The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 226: I have enough cards!

? Today at noon, Shi Hao's schedule is to meet with a few colleagues from the south.

Because Mai Xiaoyu said "I intend to reconcile with Qingtian, you are my meeting gift", he had no choice but to change the schedule, asked the secretary to cancel the party, and then "invited" Mai Xiaoyu to his office.

In the spacious, bright, simple and stylish office, Shi Hao stared at Mai Xiaoyu for a long time, and said leisurely: "I didn't see it, you are still a white-eyed wolf."

"Don't say it so bad, didn't you have ulterior motives when you helped me?"

"But I still helped you."

"Yes, that's why I thank you very much for always remembering your favor. But you did not do it authentically this time. Our company opened a set of filming and asked Chu Han to play the lead role. Why did you get in the way of it?"

Shi Hao sneered: "I don't know what you said."

"Hehe, dare you say that your company signed Wang Chuhan, it has nothing to do with you?"

"I am the director of the investment department, and the artist signing is not in my control."

"That said, the manager surnamed Wen didn't let Chu Han accept the play, and another actress came over. Don't you know?"

A strange color flashed in Shi Hao's eyes, and he immediately shook his head: "I don't need to explain to you. By the way, I heard that your company's advertising business has recently defrosted. I haven't had time to congratulate you."

"Hahaha, it really is like this." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and lit a cigarette, and looked at Shi Hao jokingly. "So you deliberately instructed Wen Yanfeng to make things difficult for Wang Chuhan. Actually, am I right?"

Without waiting for Shi Hao to speak, Mai Xiaoyu continued: "You don't need to rush to deny it. I said that I am a person with clear grievances and grievances. I always remember your favors, even if your motives are not pure. But what you did this time made me very disappointment."

Shi Hao was speechless: "I, let you down?"

One is the boss of a film and television company.

One is the director of a film company.

Speaking literally, the boss said to the director that it is normal that you disappoint me.

But the problem is that you have to consider the gap between film and television companies.

Can a small company with dozens of people and a large company with hundreds of directors be the same concept?

Mai Xiaoyu didn't care about Shi Hao's reaction, took a cigarette, and said to himself:

"What you did this time, I am very angry, and the consequences are serious. I originally wanted to use you as a meeting ceremony to ease the relationship with Qingtian. I believe Qingtian knows that you have been calculating them in secret, and will definitely be satisfied with my gift."

"It's a pity that the conflict between Qingtian and I can't be resolved because Ning Shibin wanted to bully my sister, so I interrupted the bridge of my nose. He had asked the police to arrest me, and the navy had tried to discredit our company's movies, but unfortunately every time he failed. NS."

"You want to use me to deal with Qingtian, I don't mind, even willing to be a gun, charge forward. But there is a prerequisite, don't pull my hind legs behind, otherwise be careful that I come back with a carbine."

"In addition, whether it is your personal purpose or your company's arrangements, we all have the possibility of becoming an ally in dealing with Sky Sky. But this ally must be established on an equal basis."

"Although the cute person is small, no one can just play in the palm of the hand, because I have enough cards. Do you know why Qingtian helped me block Huanyu, and also offered the opportunity to shoot commercials?"

Mai Xiaoyu took out the Chinese propaganda poster of "My Savage Girlfriend" from his backpack and spread it out in front of Shi Hao.

"Here is the answer you want. I hope it will help you. I will wait for your decision and leave."

Once the call was over, without giving Shi Hao a chance to speak, Mai Xiaoyu turned and left.

Shi Hao trembled with anger.

From the very beginning, he used the cute person as a chess piece, used to disgust, toss Qingtian, and add obstacles to Qingtian.

However, today, the chess piece rebelled and wanted to sit on an equal footing with him and talked about equal allies. Can he not be angry?

However, after reading the poster that Mai Xiaoyu took out, he saw the words "screenwriter Ah Zheng", "Song Yuer" and other words. Thinking of the recent changes and high-profile publicity in Mengren's film and television, he suddenly realized that he had made a mistake-yes Mai Xiaoyu knows too little!

Yes, Mengren is a small company, but the boss Mai Xiaoyu is not simple.

A four-person team behind the scenes of Maizi, Mai, Azheng, and Xiao Yuer; "I Believe" got the Christmas schedule; kidnapped the entertainment circle and forced the navy; invited Liu Dehua to appear in "Crazy Stone"; high-profile banned the world, and finally Forced Sky to help out; there is also "My Barbaric Girlfriend", which has established a cooperative relationship with a Korean entertainment company...

One by one, what can an ordinary small film and television company do?

"I have enough cards!"

I remembered Mai Xiaoyu's words again. Shi Hao was silent for a moment before dialing Wen Yanfeng's phone: "Come to my office."

A few minutes later, Wen Yanfeng appeared in front of Shi Hao, respectfully.

"President Shi, are you looking for me?"

"What did you do when I told you about it?"

Mai Xiaoyu's judgment was basically correct, everything was instructed by Shi Hao, and the purpose was to force him to state his position, whether he was an enemy or a friend with Qingtian.

At the beginning, Shi Hao was willing to help Mengren, because Mengren and Qingtian were enemies and not friends. And show enough value.

Don't say anything, just call and ask clearly.

Shi Hao is very self-reliant and always regards cute people as pawns. How could he call and ask Mai Xiaoyu himself?

That's too bad!

But there is one exception. Shi Hao did not know that Wen Yanfeng replaced Wang Chuhan with another actress.

Shi Hao didn't know what he was doing until Wen Yanfeng came up with a combination of 15 and 10, and he couldn't help sighing, "You are too ugly to eat."

"But that grass-to-head company is too arrogant. You didn't see Mr. Shi, what kind of madness the surnamed Mai was in my office..."

"He pretended it on purpose, so how could he come at me if he didn't make a big deal?"

"For you? He came to see you just now?"

Shi Hao nodded, unwilling to mention this: "I will explain a few things to you, you must remember clearly. First, contact the "Pink Girl" crew as soon as possible to negotiate a film appointment for Wang Chuhan; She is inclined; third, you have to cooperate as much as possible when promoting "Pink Girl"; fourth, don't introduce Wang Chuhan to the sloppy receptions and dinners, unless she proposes it herself."

"Huh? Mr. Shi, Mengren Film and Television is just a grass-to-head company. You don't have to give the surname Mai the face like this, right?"

"Do as I said, UU read, you can go out."

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu had left Tiandi Film and Television, and returned to the water with sisters Wang Chuhan and Wang Luodan.

Wang Luodan asked incomprehensibly: "Mr. Mai, why are you bringing us here?"


"Waiting for what?"

"You'll find out later." Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said to Wang Chuhan again: "As for crying so sad, eyes are swollen. While there is still time, hurry up and touch up makeup."


Wang Chuhan responded and took out the makeup case from his bag.

Within a few minutes after finishing the makeup, her mobile phone rang and the caller ID-Wen Yanfeng. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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