The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 214: Crew detective class

Enduring the restlessness in his heart, Mai Xiaoyu fast-forwarded all the way to watch the secret shots of the miniature camera, and finally understood why Wang Yidong's expression was so weird when he took the miniature camera away at the hotel in the afternoon. ranw?en???`

It is a complex expression mixed with fear, regret, relief, and gloat.

As a scam company, Mengren is just the lowest-level scam company, cheating some money; Huaying Baichen is different, judging from the secretly filmed video content, people are really connected in the entertainment industry, otherwise they can’t be an intermediary... …Or a pimping entertainment company.

The grandson surnamed Wang, pimped and still filmed secretly, do you want to threaten something in the future?

This thunder is now in my hands and has to be collected. Once it leaks out, it is estimated that people who want to kill me can line up.

As for deleting, Mai Xiaoyu never thought that it did not meet the professionalism of a liar.

What if you need it someday?


The filming of "Evening Heaven and Slaying the Dragon" was mainly concentrated in Yanjing, and the shooting locations were almost all over the suburbs of Yanjing.

Early the next morning, Mai Xiaoyu went to the company for a round, and then contacted Liu Tao's assistant Xiao Song. Asked about the schedule of the crew of "Yi Tian" and told her not to tell Liu Tao, and then drove to Huairou.

The filming of TV dramas is generally divided into several groups to be carried out at the same time, and the actors will also go to different groups to shoot their own scenes according to their respective announcements.

Today, Liu Tao and Su Youpeng are in the same group in the scene where the six major factions besieged Guangmingding.

Mai Xiaoyu bought a lot of snacks and drove to the crew to explore the crew.

When he came to the location, he was immediately stopped by the staff.

Moeren film and television boss?

do not know.

The crew is filming, and it is strictly forbidden to disturb by irrelevant personnel.

Nothing, Mai Xiaoyu had to contact Xiao Song and let her come out to pick herself up.

Xiao Song came out very well.

She is Liu Tao's life assistant. After shooting for such a long time, she has long been familiar with the staff.

Say hello, the staff immediately let go, and some people followed to help Mai Xiaoyu carry two large boxes of snacks.

"The crew is so strict?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

"Yesterday, Mr. Su Youpeng's fans came to visit the class. There were a lot of people, and caused some trouble, which delayed the shooting. Director Yang became angry, so the card of the visitor was more strict in the past two days."

Mai Xiaoyu nodded and lowered his voice: "How about Liu Tao, haven't you been bullied by the crew?"

"Mr. Mai, if Sister Tao knows that you care about her so much, she will be very happy." Xiao Song smiled and introduced Liu Tao's current situation in the crew.

Liu Tao is very good in the crew, not only because of the small fire of "Huanzhu 3" and Su Youpeng's care, but also because of her straightforward and cheerful personality, she became good friends with the other three heroines.

The four people often make faces at the camera lens in their spare time during filming, laughing and joking. The staff are all amused by them, and the crew atmosphere is very pleasant.

They do not affect the progress of the filming, so the director is also up to them.

The film crew worked hard, not only the actors, but also every staff member. There were a few beauties who adjusted the atmosphere, and the director was happy to see it.

When I arrived at the shooting location, a contest between Mingjiao masters and masters of the six major factions was being filmed in the distance, and a large group of people were suppressed in darkness.

Here, Liu Tao, Chen Zihan, and Gao Yuanyuan in ancient costumes, three beauties sitting side by side on Shitaier, each with a pack of melon seeds, the competition to see who spit out the melon seeds.

There are three female assistants on the opposite side, making serious judgments, and a group of people are playing.

That picture... is so beautiful, the beautiful Mai Xiaoyu wants to cover his face.

Behind the three girls, Xiao Song shouted, "Sister Tao, who are you here?"

The relationship between the three women is really good. They turn their heads in the same direction and frequency.

It's just that Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Zihan saw the snacks in the hands of the staff and ran over with a low cheer.

When Liu Tao saw Mai Xiaoyu, there was a surprise light in his eyes, and he jumped off the stone platform: "Ms. Mai, why are you here?"

"Come to visit the class." Mai Xiaoyu took out chocolates, wheat bran biscuits and other small snacks from his backpack.

At this time, Gao Yuanyuan and Chen Zihan came back with a few bags of snacks and drinks, ready to share them with Liu Tao, but they immediately started chattering when they saw the snacks in her hands.

Chen Zihan said: "Taotao, you hide your privates, but there are chocolates!"

Gao Yuanyuan touched her and winked. Chen Zihan only noticed Mai Xiaoyu and smirked Liutao with a smile: "Taotao, who is he, isn't he your boyfriend?"

Liu Tao blushed and squatted to explain: "No, no, he is..."

Gao Yuanyuan joked: "Don't worry, we understand that we promise not to say anything."

"Really not, he is the boss of our company."

Chen Zihan: "..."

Gao Yuanyuan: "..."

This is embarrassing.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and took out two business cards: "The two beauties are good, introduce myself, my name is Mai Xiaoyu, the general manager of Mengren Film and Television, and I hope there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future."

The two girls smiled politely, introduced themselves and exchanged business cards, and then found an excuse to leave first without disturbing them.

The boss of the film and television company came to visit the class personally, there must be something to do.

They are not cute entertainers, and some words are inconvenient to listen to.

Mai Xiaoyu came to Liutao. In addition to visiting the class, he also told her in advance that the company is going to make a TV series and she is one of the heroines.

Take care of yourself when filming in the future and try not to get hurt.

In martial arts scenes and war scenes, the probability of injury is high, and bumps and bumps are common.

"...I have decided that you will play the leading role, and you must not refuse."

"But Xiaoxue contacted me a couple of days ago and said that he was helping me pick up the show. There seems to be a show already. Will there be a conflict in terms of schedule?"

"Tomorrow I will go to the company and tell her to turn down that drama."

"Okay. If I don't perform well, you must not be angry."

"How about being confident? Forget what I said, you are the company's cash cow."

In the last six words, Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Tao spoke in unison, and they looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"What kind of TV series?"

"Urban light comedy, not as hard as a martial arts drama."

"How many actors have you decided?"

"you are the first."

Mai Xiaoyu lied.

It doesn't matter, Liu Tao smiled, smiling happily, that's enough.

Mai Xiaoyu came to the crew to explore the class. In addition to visiting Liu Tao and telling her to star in a TV series, he also came to Su Youpeng.

He hoped that Su Youpeng could play the leading actor in "Pink Girl".

When the crew rests, Mai Xiaoyu finds Su Youpeng.

After the hug, Mai Xiaoyu came here: "Brother Peng, our company is planning to make a TV series. We would like you to star in it. Do you have a schedule for June and July?"

After Su Youpeng asked his assistant, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

Although according to the filming plan of the "Yi Tian" crew, it was finished in late May, but he was too busy, and the announcement has been scheduled to the second half of the year.

"How many actors can I recommend to you?"

Mai Xiaoyu shook his head: "I will look for it myself first. If I can't find a suitable one, I will definitely come back to trouble Brother Peng." (To be continued.)

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