The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 225: You are my meeting gift

? When celebrities need costs, it is risky for a brokerage company to sign a newcomer.

After signing a contract, a newcomer needs to go through multiple links such as training, packaging, promotion, and publicity, and each link cannot be separated from one word-money.

Therefore, new brokers do not make money, and they may even lose money. The most terrible thing is that a lot of resources are invested in the newcomer.

And a large part of the income of the agent is drawn from the artist's salary.

New brokers do not make money, and the brokers have to buy a car and buy a house to support their families. For this kind of business that does not make money, let alone brokers, ordinary people should think about it.

For the same filming of "Pink Girl", Wang Chuhan's salary was only 2,700, while the famous female artist who debuted three years ago can earn more than 9,000.

Wen Yanfeng doesn't think he is wrong: the company is spending money on you, I am worried about you, you should pay back for the company and let me make more money, shouldn't it?

And he told Wang Chuhan that he would make up for her by lowering his mind and not rushing to act the heroine.

Recently, he is negotiating protagonist film appointments with two small and medium-sized crews for his two second-line actors. When I go back to negotiate the contract, let two second-line actors take her into the group, play a supporting role or something, and accumulate contacts to accumulate filming experience, and she won't suffer.

Yes, there is a very classic saying-a loss is a blessing!

It is not that Wang Chuhan has complained when he has suffered injustice and changed from a protagonist to a supporting role.

But she is a newcomer. In the entertainment industry, "one is poor and the other is white". Before the contract expires, all things must be handled by Wen Yanfeng, an agent. Can she refuse?

A newcomer with no background and okay has offended the agent. The agent wants to hide her sincerely.

Unless she can climb into high-level relationships...

No way, Wang Chuhan had no choice but to bear it.

But Mai Xiaoyu was unwilling to bear, and found Wen Yanfeng.

The conversation between the two parties is destined to be unhappy.

In the face of Mai Xiaoyu's strong request that Wang Chuhan play the role of "Hamei", Wen Yanfeng was patient at first, using the previous rhetoric to prevaricate, saying that some company had other arrangements for Wang Chuhan and there was no schedule for the filming of "Pink Girl."

Then continue to recommend her female artist who has debuted for three years, saying how good she is, her acting skills, experience and other aspects are more suitable for the role of "Hamei" than Wang Chuhan.

However, as Mai Xiaoyu's performance became stronger, Wen Yanfeng was also annoyed.

"Mr. Mai, I think you made a mistake. Chu Han is an artist from Tiandi Film and Television, and I am her manager. What scenes I shoot and what I don't, that's my job, it has nothing to do with you! "

Wen Yanfeng really didn't shy away from Mai Xiaoyu.

Don't think that Mai Xiaoyu is the boss of Moe, he is just the agent of Tiandi Film and Television, it also depends on the weight of Moe and Tiandi and the status in the industry.

As the saying goes, the seventh grade official in front of the prime minister.

Wen Yanfeng, who is in his thirties, is an agent of Tiandi Film and Television. He has been in the industry for many years and has brought many well-known and unknown artists. Facing grass-to-head company owner Mai Xiaoyu, he does not think his status is at a disadvantage.

The reason why I was so talkative just now was just a superficial politeness.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled coldly: "Who said it has nothing to do with me? She is still a member of our company!"

When Tiandi Film and Television signed Wang Chuhan, it was clearly marked in the initial contract, asking her to clarify the identity of the Mengren member and remove all her information from Mengren's official website.

Wang Chuhan did not agree.

After negotiation and struggle, Tiandi Film and Television finally made a concession and allowed her to continue to retain her membership in Moe, but Moe Ren was not allowed to use her for publicity.

To put it bluntly, Moeren’s official website can continue to retain Wang Chuhan’s information, but it is not allowed to use Wang Chuhan’s identity for advertising or commercial promotion, and it is not allowed to contact Wang Chuhan for any film appointments or activities without authorization.

It is precisely because of Wang Chuhan's nostalgic behavior that Mai Xiaoyu's strong presence today is exchanged.

Mai Xiaoyu protects shortcomings, but is not the Virgin.

If Wang Chuhan had to get rid of all ties with Moe Ren in order to sign a contract with Tiandi Film and Television, let alone Mai Xiaoyu’s stand for her today, the “Hamei” role would not necessarily find her. .

"Member? Sneer!" Wen Yanfeng sneered, "That's a thing of the past. She is now a contracted artist under Tiandi Film and Television. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."

"But she didn't give up her membership, she was still a cute member. With me, a cute member, don't bully anyone!"

This sentence evoked Wang Chuhan's memories.

She still remembers that when Liu Tao encountered difficulties in shooting Dove's advertisement at Shengshi Advertising Company, Mai Xiaoyu said the same for Liutao's emergence.

I don't know why, she could no longer control her emotions, and fell into her sister's arms, silently, tears raining down.

Wang Luodan hugged her and whispered comforting: "Sister, I think your signing was too hasty..."

No one cared about the movement of the sisters, and Wen Yanfeng became increasingly dissatisfied with Mai Xiaoyu's aggressive performance.

"Unreasonable! I tell you clearly now that Wang Chuhan will never take "Pink Girl". You can consider or not consider the actors I recommend. But I want to emphasize that Wang Chuhan is now under me. Artist. Not to send!"

Mai Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows: "You threaten me?"

Wen Yanfeng waved his hand impatiently: "Please leave my office immediately, I still have work to do, otherwise I will call security!"

"Do you think how many security guards can stop me? If I hadn't promised my sister to try not to do anything, don't think about it today!"

"Hey, it's no wonder people in the circle call you Caotou Company, this quality, tsk tsk."

Wen Yanfeng pretended to pick up the phone on the table, as if he was about to call the security guard to come over and chase people.

Mai Xiaoyu sneered: "You don't need to call, I will leave now."

After speaking, he came to the Wang Chuhan sisters: "It's not your fault to wipe away the You can watch the show here with peace of mind. Someone will cry later."

Wang Chuhan endured the tears and obediently wiped away the tears on his face. Wang Luodan lowered his voice and said: "Mr. Mai, thank you for speaking for my sister, but you are too impulsive. What do you ask my sister to do in the future?"

"You know what a fart!" With a wink at Wang Luodan, Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Take care of your sister, don't pay attention to other things, I have my own arrangements."

After speaking, he went to the stairwell, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Shi Hao, director of the Tiandi Film and Television Investment Department.

"Who?" Shi Hao asked.

"I, Mai Xiaoyu, general manager of Mengren Film and Television."

Shi Hao said impatiently, "I have something to say, I have a party at noon, and I will give you three minutes."

Let me wipe it, Wang Chuhan is indeed your ghost!

"In less than three minutes, I will just say a word, I plan to reconcile with Qingtian, you are my meeting gift..." (To be continued.)

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