There should be no hardships, even if there is, unless this person is truly recognized by everyone.

Otherwise, no one is willing to help them hastily, unless it is on a very formal occasion, unless there is real strong evidence that this person really needs help, and this person is worth everyone's help, but someone is on the roadside If you fall.

Then, I want others to help you, help you, and give you a bottle of water, which is very difficult, because it is difficult for everyone to believe in a short time, it is difficult for you to determine your true purpose in a short world And your real situation, so many people are not selfish, but this self-protection.

In fact, more often than not, it shows the sadness of a world. This is what the world will not see. It is a weird phenomenon between the whole society and the whole human beings caused by the problems of the world. Here, he thinks this child You should learn to protect yourself.

After all, the will of the world sees hope in him. The shop owner just now seems not to be an ordinary person, as if he has some special power, but he looks so ordinary, just like what he said, he said he is A great ordinary person, however.

But this great ordinary person actually planted a seed in the heart of this child, this seed is very strange, this seed seems to have the power to change the world, this seed is now in the body of this child, the world will not know What to think.

He may have decided to accept this world, and he has begun to want to exercise some of his responsibilities, that is, to change a person’s mental state, to guide a person, and want to become a habit, so he wants this child to develop this habit, raise In one, know how to identify and avoid risks.

The habit of growing up better, he also has a purpose, is to look at this child, what happiness in this heart is composed of ingredients, so he fell here, on the one hand, to test this child, but also Examining the happy ingredients in his heart, on the other hand.

He wanted to teach the child some truth, but now, he thinks the truth is right. The experience he has accumulated over the years has actually been somewhat naive in front of this child. Does he think that all the previous experience is wrong? But experience tells the world that the will is impossible.

However, in this world, his experience is really not applicable, so the child got up, gave him the water he bought, and gave him the toys he bought. The will of the world was very different, so he asked:

"Children, this water, if I remember correctly, your family needs it, I heard they are playing a game now, and they need water very much, but if you can send this water to them, they will be able to Get more happiness, don't you, and this toy."

"If I remember correctly, someone gave it to you. When someone gave it to you, I said, this thing is to make you happy. Now you give them to me, don't you think it's a bit inappropriate? ? Have you forgotten what you are going to do? You did, but promised others."

"To help others spread happiness."

The child asked:

"Grandpa, how do you know that I wanted to buy water just now, how do you know what the water I want to buy is? How do you know that this toy is for me, and how do you know what he said to me? ?Are you a fairy? I heard that there are some fairy in the legend."

"I love to dress up as some grandpas and grandmaes, and then tell jokes with the children, and then I also heard that when these fairies are often transformed into these shapes, most of them want to talk about some truth, um, grandpa, you Is it a fairy? Are you here to teach me something?"

The will of the world feels that it has no face, because a 10-year-old child guessed his identity and was not afraid. This thing is so amazing. The world will feel very happy. Then he said:

"Yeah, I wanted to teach you some truths, but I found that I might not be able to teach you these truths, because I found that I didn't seem to understand these things yet. You can tell me why you want to put this little bear and Will you give me the water?"

The little boy said:

"Although my family needs this water, it is not so uncomfortable if you don’t drink it, but you obviously need this water more, and if there are other things on my body, such as food, Or clean clothes, I can give you directly."

"Rather than use this useless toy, this toy is something that can make me happy, but it seems to be really useless to you. I want to give you my happiness and make you happier. Some, let you in this not stable life, not too happy life."

"Get as many things as possible, more happiness, so that you will feel better, this is also my blessing, I promised the shop owner to help him spread happiness, but I still don't understand how to spread happiness One thing, but I remember Grandpa told me."

"Maybe when you give something you like to others, he will not like it very much, but this person will definitely feel your blessings and will be happy, as long as he is a kind-hearted person, I think grandpa you It turned out to be a fairy, then you must be a kind person."

"So, even if you are temporarily down, now life is not happy, I want to pass on my happiness to you, I want to let you know, the owner wants to make me happy, so I want to make you happy, the owner wants to make one not at all The kid you know is happy, then this kid."

"I also want an old grandpa who doesn't even know to be happy. I also hope that grandpa you can meet other unhappy people in the future and hope that she is happy. In this way, it's like the water is in the sky It's as if the paint meets the water and spreads all at once."

"This way happiness comes to every drop of water, as if it came to every one of us. Happiness needs everyone, every drop of water is passed on, grandpa, do you say I am right? This is what you want Let me teach you the truth. Before that, I didn’t understand anything."

When the 10-year-old said this, a lot of light came out of him, and between the light, the seeds of the child actually sprouted. ..


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