? "Mr. Mai, are you a man?"

Huang Yi speaks surprisingly. <>

Mai Xiaoyu remained indifferent.

He thought that the friendship with Huang Yi did not deserve it, and in these days of contact, he also felt that Huang Yi is not the kind of girl who is particularly open.

Sure enough, Huang Yi has something to follow.

"Luo Xue is very beautiful, why don't you accept it and use me as a shield?"

"You knew already?"

"Aren't these things very common?"

Diving and being submerged is one of the eternal topics in the entertainment circle.

People outside the circle may still be curious about gossip, but those in the circle have long been used to it.

"Go to bed first, then play", soon Nima has become the custom. Girls from academic classes...maybe there may be boys who can't avoid them, let alone a girl like Luo Xue.

When she saw Luo Xue late at night, Huang Yi had already guessed the truth, but the ending was beyond her expectations, and she didn't expect Mai Xiaoyu to use herself as a shield.

"And the girl last night, you didn't let you in, and you seemed to send her home in the end, didn't you? She and Luo Xue are very beautiful, you are not tempted at all?"

Mai Xiaoyu lit the cigarette, blowing in the cold wind, and replied earnestly: "I am gay."

"You used this reason to coax away the girl from last night? Then why not continue to use this reason to coax Luo Xue away?"

"She heard it last night, go to Xiaoxing Xi to verify today..."

"Hey." Huang Yi laughed, "The master is right, you are really a weird person, and you don't act like those in the circle."

"Neither do you."


"Because of so many days, you never knocked on my door late at night."

Huang Yi gave him an angry look, then leaned on the railing, looking at the dark night sky, and sighed: "Sometimes I admire or envy them. They have the courage to knock and the capital to knock. but me……"

Mai Xiaoyu leaned against the railing, smoking a cigarette, quietly listening to Huang Yi's emotion.

"After four years of university, I was the only student in the class who hadn't taken any drama. First, I liked drama. If I left, no one in the class would rehearse drama. Secondly, if I wanted to make a movie, I would definitely do it after graduation. There are many opportunities, and four years of college have said that it will pass, and they will never be able to make up for it in the future."

"I didn't show up until I graduated. I was too naive. I had a nickname at university called'Brother Hao' because I was very fat when I was a freshman, almost one hundred and forty catties. Then I lost it. But I still get hit often, saying that I'm not pretty."

"At that time, I always felt that as long as I worked hard to learn acting and improve acting skills, I would definitely have filming after graduation. It was not until graduation that I started running the crew, and I realized that beauty is very important to actresses. Many opportunities are lost because I am not beautiful. ."

"Some directors often tell me that what they need is a very beautiful big Tsing Yi. Later, I got into the habit. Before I run the crew, I first understand what kind of actress the other party needs. If someone chooses to be beautiful, I won’t It's wasting people's time."

"That's why I saw you for the first time at the master's house a year ago. When you asked me to make a film, I would first ask you what kind of heroine you need. If you say you need beautiful ones, I won't accept..."

The girl from the Academy of Fine Arts and Luo Xue evoked the sadness in Huang Yi's heart, pouring out their hearts in melancholy.

When her confession was over, Mai Xiaoyu said in a serious manner: "Actually, I think you are very beautiful. If you are willing to knock on my door, I will definitely not refuse. And it is possible to make a TV series and let you act as a female one. ."

Huang Yi turned to look at him, feeling a little speechless: "This is...comfort?"

"You can also understand it as molesting|drama."

Huang Yi: "..."

"I am serious."

"You are indeed a weird person, and the way of comforting people is so different. But the effect is not bad, and my mood is much better, thank you."

"If you really want to thank me, then help our company make this movie. You know, Gou Yunhao, Wu Song, Luo Xue and others have never learned acting. At the very beginning, you need your assistant director to tell them Play, teach them how to act."


In mid-March, 6 cast members of the "Stone" crew continued to join the group, and all actors were selected.

Except for the actors Guo Tao, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Lian Jin and other actors selected a year ago, all other role actors were selected from the mountain city. There are cute members, actors from the Shancheng Repertory Troupe and Peking Opera Troupe, as well as extras recommended by the Longxing Group Performing Association.

This makes the "Stone" crew famous in Shancheng, and it is easy to invite several local media to participate in the upcoming opening ceremony.

The day before the opening ceremony, the director team and the main actors such as Guo Tao, Huang Bo, Gou Yunhao, Luo Xue, Wang Xun, etc., arranged the procedure for the opening ceremony tomorrow, and Gou Yunhao's cell phone rang.

After he went out to answer the phone, he called out Mai Xiaoyu again, lowered his voice and said with a weird face: "Chu Guo's call said that he was waiting for you at the Sovereign Club at night."

The Sovereign Club is a very low-key private club in Shancheng. It implements a membership system. Members are either rich or expensive, and ordinary citizens rarely know it.

Gou Yunhao also has a membership card, but he rarely goes there because it is too expensive.

Only when banqueting or making friends with some heavyweights will they go to the Sovereign Club to pretend to be forced.

At 7:30 in the evening, Gou Yunhao and Mai Xiaoyu came to the Sovereign Club and met Chu Guo in the Feng Ya Pavilion.

Chu Guo didn't raise his eyelids, and continued to play mahjong. The goddaughter Meimei, who was nestling next to him, didn't raise her butt, and said casually, "Sit down first, and wait for my godfather to finish playing cards."

It sounds as if we have something to ask you!

With a backpack on his back, Mai Xiaoyu sat on the redwood sand with Gou Yunhao and watched the people at Chu Guo chatting while playing mahjong.

I quickly learned from the other party's chat that the three Mahjong players came from the police, the city management and the fire station. As long as you want to manage, Quan Nima can manage the crew.

Needless to say, public security and urban management, fire fighting... During the filming of the Luohan Temple and Laosong Guest House, the firefighting team suddenly issued an approval to inspect the fire fighting facilities. Do you want the crew to shut down? Is there any loss from downtime?

Based on the poor conditions of the Lao Song Guest House, if the fire department wants to check it out, check it out one by one!

At that time, business will be closed for rectification, and Lao Song will entertain all the losses, and the crew will suffer even more losses!


The threat of Chiguoguo.

Just the day before the launch ceremony of "Crazy Stone", Chu Guo showed his fangs and clearly conveyed his dissatisfaction that the "Rock" crew did not sign a contract with the goddaughter!

Gou Yunhao swallowed, slightly nervous.

Mai Xiaoyu was holding the backpack, frowning gradually.

Ten minutes later, Mai Xiaoyu was reluctant to wait: "Chu Guo..."

"What is it called~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I didn't see my godfather playing cards!"

Beautiful and fierce, Mai Xiaoyu is even more fierce: "Men speak, it's your turn to interrupt!"


The four people at the poker table looked at Mai Xiaoyu at the same time, and the three card players had poor eyesight.

Chu Guo smiled faintly and waved his hand: "Don't pay attention to him, let's continue playing cards. I will do everything this time, so be careful."

The tubes are all in one color, and there are five tubes in a single card.

After a round of rounds, it's time to go to Guo to pick up the cards.

He picked up the card and rubbed his thumb hard, it was five tubes!

Touch yourself!

Just as he was about to pat the table and show the cards, Yu Guang suddenly realized that Mai Xiaoyu, who was sitting on the redwood sand opposite, raised a laptop for some unknown time, and a video was playing inside... (to be continued.) 8

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