Summer vacation files have always been a battleground for film producers. Dozens of films are released in July and August every year. There are not only domestic blockbusters, but also Hollywood blockbusters. The rate of cannon fodder is quite high, and blockbusters may become cannon fodder even if they are not careful.

Because Hollywood blockbusters are too destructive, the National Film Bureau, from the perspective of fostering domestic films, also issued an oral notice two years ago in order to achieve the annual share of the national film's box office ratio.

"I hope that all theaters across the country will support domestic films. From June 10th to July 10th each year, the introduction of large-scale overseas films is not encouraged." This period is called "Domestic Film Protection Month" by the media and the industry.

The so-called "domestic film protection month" is just an unwritten rule in the industry to protect domestic films. It has never been officially recognized, and it can be regarded as an unspoken rule for the industry to deal with overseas blockbusters.

Domestic films that are planned to be released in the summer vacation, be it blockbuster or small and medium-sized productions, as long as time permits, we will try our best to arrange for release in the mid-month protection month. It will be officially released in early July at the latest. After nearly ten days, it will gain a reputation, win over the audience, and achieve good results.

This led to a fierce battle among domestically produced films during the month of protection of domestically produced films, and the result was-the stronger the stronger.

Nowadays, the top few domestic films in the box office are all "protected" during the protection month, but the situation of cannon fodder in the protection month cannot be ignored. Many small and medium-sized production films "a few days in the theater", and some blockbuster films will also miss, even if the theater does not give face to release in advance, it will significantly cut the lineup.

The filmmakers also know that the competition for the protection month is fierce, but before the release of the new film, the producers are full of confidence and believe that their own films can have the last laugh.

Besides, competing with domestic counterparts has a higher chance of winning than competing with Hollywood blockbusters with unsatisfactory results, right?

Especially in this summer vacation, Hollywood blockbusters are the cruelest!

On July 12, the Hollywood blockbuster "Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones" landed on China Cinemas.

This Hollywood blockbuster was released in North America on May 16 this year, with a box office of $80 million in the first week.

The word-of-mouth and fans accumulated over the years of the Star Wars series, how strong is the box office competitiveness, do you need to say more?

On August 7, the same Hollywood blockbuster "Spider-Man", followed by "Star Wars Prequel 2" landed on the China Cinemas.

The momentum of this movie is stronger than that of "Star Wars Prequel 2". After it was released in the United States on May 3 this year, the box office broke 100 million in the first week!

So far, "Spider-Man" has been the No. 1 box office leader in North America.

To compete with these two Hollywood blockbusters for the box office, or to compete with their domestic counterparts, is a very simple multiple choice question for Chinese film producers.

But Mengren has no choice and cannot keep up with the film protection month. "Crazy Stone" can only face these two Hollywood blockbusters.

"Mr. Mai, you are a friend of Mr. Chen, and this is not the first time we have cooperated. We hope that your company can postpone the release. How about the end of August or late September?" Hailian Distribution Manager Li Jie put forward his own proposal.

Released at the end of August, the screening of "Spider-Man" is coming to an end, the competitive pressure is weakened, and the summer vacation can be put on the tail. If the quality of the film passes the test, word-of-mouth and box office can continue into September.

And it will be released in late September, aiming at the box office market during the National Day holiday.

Mai Xiaoyu smacked his lips and said nothing.

Li Jie went on to explain: "In fact, this is also a strategy. The action film "Instant Kill" produced by SkySky was originally planned to be released in early August. Because of "Spider-Man", it was decided to postpone it to the end of August."

Xiaoxing Su asked: "Are there no blockbuster movies released at the end of August or late September?"

How not?

"Instant Kill" is it!

Produced by Kinte, invested 25 million yuan.

Directed by the well-known domestic director Zhang Heng, the male lead Jiang Zhenwei is a well-known domestic action superstar, and the female lead Ling Weiling is a first-line actress under DynaSky. There are also many big and small stars and old drama bones joining, and the cast is strong.

After introducing the situation of "Instant Kill", Li Jie added: "But I think your company is very good at making low-cost movies. This "Crazy Stone" should have a good effect."

Mai Xiaoyu finally spoke: "Just to pay the publicity fee, you discussed for three or four days?"

Li Jie smiled and said, "Not all. Ordinarily, we shouldn't tell your company about this kind of thing, but you are Mr. Chen's friend, so it doesn't matter."

"But I never thought of letting you pay for the promotion."


This is embarrassing.

Li Jie smiled solidified: "Mr. Mai, I don't know what your company's publicity budget is for this movie?"

"five million!"


Li Jie was choked again.

It is true that spending five million to promote a movie can guarantee the scale and effect of the promotion.

However, the filming cost of "Crazy Stone" is only 3 million. You use 5 million to promote it?

Well, publicity expenses should be included in the investment cost. According to industry regulations, shouldn't the publicity cost of a movie be at most only one-third of the investment cost?

You are over half now!

Li Jie suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked tentatively: "Five million?"

"Yes, five million, if necessary, it can be increased to seven million."

I'll go big!

Are you sure you are not kidding?

Li Jie was choked again and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement.

Moe is not short of money now.

"I Believe" the box office return of about 14 million yuan will definitely arrive before the end of the month.

As for the three songs of Brother Chopsticks, the cost of online downloads in the past few months has been settled by the six major music source websites.

According to the 0.4 yuan download cost per song, the total number of downloads of the three songs exceeds 20 million, of which the download of "Little Apple" exceeds 10 million, bringing a total of more than 5 million revenues for Moeren Film and Television.

For the bulk of the revenue from the ring back tone, we have to wait for some time before we can make any profits because we only negotiated with the operators in early May.

So cute talents have the confidence to invest an additional 2 million in the "Pink Girl" crew.

Mai Xiaoyu is not bad for money.

In mid-to-late May, while staying in Yenching and busy with the post-production of "The Stone", he not only negotiated with the Shuying Club about the 10% royalties of the "Naruto" booklet, but also received the box office share of "My Savage Girlfriend" from South Korea. More than 30 million after tax!

When a man is rich, his waist will naturally become hard, not to mention that Mai Xiaoyu's waist has always been hard.

"I appreciate your kindness, but our company has decided that the summer vacation file will not be postponed and your company will not have to pay for the promotion."

Listening to Mai Xiaoyu's decisive tone, Li Jie quickly explained: "Mr. Mai, you have misunderstood. We have decided to use the method of advancing publicity expenses to distribute your company's "Crazy Stone" as an agent."

After several days of discussion, the Hailian Publishing Department decided to advance the promotional expenses, but will adjust the promotional strategy and the proportion of the amount of the advance promotional expenses and the distribution agency fee according to the release schedule of "Stone".

"Isn't this delaying time?" Xiaoxing Xi murmured, "Hurry up to discuss the contract and start the promotion early. I also count on my debut female work to become my great director!" (To be continued! )). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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