The next morning.

Mai Xiaoyu came to the company and went to Liu Xiaoli's office, asking her not to arrange for Liu Tao, Deng Chao, and Huang Bo to pick up new plays for the time being. The reason was that he wanted to shoot "Pink Girl" and vacated the schedule for the three.

I just heard that Mai Xiaoyu wanted to film a TV series. Liu Xiaoli's first reaction was the same as Xiaoxing Xiaoxing and Xiaoquan Zhang—no.

Every door is not as good as a good one.

Mengren Film and Television has just opened a path in the film industry, and now it is time to strike while the iron is hot, and after gaining a foothold in the film industry, consider moving to the television industry.

However, when she heard the words "Pink Girl", she changed her mind.

Since knowing that Mai Xiaoyu's relationship with the four people is unusual, Liu Xiaoli has started to follow Maizi's Weibo, hoping to clarify the relationship between Mai Xiaoyu and them from the few words on the other party's Weibo.

She has read "Pink Girl" and knows that this four-frame comic has aroused small-scale heated discussions on the Internet.

After a few simple questions, she affirmed that "Pink Girl" was a joint decision made by Mai Xiaoyu's five-member group.

Maizi is responsible for the promotion of the comics; Ah Zheng is responsible for adapting the script; Xiao Yuer is responsible for creating the theme song; even the initial budget of 6 million, Mai Xiaoyu has no intention of letting the company release...

"Why not shoot "Boys Over Flowers"? The fans and popularity of this work are higher." Liu Xiaoli tentatively asked.

Because Mai Xiaoyu is an alternative to the entertainment industry.

When other companies make film and television dramas, they basically finalize the script first, and then select actors based on the script.

Mai Xiaoyu came the other way around. He selected actors first, and then selected suitable scripts from the strange dreams and copied them according to their own circumstances.

"Hua Nan" is definitely better. The problem is that his cast is: Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Liu Tao, Hai Qing, Lin Zhiling.

How will the roles of these five people be assigned when filming "Hanao"?

The real reason must not be told to Liu Xiaoli. Mai Xiaoyu casually made up a reason: "Azheng and Maizi quarreled, saying that the adaptation of "Hua Nan" was too troublesome and he did not want to adapt."

Liu Xiaoli: "..."

I know you are dealing with me, but you can't make up such a fake!

Shaking her head, Liu Xiaoli asked again: "What about "Why"? Don't tell me, Ah Zheng and Mai Mai also quarreled."

"You're right, they also had a fight."

"What about you, Ah Zheng didn't quarrel with you?"

"No, he doesn't dare, he knows my fists are hard."

Liu Xiaoli lost her temper completely: "If you don't want to say it, just forget it. I just ask you one thing, you five are together, who has the final say?"

What she worries most now is whether Mai Xiaoyu is a puppet launched by the Maizi four.

She and Mai Yingxiong once asked someone to find out that Maizi's cartoons, Mai's novels, Ah Zheng's scripts, and Xiao Yuer's lyrics and music are not like newcomers. It is very likely that the great gods in their respective fields are wearing vests.

How did Mai Xiaoyu get acquainted with these great gods after being away from home for five years?

Why are people willing to deal with Mai Xiaoyu, and the new vest is selected from Mai Xiaoyu's name?

The couple are worried that Mai Xiaoyu's young and inexperienced lack of knowledge and experience will be used by some old drivers to become a puppet that a certain interest consortium pushes to the front desk for a certain purpose.

"Of course I have the final say."

In order to dispel Liu Xiaoli's concerns, Mai Xiaoyu said that the budgeted 6 million borrowed in his own name, not an investment, and all profits after the TV series are broadcast in the future will be included in the company's accounts.

"Wheat, what I care about is not how the profits are distributed, but you are still young and don't understand the complexity of this society. Be careful when you encounter problems and don't be fooled."

I do not understand?

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Don't worry, I'm not that easy to lie."

"If there is something to tell your dad in time, he has seen many storms and many ideas."

"I see."

After the gossip was finished, Liu Xiaoli proposed to read the script, mainly because of the image positioning of Liu Tao, Huang Bo, and Deng Chao in the play.

After reading the script, she put forward her opinion: "Liu Tao's positioning is inappropriate."

In "Pink Girl" in the dream, the four heroines are positioned as marry madness, man-in-law, heartthrob and Hamei.

Mai Xiaoyu wants Liu Tao to play the role of a man-in-law, but the label of a man-in-law does not feel good, and the character in the comics is a "strong woman", not a "man-in-law".

So when copying the script, he deliberately changed the "male woman" to "female man."

Position this role as: an urban female image with bold personality, non-trivial, not afraid to endure hardship, not being coquettish, independent, and self-seeking.

In "Returning the Pearl 3", Princess Mousha played by Liu Tao fits this image somewhat.

After listening to Mai Xiaoyu's definition of "female man", Liu Xiaoli shook her head: "But the lines in the script are not very different from the "female man" in your mouth, a bit like, like..."


"Yes, like a man-in-law!"

Also, Mai Xiaoyu only changed the title and did not change the lines. Of course, Liu Xiaoli would feel that something was wrong.

"Well, I will ask the screenwriter to modify Liu Tao's lines, and then ask the company to increase the publicity of the "Pink Girl" comic. When the script is finalized, the lineup of the lead casting staff is determined. I ask someone to find the relationship with the TV station to see if it can Convince which TV station to pre-order."

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: "Okay. I will decide on the director first in the past two days, and then I will determine the main actors as soon as possible..."

After the two agreed on their respective responsibilities, it was almost 12 noon.

Before lunch, Mai Xiaoyu asked casually: "Why didn't you see Chen Qiao'en?"

"She is off today." Liu Xiaoli looked at him suspiciously, "You seem to care about her?"

"Of course. The company only has her as a propaganda officer. If she resigns, the company's propaganda plan will not be disrupted."

"Don't worry about this, I have already transferred two people from the scout department, and will follow her as a propaganda assistant, and I will soon be a teacher."


After work, Mai Xiaoyu went to the gym to practice Sanda for an hour as usual, and then took a shower to go home.

On the way home, he has been thinking about two urgent problems: one is the director and the other is Lin Zhiling.

Based on the principle of easy first and difficult later, he decided to find the director first.

He knows very few directors, but there is a personal choice on hand that he can barely try-Director Sun.

"Guide I’m Mai Xiaoyu, what have I been up to recently... the matter of banning the world? Don’t worry, if I say banning it will definitely be banning... Then, let’s sit down tomorrow night. Have a meal..."

Carrying the box lunch bought downstairs, he came to the door of the house on the phone.

Hung up the phone and took out the key to open the door. At this time, the door of the next door opened, and a young girl in casual clothes, carrying a garbage bag, came out to throw garbage.

Mai Xiaoyu thought it was the couple who was going to return to their hometown and get married, so he didn't care too much.

However, when the girl opened her mouth, he was startled.

"Ms. Mai? Do you live here?"

It's Chen Qiaoen!

Half surprise and half surprise...rough acting. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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