The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 841: Illusion of the elderly

The owner continued to say gently:

"It's impossible to eat well, sleep well, and a person who doesn't eat well and sleep well, how can a happy life be possible."

"So I said that our heroes are to make us live a happier life, so we struggled so hard, so we stayed incognito, so we endured the pain that ordinary people can't bear. This is a great love. What they want is Happiness, not yourself, they are not for their reputation."

"Not even my own grandchildren, because their grandchildren are just like us, and now they are ordinary people, so the heroes who came out in this way have used their lives, tens of millions of years of hard work and pain in exchange for my happiness. , They think the most important thing is happiness."

"So as an ordinary person in this era, why can't I give something for your happiness? As the next generation, that is, this world, this planet, the future of this universe, I add some happiness to the future universe, Give a happy seed."

"Are you saying that I'm doing this deal very cost-effectively? So you say, your happiness is very important to me? So you say, your happiness is coming for a toy of mine, I am Isn't it possible to do this business? Am I, not taken advantage of by you?"

"Is it a fair transaction between us?"

The kid stared at his eyes for a while and then said:

"Well, it might be right to think so, but uncle, what is the seed you said?"

The owner said:

"Seeds are things that can grow into big trees. You are like seeds. We adults, and yourself, are like sunshine, and rain, sunshine and rain poured on the seeds, wearing slowly Absorb, grow slowly, and break out of the ground."

"Then under the sun and the rain, I wanted to grow into a towering sky, and continued to grow in the sky until they could touch the clouds. At that time, they all grew into towering trees, this world. There are countless seeds on it, and you are one of them."

"Now, I planted the seeds of happiness in your life and planted your importance to the world. After you grow into a tree in the future, you will share this happiness with others and help me spread it. Seed, this is the transaction between us, I will give you the bear."

"Then, you distribute my seeds to others, okay?"

The child said solemnly to the owner:

"Okay, I am willing to ask for your toys. I am willing to help you do these things. I think it is very interesting. I think if I tell my grandpa, my grandpa will be very happy."

So this child took this toy and returned home. The world will feel very curious about this event. So he followed a child and continued to return to the child’s house. This child is about to enter his own doorway, and there is a small road. At that time, the will of the world was also a whimsy. I don’t know whether it’s to detect this child, or the seeds of inner happiness to be tested, or to teach this child, in short, the will of the world will turn into an old man, and faltering As if he was miserable, he fell to the side of the road, and the child walked in front of him naturally.

When I met him, the old man didn't know if the child would stop to look at himself, so he didn't have too much eager eyes, but the child stopped and asked him:

"Grandpa, what are you doing here?"

The old grandpa said:

"Child, you don't know, or your family hasn't told you, when you meet the old man on the road and lie on the side of the road, is it better not to talk to her easily?"

The child asked with wide eyes:

"Why? My family told me that my grandpa told me that if you meet someone in need on the road, you must help him, because he must have encountered difficulties, and you are about the same age as my grandpa Also tell me that I should call your grandfather."

"Grandpa, what are you doing here? Why are you saying such a weird thing? I am now ten years old. I haven’t heard anyone tell me that someone who needs help on the road must be careful not to help He really needs to stay away from him, why do you say that?"

"Isn't that what you misunderstood about others?"

The child was sincere, and then he cared about the old man. He was telling the truth. The will of the world began to be a bit chaotic, because it witnessed the selfishness of too many people, and the selfishness of these people pushed towards the whole world. A more selfish situation, at the beginning of some worlds.

Selfishness is something that is criticized and shameful. Everyone creates selfishness for their short-term confusion, and regrets for life, but when it comes to it, selfishness becomes a smart thing. This world will stay on a planet for a while. , At the beginning of that planet.

It is very innocent. At that time, no one would deceive others, and no one would hurt others. Of course, there are some ignorant teenagers, who have more nature to eat, drink and play. After they hurt others, they see The tears of others' hot tears, they will realize that they are wrong.

In fact, they don't know why they are wrong, but they also know where they must be doing something wrong. They start to introspect and start to get better.

Later, in this world, there was something called money. Money became a person, whether it became a person, whether it was loved, whether it became a person, whether it was respected, whether it was a person, that it was love, or a stable family. , An important criterion for a happy life.

By that time, people had the main purpose of whether they could get money, and whether they could get money as their main direction. They gradually wondered how to maintain a purity, how to be worthy of others, how to be able to supervise what they do, and they began to think With.

How can I make more money for myself, how can I have more money than others, so that others can respect themselves, such a money-oriented direction began to emerge, many people began to deceive, or use everyone's bones There is a lot of kindness that cannot be wiped out.

After there are more people like this, those who really need help can't get help, because the whole society unanimously believes that everyone in this kind of society should be able to help themselves. ..


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