The Legendary System Dominates the World

Chapter 845: Follow-up observation

However, when he followed this child into a family that looked like other families.

He hadn't entered yet, he heard endless laughter in this yard and heard countless waves of consciousness with surging joy, this is from this child's family, they seem to be playing a game , Is the game that children say.

It’s called peek-a-boo, but this peek-a-boo seems to incorporate other forms of games. It seems that when a person finds a place where other people hide, they still have to play many forms of games to make the final decision. For example, many people hid.

After this person is found, this person will have many forms of competition with the person he finds. It may be wrestling, boxing, running, any kind of sports, or an intellectual game. Then after this person really lost.

Or, after five wins and three wins, this talent was truly defeated, which is not the same as some previous peek-a-boo games, and this game seems to reflect some kind of world truth in this matter. how to say? If the peek-a-boo was found before, the identities of the cat and the mouse were exchanged.

But in fact, it is impossible for life to require only one link to completely change the situation between yourself and the environment, so it should be through a continuous discovery, and after discovering it, you need some behavior to achieve the result. Only then, the will of the world is very interesting.

But these people look tired, this is not good, so the game seems really tired, and they are indeed waiting for several of their children to come back with these waters, in fact they don’t know, or in other words, actually The child did not tell these parents to buy water for them.

Because he saw them thirsty, but these parents guessed that they did not notice the children and the will of the world, they started to stop the game and chatted happily.

"Well, my little grandson didn't know he ran away, he must have bought water for us, do you believe it?"

It was a kind old man who said this sentence. He had a kind smile, and interpreted wisdom between his eyes. This is not the same as what the world will guess. Of course, the world will also understand, because this world may take a Kind to put a complete planet.

In this way, all the residents are completely embedded in this new world as a foundation. In fact, many creations have done it before, because they don’t really agree with the fate, so they think that some of them are relatively good. Planets, migrate directly to their new world.

Then train them, which determines that some of the elderly can still maintain their wisdom, but young people or newborns are not necessarily. Such a model can actually largely determine the direction of a world’s development, but the previous models of Genesis God have failed, not because of the life of the world they chose. But because of their choice, they do not have a state of life in this world.

No one is ready to accept all this. From the perspective of these migrating world life, they feel that they have entered the planet before and suddenly disappeared. This is actually a run-down for them. A sense of belonging between them , And their feelings for their own planet.

As well as their own realm and understanding, they can’t imagine this is the beginning of a so-called new era. What they can think, they can always think of, such a concept that they can accept is that their planet is actually already Broken, and people who don't know themselves are here.

Living here like a prisoner, although I don't know why everything here is pretty good, what are they facing? It is not the very advanced and elegant civilization of their previous planet, nor the peaceful and peaceful state of life.

They came to a world where there was nothing. Although they didn’t know who made some houses for them, built something for them, and let them live here, it seems that they still saved the technology of their planet before, but In addition, outside this building like a cage.

It is an endless desert. In addition to the nearby desert, there are many species in this yellow nursery that they have not seen. These species are also intelligent, cruel, and without civilization. They continue to invade their The castle put a lot of pressure on them.

All of this looks awkward, and more prominently, there are many power centers outside their country. These creatures look strange and strange. They are the kind of monsters recorded in history, and these monsters have become The nightmare of my own planet.

And the power they have is more powerful for themselves, and because they have lost their own world, these people are like foreigners here. They are like animals in the zoo. These powerful people with horns Creatures were caught by them and locked in one place.

They were watched and played by animals like zoos. Some of them were caught as slaves after being caught by other powerful creatures. All these things caused them a very bad influence, but the final result May be beyond everyone's expectations.

It is not that these people who have migrated to a new planet in the end died in despair, but that these people themselves are representatives of civilization, they represent a highly developed civilization system, they have no less than knowing the new Social civilization, but in the end they gave up their original civilization.

They only use their own wisdom, use all the social achievements they have studied in the past few years, apply it to war, apply them to war, use all the weaknesses of this world, take advantage of the characteristics of all life in this world, Let this world kill each other.

Then the world began to become a game of chess. How did the residents of these higher creatures who have been drawn do?

They used the entire planet as a battlefield in their game, and all creatures were used as chess pieces to attack each other. They used their wisdom to create the strongest weapon in the world, and then ruled the world, but this way, if this Everyone on the invited planet. ..

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