? "Boss, you filmed a TV series, isn't it for Huang Yi?"

Mai Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows: "Are you eavesdropping on our chat?"

Xiaoxing Xi immediately hid behind Zhang Xiaoquan: "I'm just worried that you made a mistake, don't forget your'Sister Tao'."

"Am I the kind of 2B filming a TV series for a woman? Come here, Lao Xi, and I promise not to kill you." After scaring Xiao Xing, Mai Xiaoyu added, "Liu Tao is also the star."

Also starring?

What did Zhang Xiaoquan think of, pushed Xiaoxing Xiaoxing away, and sat beside Mai Xiaoyu: "Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Liu Tao Huang Yi, twin twins, do you have a book?"

"No, I'm thinking of the main line."

Xiaoxing Xi came over: "Are you screenwriter?"

"No, Ah Zheng, screenwriter."

"Then you conceive a fur!"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

It made sense, but Mai Xiaoyu felt speechless.

Xiaoxing Xi asked: "In your mind, Liu Tao's weight is heavier, or Huang Yi's weight is heavier? Don't stare at me, I will change it. Your TV series, Liu Tao's role is more, Or is Huang Yi playing more roles?"

"Shut up!" Mai Xiaoyu and Zhang Xiaoquan scolded at the same time.

"I'm the director, and the crew is the biggest." Xiaoxing Xiao muttered in a low voice, lowered his head aggrievedly, then raised his ears and listened carefully to what the two said.

Zhang Xiaoquan knew that he could not persuade Mai Xiaoyu to change his mind, he still reminded: "Yu'er, filming is not the same as filming TV. I won't talk about the other things. The upper part of the movie we have cooperated well with Hailian Cinema. You can work with them. As for the TV series, do you have a relationship with the TV station? After the filming, can the TV station be guaranteed to buy and broadcast?"

TV dramas are the same as movies. It doesn't mean that you will be able to broadcast them once they are filmed.

Less than 30% of the movies filmed every year can land in theaters. Although the situation of TV dramas is relatively optimistic, it is because China has a large number of terrestrial channels. The only reinstallation positions for TV dramas are CCTV and a few first-line star satellite TVs.

"The boat will be straight at the end of the bridge." Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "Brother Fork, have you forgotten that when you just decided to make a movie, you were worried about not being able to show it."

"What is the estimated investment?"

"Five or six million."


"It depends on the situation, you don't have to go through the bank, I have a source of funds."

"Ancient costume drama? Anti-Japanese war drama? Spy war drama? Urban drama?"

"Not ready yet."

"Don't find two TV cafes?"

"The script hasn't been decided yet..."

The two were chatting, Xiaoxing Xi, who was silent next to him, patted his thigh: "I understand! Boss, you are not making a TV series for one woman, you are for two!"

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Zhang Xiaoquan: "..."

Is Mai Xiaoyu making TV series just for two women?

That night, Xiaoxing Xiao led the crew to shoot the night scene. Mai Xiaoyu stayed alone in the guest house, sitting in the room holding a pen and paper, writing troubledly.

In the male lead column, he wrote: Huang Bo, Deng Chao.

In the female lead column, write in sequence: Liu Tao, Huang Yi.

After I finished writing, I thought about it, and added the word "Lin Zhiling" after the name of "Huang Yi".

That's right!

If you have to say that this TV series is filmed for women, then it is not two, but three!

Liu Tao!

Huang Yi!

Lin Zhiling!

The problem that bothers Mai Xiaoyu now is-with so many high-rated TV series in his dream, which one is "copied"?

Almost a year has passed since that strange dream, and his life has changed drastically, making him realize the value of it.

However, Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Liu Tao, Huang Yi, Lin Zhiling...the combination of these people, which TV series can put them all in, and give full play to the characteristics of each person?

Put away the paper, lie on the bed, and close your eyes.

The liar Mai turned into an "international spray", carefully reviewing the high ratings of the TV series in his dreams, looking for a suitable one, but... accidentally fell asleep.

Bang bang bang!

The rapid knock on the door awakened Mai Xiaoyu. He opened his eyes in a daze and realized that it was almost twelve o'clock.

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Mai, it's me, Lao Gou!"

Today’s night scene was finished, Xiaoxing Xi took the crew back to the Laosong Guest House.

After starting the machine, Gou Yunhao also lived in the crew, and the staff of Haofeng Microfinance was remotely controlled by telephone-mainly for lending and collecting accounts.

After work tonight, I came to see Mai Xiaoyu, the purpose is to learn from the experience.

Ever since I saw Mai Xiaoyu's video, coupled with the charm of both soft and hard language, "turning the enemy into a friend" with Guo Chu, Gou Yunhao has been shocked. For the past few days, he has been asking for advice on a more "civilized" and effective method of collection.

He has a background in loan sharking, but he can't avoid the common phenomena in the industry such as dead debts, bad debts, bad debts, and bad debts.

In the past two days, Haofeng Small Loan encountered a hob meat, borrowed 500,000 yuan last year, and failed to repay the debt when it was due.

Haofeng comes to be soft, and they pretend to be poor, and fight attrition with you; Haofeng comes to be hard, they call the police for injustice, and ask the police uncle to call the shots for the people.

In a word, dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, they just don't pay back.

"Does he have any money to pay back?"

"Of course! Let's put it this way. Last year, he bought a villa in the name of his wife and rented it to two newly graduated female students. In fact, they were both his lover. It belongs to Ge Lao Tzu, he is purely ..."

Gou Yunhao narrated cursingly, that Mai Xiaoyu's thoughts had long since flown away.

Villas, rentals, beauties...

The inspiration flashed, Mai Xiaoyu thought of which TV series to shoot!

"Brother Dog, thank you, thank you!"

Gou Yunhao was confused: "Thank me? Thank me for what? Mr. Mai, I'm here for help, or I will ask two girls to trick him into the hotel, and then take pictures..."

"I told you that sneak shots are not a panacea, and improper handling may even fold you in." Mai Xiaoyu thought for a moment, "teaching you a trick, which can basically kill you. A copy of his ID card, proof of income, etc. Do you have it in your hand?"


"Do you know the person who handles the credit card?"

"Our company has business dealings with credit card centers of many banks~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that's simple. Let your person, bring the person who handles the credit card, go to his house and do it in front of him. Card. After the credit card comes down, the cash and interest will be paid out first, and then the accounts between you will be cleared. The rest is the problem between him and the bank."

I'll go ahead and dump the bad debts to the bank!

This trick is efficient and portable, and it has a wide range of applications. You don't have to worry about making too much noise in the future collection, which will cause trouble to the police uncle!

Gou Yunhao stretched out his thumbs and admired his eyes: "High, it is really high, you can think of such a trick. Mr. Mai, what did you do before?"

Mai Xiaoyu certainly can't tell Gou Yunhao that he has studied for five periods in the short-term professional crash course, and his classmates are all over the three schools and nine classes.

Gou Yunhao was sent away, he locked the door and took out the pen and paper again, activated the humanoid photocopier, and copied the TV script! (To be continued.)

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