? At ten o'clock the next morning, Mai Xiaoyu came to the water bar near Tiandi Film and Television on time.

Wang Chuhan has arrived, and Wang Luodan is with her.

The sisters were whispering, and when they saw Mai Xiaoyu coming in, they got up to say hello.

Mai Xiaoyu responded with a smile, ordered a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and the three of them were seated.

Wang Luodan asked gossiping: "Mr. Mai, it is said online that Liu Dehua guest starred in your movie, is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true. It's all publicized. If there is no him in the final movie, the audience will not have to spray me to death."

"Awesome! When will the movie be finalized and when will it be released? Where will the premiere be held? Will Liu Dehua attend? Can you give me some tickets for the premiere?"

"If you don't deliberately interrupt and change the subject, I can consider it."


Wang Luodan looked at his sister helplessly and closed his mouth.

Mai Xiaoyu's gaze fell on Wang Chuhan, who was still as pure and beautiful as before, but there was a touch of sorrow that couldn't be solved between his eyebrows.

"How is this time?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

Wang Chuhan nodded: "It's okay."

"After Tiandi Film and Television signed you, how did they arrange for you?"

After the newcomer signs a contract, the company...usually a broker, will develop a training plan for the newcomer to comprehensively improve the newcomer's self-cultivation.

Taking the cultural cultivation of artists as an example, some good movies and dramas are regularly recommended to artists, and a book list is also listed. The artist must complete these tasks within the specified time.

Persevering in this way can not only improve the actor's self-cultivation, but also increase the amount of conversation.

Wang Chuhan is now receiving relevant training.

She was born in dancing and has advantages in posture and manners, but she has shortcomings in performance and lines.

This is normal. After Liu Xiaoli joined Mengren, she arranged the same for Liu Tao, Huang Bo, Deng Chao and others. The three assistants carried several recommended books with them for them to read at any time during their leisure time during filming.

Moreover, Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Xiaoli have discussed that in September this year, the company will pay for the three people to enroll in the Yanying Performing Department refresher course to receive professional studies.

Coincidentally, Wang Chuhan's agent also advised her to sign up for the advanced course of Yanying Acting Department in September this year. Anyway, she should be her senior year. There are no classes in the dance academy and she has plenty of time. As for filming... In the words of her agent, she is a newcomer, still young, and she will have opportunities in the future.

"That's why you refused the "Pink Girl" appointment?" Mai Xiaoyu asked, staring at her.

Suddenly mentioning this incident, Wang Chuhan trembled slightly, lowered his head and dared not face Mai Xiaoyu's gaze, and replied in an embarrassing low voice, "I have no schedule."

"Really? Then why didn't you say it earlier? Instead, you waited until "Crazy Stone" and "Pink Girl" were promoted in the media one after another before you said there was no schedule?"

Now Wang Chuhan has nothing to say.

With his head hanging lower, he dared not let Mai Xiaoyu see the red eye circles.

Wang Luodan couldn't stand it, and stood up for her sister: "Mr. Mai, don't you embarrass my sister, okay? She is now a newcomer to Tiandi Film and Television. She can't be the master of what she will do or not!"

"So it's not that she has no schedule?"

Wang Luodan opened his mouth, but finally did not say anything.

However, Mai Xiaoyu didn’t intend to end this way, and directly sprayed Wang Luodan: "What do you eat! At the beginning of the "I Believe" audition, your sister was wronged, and you dare to jump out and yell at me. Why are you now? Life is getting worse!"

"You, are you scolding me?"

"Isn't it right to scold you? Your sister's role was robbed, and you didn't even dare to let go. Shouldn't you scold?"

Wang Luodan was so tempered that Wang Chuhan raised his head and squeezed out a smile: "Don't tell me, Mr. Mai, this is the company's decision, and I can't change it."

"Fart's company decision is your agent's own decision, right? Go, take me to find him!"

What Mai Xiaoyu said was right.

Temporarily replacing Wang Chuhan has nothing to do with Tiandi Film and Television.

Wang Chuhan is just a pure rookie, how could the company pay attention to her and care about which TV series she is filming?

The focus and resources of entertainment companies will always be placed on big-name actors such as first brother, first sister, second brother and second sister, because these actors can bring huge profits to the company.

They casually attend a commercial event, and the labor fees they get are much higher than the low-level actors' pay for a film and television drama.

Therefore, the senior executives of the company do not care about the fate of low-level actors, unless you work hard by yourself, or have the ability to climb high-level relationships, such as whose bed you are in.

Asking Wang Chuhan to refuse the "Pink Girl" filming contract was meant by the agent Wen Yanfeng.

An agent often brings several artists with him. The income and status of agents are directly related to the development of their artists.

When the "Pink Girl" crew first found Wang Chuhan, Wen Yanfeng didn't have much interest in the TV series.

He knows exactly what Sun Yaxing is in the circle, so he doesn't like the TV series directed by Sun Yaxing.

After reading the script, he took the TV series for Wang Chuhan.

Anyway, Wang Chuhan has no filming right now. Some crew members are still looking for her to film the film. Why don't they agree?

Then the two parties began to discuss the details of the contract: for example, single-episode remuneration, daily shooting time, schedule, etc., to strive for the greatest benefit.

However, when Mengren started to promote "Crazy Stone" and "Pink Girl" with high profile, Wen Yanfeng's attitude changed.

"Pink Girl" is adapted from Maizi's four-frame comics and has a certain fan base. The addition of the screenwriter A Zheng and the songwriter Xiao Yuer, as well as the vigorous publicity of the cute people, has won a certain audience expectation for this TV series.

At this time, another female artist under his team found him, and because he was optimistic about the "Pink Girl" initiative, he agreed without hesitation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Putting aside the relationship between him and the female artist, The factor that he and Wang Chuhan are closer is only from the perspective of personal income. The agent takes a certain percentage from the artist's salary. He also prefers the female artist.

Wang Chuhan is a newcomer, and she is only paid 2700 for a single episode; the female artist has a reputation for three years in her debut. She used to play supporting roles and paid around 6,000 or 7,000 for a single episode. This time she is the lead actor. His offer to the crew is>

This is because he was worried that the crew would disagree, so he didn't dare to report five figures.

In order to ensure that he successfully won the role, he not only told the crew that there was no schedule, but also used the relationship between Wang Chuhan and Moe to make Wang Chuhan actively recommend the female artist.

But Wang Chuhan was just a newcomer to the industry, how dare he refuse the broker's request?

"Mr. Mai, thank you for taking the lead for my sister. But if you do this, my sister will not be able to gain a foothold in the company in the future."

Mai Xiaoyu said angrily: "Come on, she can gain a foothold if I don't say anything? You don't say anything when you bully once, and you don't say anything when you bully twice. It will only make people think that you are weak and can be bullied, and more people will bully you in the future!" To be continued.)

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