If they are regarded as a protagonist, should their deeds be spread?

They just became more evil, they just gave up their original persistence, because they found that in such an environment, if they want to survive their race, if they want to maintain their dignity, then they This must be done.

Others must be regarded as enemies, and other people are indeed their enemies. Otherwise, if they are not enemies, how could they do such a thing?

How can they treat their masters as slaves and treat them like animals, so it is actually wrong to create this kind of creation god, they use a high-end social civilization as the source of this world, but Did not give him a good germinal environment.

In this way, he did not prepare these seeds, and these seeds did not know that they were used as a seed, so when called this, the contradiction will be amplified, so that all living things will show a confrontational relationship And the most crucial thing for Genesis God is that there is no good environment for these seeds.

After they brought in these seeds, they still continued the set of destiny, which allowed the world to develop in an orderly way. They thought that the people they had drawn that represented a high degree of social civilization must use their experience and use Their matter, to change this disordered state.

Let this disorderly state develop from an orderly state, of course, the final result is that this distance has greatly shortened the planet, ruled by these people from various advanced civilizations, completely ruled, but in the end, Of course, people on this planet have also completed an improvement on themselves.

They gradually managed the planet very well under their own social positioning, but then the destiny began to intervene, and the civilization was over, indicating that if God was to draw different civilizations, but they did not give them any help. , But still did not expect their so-called highly civilized.

Not from the beginning of the chaos, it is not said that there is a high degree of social civilization after this chaos, or that it is from a stage after this chaos, and then from this Transition from one stage to another, from this stage to the next stage.

Little by little, it was done continuously in a regular form, and finally it was in accordance with the law only when it reached the stage of this highly advanced social civilization, and the founding gods obviously did not find these truths. They were too anxious and did not Perceive what is necessary for the development of this world.

They only know that it is hard to move, the world will think, now this world is actually such a world, they also attracted a group of social life from other planets, but these lives seem to be somewhat different from other worlds, this world is Take the developed life as the source.

And before, those lives didn’t seem to know why they were being drawn, but these people, they seemed to understand their mission very well, all of which are amazing, because judging from the will of the world, people from all levels above the **** level come See, their relationship with humans, their relationship with ordinary life.

auzw.com The relationship between ordinary creatures and ordinary humans is actually very delicate. Although they need to rely on humans to help him. In other words, they themselves appear as the assistants of human beings, and then help human beings to accomplish one of their goals and complete a transformation of the world.

No matter what the relationship is, they and humans cannot exist as a friend. This is the old world will, the fixed idea of ​​the old god, no matter who it is, no matter whether they have opinions or no opinions about the destiny Under the circumstances, they will not think about it.

Go to be friends with people, because there are a lot of unwillingness to make friends because God sees the world and people are different. People can never go beyond the limit of their lives, and because of the limits of their lives. Sex”, so there is no way to see the world as high as God.

Did not develop to such a high angle to look at all this, treat it so indifferently, and because of the short life, God they are not willing to bear the pain of losing friends, so in this way, they and people naturally maintain A distance, but now it seems.

It seems that this place is not the same as the previous world. Now he really wants to make friends with these human beings. The world will not know why he thinks so. He always thinks that the shopkeeper is not simple and does not know what is going on. He wanted to continue to take a look.

He felt that there was the answer he wanted in this family, so he continued to move forward and found something. He saw these people continue to discuss that he met this child.

After the old grandfather said this sentence, the others also followed, and the world will see clearly the composition of their family members, an old grandpa, an old "milk" and "milk", as well as an old grandpa and an old man. "Milk" "Milk", then, a father, a mother, and then an uncle, and an uncle.

In this way, it seems that the will of the world does have some understanding of the family of human society. He observed that this is a combined family, which is different from the main family. This seems to be a combination of husband and wife. They have a child, that is the child he met

The husband and wife of this husband and wife all come here, and this husband and wife each have a younger brother, and they all live together. This may be the biggest feature of this world. They are the core of the husband and wife. Then such a relationship between old and young seems to be in the form of a large backbone family.

The will of the world looked at the world and found out that it was true. Then the will of the world heard the dialogue between them. Others said to the old grandpa:

"Well, you are right, your little grandson, no one hurts, it hurts you the most. Just now you said that you are thirsty, he may understand it in his heart, and then go to fetch you water. ."

There was a sour tone between everyone's speeches, but everyone could hear it, which was a joke, but this old grandpa took it seriously, he said:

"That is of course. Grandpa takes his grandson the closest. Of course, now you two young and young are just married. I know a lot of things. The child, of course, does not disturb you, so I say..."

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