When the "Pink Girl" crew went to the East China Sea, Mai Xiaoyu did not go with the crew, but stayed in Yanjing to participate in the post-production of "Crazy Stone".

With Liu Xiaoli sitting on the crew, he doesn't need to worry too much about the shooting of "Pink Girl", but the post-production of "Crazy Stone", so he can't relax.

After the post-production of "Crazy Stone" was completed and the Mengren big3 watched the samples, Zhang Xiaoquan stayed in Yanjing and looked at the company. He and Xiaoxing Xi came to the East China Sea with the copy to discuss the issue of the release.

Due to the early publicity of "Crazy Stone" and the friendly guest appearances between the screenwriters A Zheng and Liu Dehua, the distribution department of the Hailian Cinema said that it will review the film and give a reply as soon as possible.

But now three or four days have passed, and Nima has no news at all.

Xiaoxing Xi called, and the other party said that it was under study.

Studying Nimei, it takes so long to study?

Tonight, Mai Xiaoyu hosted Chen Xiangxi at the Tan’s official food banquet, mainly to express his gratitude to Chen Xiangxi, thanking Chen Xiangxi for his help last time, but he heard from the other party the words “stuck the people in our company’s distribution department”.

What does it mean to be stumped?

What does this mean?

Chen Xiangxi did not explain, and Mai Xiaoyu did not follow up.

After dinner, Mai Xiaoyu returned to the Express Hotel, and when he entered the door, he saw Xiaoxing Xi staring at the computer intently.

"Have you eaten?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

Xiaoxing Xi answered without turning his head: "Yeah."

"Look less of the yellow|pictures, you can order takeaways if necessary."

"Wipe, this is more powerful than Huang|Tu."

Mai Xiaoyu took off his jacket and put on slippers, and walked over curiously: Nima, Lin Zhiling's stills!

Xiaoxing Xi turned around, looked up at Mai Xiaoyu, and asked blankly, "Is she Lin Zhiling?"


"Yangcheng...that lamb?"


"You found her?"


"Boss, no, you are my brother, you are my own brother, so you don't want to play like this! You know she is a lamb, how dangerous you go to find her! What if something happens?"

During the preparation of "Pink Girl", Xiaoxing Xi and Zhang Xiaoquan led a team to shoot "Crazy Stone" in the mountain city. After returning to Yanjing, he was busy with post-production and didn't know the cast of "Pink Girl".

Until tonight, Xiaoxing Xiao was bored to surf the Internet, and she accidentally saw Lin Zhiling's stills and information that had been circulated on the Internet recently, and her whole body suddenly became ill.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and shook his head: "Is it all right? Since I went to find her, I must be fully prepared and there will be no problems."

"You mean, she was settled by you?"

"Don't say it so bad, at least I promised her thing was done, and she has no complaints."

"Then we can fire Chen Qiaoen?"

Mai Xiaoyu asked back: "Why fired her?"

"She's an undercover agent, boss!"

"She is just a lamb in my eyes. Lao Xi, let me tell you that the family backgrounds of Chen Qiaoen and Lin Zhiling are not simple..."

Mai Xiaoyu put together the fact that he encountered Mount Xia Luo in Xiangjiang and the room was installed with monitoring equipment, and Xiaoxing Xi was dumbfounded.

Then he used Lin Zhiling as an example: "Don't you think the hype about Lin Zhiling on the Internet is wrong these days?"

There must be something wrong!

If it was only spontaneously spread by netizens, it would never be possible to make such a big move. Even the information about Lin Zhiling as a model and the print advertisements shot before have been turned out.

Photos are spread in various ways, fancy comments and praises, a large number of comments and praises, and the amazing speed of fans on Weibo, there are behind the scenes at a glance.

"Do you know that people have a background and still want to circle them?" Xiaoxing Xi was going crazy.

"Because their background is not simple, I want to circle even more!"

Xiaoxing Xi blinked and suddenly understood.

Just like when Su Youpeng and Liu Dehua were in the circle at the time, if you don't need some special methods, and with the current scale and status of Mengren, it will be difficult to establish a relationship with these big-name stars, let alone get the support of the other party.

Since Lin Zhiling and Chen Qiaoen's family background is not simple, circle them, it is possible to win two big help for Mengren!

To put it bluntly, this is Mai Xiaoyu's way to expand his contacts in the entertainment circle, and there is no one in a unique way...

"Well, you won." Xiaoxing Xiao nodded, and suddenly asked nervously, "How's the circle?"

"Lin Zhiling should be fine. We had a good chat that night."

"Hey, where can you talk?"

"Come here with your ears, I'll tell you."

Xiaoxing Xi is not stupid, so she won't take the initiative to send it over and be beaten: "Just kidding, as for? How about Chen Qiaoen?"

"This lamb is evolving too fast, it's not easy to circle. But she's already in the pit, the worst is the heat."

"You have to speed up, don't circle her. Brother Cha and I have been unsure. It really doesn't work. You try to circle her heart first. Haven't you dreamed of her in a spring|dream?"

"Lao Xi, don't run away, I swear not to kill you!"

In order to avoid the suffering of skin and flesh, Xiaoxing Xi quickly switched the subject: "Boss, what's going on on the Hailian Cinema Line, it's been a few days now, can it be done without saying anything, what does it mean to keep dragging?"

The next morning, Xiaoxing Xi received a call from the distribution manager of Hailian Cinemas, inviting him and Mai Xiaoyu to come over in the afternoon to discuss the distribution agency of "Crazy Stone".

After arriving at the Hailian Cinemas in the afternoon, Mai Xiaoyu finally understood why Chen Xiangxi said that "Crazy Stone" was embarrassing the people in the publishing department of their company.

In fact, after the Hailian Publishing Department got the copy of "Crazy Stone", the next day it organized people to watch the sample, and then approved it unanimously and agreed to distribute it on an agency.

However, the internal staff of Hailian's Issuing Department had disagreements on whether to advance the cost of publicity and issuance.

Whether it is advanced or not is related to the level of the issuance agency fee charged.

Take "I Believe" with nearly 40 million box office as an example.

Since Hailian Cinema did not advance the issuance fee, it only got the issuance agency fee of 500,000 to 600,000 yuan in the end; if the issuance fee is advanced, it can get at least 1.5 million yuan in the issuance agency fee!

When the Hailian Distribution Department first watched the samples of "Crazy Stone", they all believed that the biggest selling point of this movie was Liu Dehua.

As a result, after watching the film, they discovered that Liu Dehua’s selling point only exists in the early promotion, and the film itself...

One word~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cow!

Two words, shocking!

Taking into account the failure of "I Believe", some people have proposed the mode of pre-payment of distribution costs to distribute the film as an agent. When the film is released, more distribution agency fees will be charged.

Some people objected, worried about failing.

Because the cute people asked to be screened during the summer vacation.

During the summer vacation...

It’s already the beginning of June, and it will take at least one or two months for the film to be promoted, which means that "Crazy Stone" will be released in late July and early August at the earliest.

At that time, the domestic film protection month had passed, and "Crazy Stone" was about to survive in the cracks between Hollywood blockbusters and domestic blockbusters... (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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