The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 202: Beauty came to beg to be submerged

The next day, Chief Guo's goddaughter, Meimei, did not go to the crew to sign a contract.

In the morning, I drove a brand-new sports car to the door and saw the old Laosong Guest House. It was too dirty, so I turned around and went to the beauty salon for beauty treatment.

I called Xiaoxing Xiao on the way and asked him to take the contract to the beauty club to find himself to sign.

Son of a bitch!

Dog ×'s!

Hanging up, Xiaoxing Xi and Zhang Xiaoquan scolded angrily.

Mai Xiaoyu also cursed "signing sister" and told them to ignore the matter and he would deal with it.

A few days later, the "Stone" crew straightened out all the external relationships and went all out to audition the actors, but people began to unblock the crew.

After dinner, he fought to the end with Lao Song and Xiao Song and his son at the mahjong table. At 11 o'clock in the evening, Mai Xiaoyu returned to the room with more than 300 yuan he won.

As he was about to go to the water room to wash and go to bed, there was a soft knock on the door.

No way, come again!

It was about this point last night when a very beautiful girl knocked on his door.

That girl is a junior at the Huangjueping campus of Shancheng Academy of Fine Arts. Years later, when school started and returned to school, I accidentally heard my roommate talk about a film crew coming to Shancheng to film. He lives in the Lao Song Guest House in Huangjiaoping and is auditioning for actors.

A slap won't make a sound.

The unspoken rules prevail in the entertainment industry. In addition to some people wanting to dive, there are others who actively seek it.

Although the crew of "Stone" is small, it is also a regular crew. Even if Liu Tianwang's friendship guest appearance is still at the stage of rumors, this is an opportunity for young people who have star dreams but have nowhere to go.

So, at 11 o'clock last night, Mai Xiaoyu saw the girl, dressed very beautifully, very charming...

Unexpectedly, at this point tonight, someone knocked on the door again.

Hey, why don't they go to Lao Su?

Mai Xiaoyu opened the door and said casually: "Did you go to the wrong door?"

"You didn't go to the wrong door, I'm here to find you, Mr. Mai."

There was still a young girl outside, dressed very fashionably.

The upper body is a plush sweater with a white shirt inside; the lower body is a short leather skirt with a double layer of ruffles and black short boots. The body exudes a tempting perfume smell, looking at Mai Xiaoyu with a smile.

The girl is Luo Xue, 24 years old this year, the only daughter of a middle-class family, a former lamb, now a cute member, came to audition for the role of "Jingjing" the day before yesterday.

"Luo Xue, please come in, what is so urgent, can't you tell me tomorrow?"

Seeing that she was a member, Mai Xiaoyu didn't think much about it, and after letting her come in, he closed the door casually.

However, when he closed the door and just turned around, a fragrant wind hit his neck, a pair of jade arms wrapped around his neck, his tender body was close to him, and his lips were sealed with warm and hot cherry lips...

My Nima!

After a moment of loss, Mai Xiaoyu was pushed against the door by Luo Xue, hugged him tightly, kissed him, and the soft lilac tongue tried to pry open his teeth.

"You are crazy!"

Mai Xiaoyu pushed Luo Xue away hard, Luo Xue plunged into his arms again and hugged him tightly: "Mai, I love you."

"Don't be kidding." Mai Xiaoyu stretched his right hand silently behind Luo Xue's neck.

"Really. I saw you send that girl from the Academy of Fine Arts back to school last night, and I knew that you were a good person and the destiny in my life."

Did you also come last night?

What the hell!

Mai Xiaoyu thought for a while and said, "I have to tell you something, I am GAY."

"And Director Xi?"

"Yes. Did you hear what I said to the girl from the Academy of Fine Arts last night?"

"You lie!" Luo Xue hugged him tighter and smiled triumphantly: "Today I asked Xi Gui, and he scolded you as a **** and said you slandered his reputation."


Need to change one.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled nonchalantly, holding Luo Xue's waist and hips with both hands down: "So, you came to see me to roll the bed tonight?"

"I hate it, it's so ugly." Luo Xue shyly buried her head on Mai Xiaoyu's chest, rubbing his forehead against his chin, "I really like you and want to be your girlfriend."

"It's all the same!"

Mai Xiaoyu picked up Luo Xue and put it on the bed, playing with her hair, and whispered softly: "Then we should rest early? But let me make it clear that the role of'Jingjing' can't be given to you."


Luo Xue sat up from the bed and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and stood up: "Don't you say that you really like me? Are you here for the role of'Jingjing'?"

"Hey, you lied again! Wu Song passed the audition. Wang Xun was not a member and passed the audition. I am your girlfriend. You will definitely take care of me."

"I have a girlfriend."

Luo Xue was a little confused: "Do you have a girlfriend? Who is it?"

"Associate director Huang Yi, live right across the door."

Luo Xue: "..."

Mai Xiaoyu lit a cigarette and said, "You have to think carefully. If you stay with me tonight, the role of'Jingjing' will be gone."

"Me, I passed the audition?"

Mai Xiaoyu nodded.

There are very few female roles in the audition of "Stone", and the part of "Jingjing" who plays the most part is the target of all the female members of Shancheng.

Luo Xue's image and temperament are in line with this role, and after they discussed it, they already liked her.

The reason why she has not been notified is because Mai Xiaoyu is waiting for Guo to go crazy, so as to smooth the thorn in one fell swoop.

Who wants Luo Xue to be anxious and take the initiative to ask for submarine for the role.

"Why didn't you tell me when I walked in?"

Mai Xiaoyu shrugged: "Do I have a chance to open my mouth then?"

Luo Xue touched her lips and smiled, and immediately thought of something, and jumped off the bed: "It's broken, I was bumped by Director Huang when I came to see you just now. Don't worry, I'll explain it to her now!"


Before the last word "go" was spoken, Luo Xue had already ran out and knocked on Huang Yi's door.


Said a good scheming girl!

Huang Yi opened the door and looked at Luo Xue suspiciously: "Luo Xue? Looking for me so late?"

Luo Xue lowered her voice: "Director Huang, nothing happened to me and Mr. Mai. Don't think about it."

"What did you say?"

"Oh, you don't need to lie to me, Mr. Mai told me that he didn't do anything to sorry you."

Huang Yi's eyes straightened: "You don't think I and him..."

"I remember, the romance in the entertainment industry is generally confidential. Don't worry, Huang, I promise you won't talk about it. Mr. Mai, you don't need to send me off when I accompany Huang. Guide, don’t let Huang guide misunderstanding."

Luo Xue ran away, leaving a place with chicken feathers.

Mai Xiaoyu stood at the door of his room dumbfounded.

Huang Yi leaned on the door frame and embraced her arms, looking at Mai Xiaoyu with a smile.

Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan in the next room poked their heads out, staring at Mai Xiaoyu and Huang Yi, watching the play.

Mai Xiaoyu opened his mouth and wanted to explain, but Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan's expressions were so awkward that he couldn't speak.

On the contrary, Huang Yi was generous and generous: "Mr. Mai, can you accompany me to the balcony to blow the hair?"

Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan snickered, Mai Xiaoyu sent out two middle fingers, and Huang Yi went to the balcony at the end of the corridor.

Lying on the railing, Huang Yi said astonishingly: "Mr. Mai, are you a man?" (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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