Beginning in mid-June, the Chinese film industry has entered the summer vacation period of fierce competition.

The domestic film protection month protects the box office share of domestic films, but it cannot protect every domestic film.

In 2000, a domestic martial arts movie "The Hero" with mixed praise and criticism shocked the Chinese film industry.

This martial arts giant, which has gathered many Chinese movie celebrities and invested 30 million US dollars, set a domestic box office record of more than two billion, and the global box office was nearly 180 million US dollars. It won many domestic and foreign film awards.

While winning a place in the global film scene for Huaxia Movies, it also opened the era of blockbuster movies for Huaxia Movies.

Commercial films made by big directors, big stars, and big investments have become popular among investors, attracting funds from all walks of life.

Blockbuster movies have been rampant for a while, and the domestic film protection months have benefited the most from such blockbusters.

Many small and medium-sized movies have been reduced to theaters for seven-day, five-day, three-day, or even one-day trips, all at once.

What more viewers see is that a few domestic blockbusters have a box office of more than 100 million yuan, but few people know how many movies they may not have listened to, and they have encountered the forced "hack and kill" of the cinema in the bleak box office.

The stronger the stronger, is the truth of the domestic film protection month.

In mid-July, the domestic film protection month ended, and imported films were surging.

On July 11, the Korean movie "My Savage Girlfriend" was registered in China.

On July 12, the Hollywood blockbuster "Star Wars 2" was released in full.

On July 12, a French literary film...

There is also competition between imported films. The highly anticipated "Star Wars Prequel 2" has taken the lead in the box office since its first day of release, leading the box office rankings.

The cannon fodder to accompany the race will always exist, but at this stage, in addition to some domestic films, there are also imported films in the cannon fodder.

"My Savage Girlfriend" did not fall into the ranks of cannon fodder, with a double harvest at the box office and word of mouth. The box office in the first week was over 16 million, and the score was as high as 9.2 points.

According to this momentum, the box office is expected to challenge 60 million before the painting is released, setting a new record for the Korean film China's box office.

And "Star Wars Prequel 2", the box office in the first week was close to 30 million, and the box office exceeded 100 million without any suspense.

Regardless of the hot box office of some Hollywood blockbusters, in fact, overseas producers can't take much money.

Take "Star Wars 2" as an example. The film introduced China Xia in a split account model, and the box office share ratio is kept secret, but the scope of the share ratio is established-between 13.5% and 17.5%.

Therefore, "My Savage Girlfriend", which was introduced as a batch film, bought out the domestic copyright for 5 million. For IHQ and Mai Xiaoyu, a few money was indispensable while reducing the risk.

However, the hot screening of "My Savage Girlfriend" once again pushed Ah Zheng and Xiao Yuer to the front of the stage.

The movie is classic, the box office is high, the reputation is good, the theme song is good...

Screenwriter Azheng, from China!

Composer Xiaoyuer, Chinese!

This combination is worth looking forward to!

Otherwise, why would Uranus superstar Liu Dehua make a friendly guest appearance in "Crazy Stone"? Why do you sing the theme song?

"Yes, I was really moved by the combination of Ah Zheng and Xiao Yu'er. Moreover, our artist Lian Jin from Yingyi Entertainment was also invited to star in "Crazy Stone". According to the feedback he gave me, this is full of sincerity. movie of."

This is Liu Dehua's first positive statement in an interview with a certain media.

In the trailer of "Crazy Stone", the selling point of the Uranus superstar was not missed.

Liu Dehua, who looks like a policeman, is extraordinarily handsome. Huang Bo, dressed as a ruffian, touches behind him and raises the hammer in his hands...

For the small-scale trial screenings for theaters and media, Hailian Distribution Department invited multiple theater managers and media from first-tier cities.

These people were at first for the face of Liu Dehua and Hailian, but after watching the film, they all responded with enthusiastic applause, which caused a great sensation.

But in Mai Xiaoyu's view, this is not enough, and it is not enough to ensure that "Crazy Stone" has a firm foothold in the hit of imported blockbuster films such as "Star Wars 2" and "Spider-Man".

Mai Xiaoyu plans to take action to add fire to the propaganda of "The Stone" and make it a popular topic.

Should I look for a few film critics, or hire the navy, or do I want to find the critics first and then the navy?

In the office, Mai Xiaoyu was smoking a cigarette and thinking, but someone helped him do it.

"Mr. Mai, someone has hacked our movie!"

Chen Qiaoen knocked on the door and entered, bringing the latest news on the Internet.

At noon, more than 20 well-known film critics successively updated Weibo, pointing at Mengren Film and Television and "Crazy Stone".

The film critic three cigarettes: "Recently, I have seen media reports on "Crazy Stone" from time to time. After learning about this movie out of curiosity, I can only hehe. The filming budget of this movie is only 3 million, but I have used 500 Ten thousand are used for publicity, do movies now rely on mouth..."

Film critic Lao Fei: "I heard a friend mention a wonderful movie by chance. The promotion cost was twice as much as the filming fund. I asked me if I didn’t make a movie so disciplined. I was speechless. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have discipline, please Don’t lower the limit of filmmakers... I won’t tell you that the name of this wonderful movie is "Crazy Stone."

Film critic Ai Da: "Film is a sacred art. It should be the hard work of every filmmaker, not a speculative profit tool for some people. I don't know when since the impetuous atmosphere in society has invaded the film world, making certain People just want to swindle money from the audience through false propaganda, rather than calm down and study the movie seriously... That's right, I'm talking about Mengren TV, which is "Crazy Stone"!"

Film critic Gentleman Knight: "...Finally, I would like to advise Mengren Film and Television. Instead of spending five million for publicity, it is better to invest more funds in filming, improve film quality, and produce films that satisfy the audience. Conscience Movies. Instead of just thinking about grandstanding and deceiving the audience, using movies as a tool for making money."


More than 20 film critics’ microblogs all made essays on "Crazy Stone" 3 million production, 5 million propaganda", accusing Mengren of lacking the minimum sincerity and respect for filming and just want to use propaganda to deceive The audience's money!

If you invest 10 or 20 million in filming, that makes sense and can show sincerity.

But for the movie "Crazy Stone", Mengren Film and Television would rather spend 5 million on publicity than an extra 3 million in production costs. Can such a movie be watched?

These film critics each have tens of thousands of fans on Weibo ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands. Although the total number is not very large, they are easily reposted by fans and media due to their well-known reputation in the industry, and the potential for destruction is huge!

In fact, a large number of navy forces have reposted the microblogs of these film critics and hyped them to attract the attention of netizens.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and cursed indifferently: "That grandson is very caring, and saved me a lot of money."

Chen Qiaoen didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

"It's okay, you are interested, this time I will give you a credit."

"Mr. Mai, we should arrange for Teacher Azheng and Teacher Xiao Yu'er to come forward to refute the rumors as soon as possible, and use their influence to bring the situation back."

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at her with interest, took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiaoxing Xi's number: "It's time to start." (To be continued.)

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