will not have more energy to think about them, nor will they have more energy to face them.

There is no more energy to change these, they can only do this. Now when these people look at these with a **** mentality, they still feel the complexity of human nature and the possibility of characters. When people are in a peaceful When living in the environment, it can always integrate the whole world.

This is something that God can do. Now it is something that even God can’t, but people can do it. It’s amazing. But when the devil side of these people’s hearts is discovered, All the people, all this peace and beauty.

All gods can’t directly destroy things, but people can destroy them and destroy them completely in an incredible way, and can lead to countless disasters and destroy these things faster. It is the power that even God fears.

However, such terrible people, people who are even more evil than demons, they still have the sacred side of God, and they still have the clarity and sacredness of God. There are still people there who are as great as gods, but a second ago, they were still fighting like the devil, they still have countless faces.

Moreover, in this transformation, their consciousness, their mood, their realm, the way they see the world, there is absolutely a realm that cannot be defeated by God, and detachment. In this state of ethereal detachment, they can It has many effects on this world.

Human nature is so terrible, they can use in a person's heart in a way that is neither mandatory, nor magical, or not progressive, and has an indelible impact on the person. They can actually create a soul. , Can change the soul.

This is also a very difficult thing to do, so it is difficult to say that human nature is complex, and that humans are terrible, and therefore great, human nature is complex, and human nature is full of glory. My own experience like a myth story, my own **** was created, relying on Of course it is a master like Chu Lan.

Of course, such blessings are indispensable, but Chu Lan can only provide them with the help of the law, and cannot provide them with a transformation of personality style, and this transformation of moral nobleness is actually these. This planet has sin and even destruction. These people looked back and smiled.

A foundation for their selfless dedication to them is actually such a heritage that gives them a divine personality. It can be seen that God is all transformed from the heart of man. After seeing this truth, the realm of these people actually has Countless growth, actually found another breakthrough.

Everyone understands that Chu Lan asked himself to look at these, which actually makes sense. In fact, they understand that after seeing these, Mr. Hu wants him to be able to compare his whole life and his current situation with his previous situation. The life through.

There is a clear judgment and a real comprehension. Only those who understand their life can truly comprehend and truly detach themselves, they can see clearly, dissect themselves, and truly liberate themselves from their shortcomings. , You can see the evolution of your country.

Continuous development, in this way, can truly stabilize the divinity, so that they can be more clear about their past, a person who understands his past can grasp his future, and everyone understands these and continues to look at their past, after which is their endless The tragic period of suffering. ..


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