?Jinling City.

"Crazy Stone" promotion meeting scene.

Under the arrangement of the Hailian Publishing Department, Xiaoxing Xi brought some of the main creators of "Crazy Stone" to meet with the local media and some audiences. Promote the film and answer questions from reporters and audiences.

Director Xiaoxing Xiao, photographer Zhang Xiaoquan, starring Guo Tao, Gou Yunhao, Wang Xun, Luo Xue, Lian Jin and others, no big names.

Guo Tao, who is the biggest in his wrist, is not famous for appearing in many film and television dramas, but for the drama "The Rhino in Love", which is quite famous in the drama circle.

But the crew does not lack topics.

The combination of "Azheng + Xiaoyuer", Liu Dehua's cameo, the theme song "Tired and Tired", cute film and television reusing newcomers, the way out of domestic low-cost movies, and interesting things during shooting can all arouse the interest of reporters and audiences.

Different from the previous publicity in other first-tier cities, at today's promotion meeting, some reporters throw up new and extremely sharp topics.

"Director Xi, many well-known film critics have pointed out in the media in the past two days that the production cost of the movie "Crazy Stone" is only 3 million yuan, and the promotion cost is as high as 5 million. Is it true?"

More than 20 well-known film critics continued to speak up, a large number of naval forces reposted it everywhere, and the cute people remained silent, causing the people who eat melons to be unsure of the truth, and there was heated discussion and scolding on the Internet.

According to the current momentum, I am afraid that it will not take long for a one-sided condemnation.

Xi Xiaoxing looked solemn and nodded vigorously: "The initial investment budget for this movie is indeed 3 million, all of which will be used for filming and production. The investment in the later stage of publicity and distribution was not considered at that time."

His answer was equivalent to an acknowledgment on the Internet, and there was an uproar at the scene.

The media reporters present were uplifted.

Hot topics on the Internet often have high news value. And Xiaoxing Xi’s reply represents the first positive answer from Moeren Film and Television, so don’t miss it!

"I would like to ask, is the cost of the publicity and distribution stage the 5 million rumored on the Internet?"

"It's five million. We have already made it public when we publicized it in Shancheng."

"So, the investment in "Crazy Stone" is not only three million as you advertised, but eight million?"

Xiaoxing Xi's face was ugly, and he hesitated for a while before repliing, "I can understand it this way."

The reporter who asked the question was excited, and his words became sharper: "Then I can understand that your company has invested 8 million in filmmaking in name, but in fact, the funds actually used for film production are only 3 million, not even half. arrive?"

To suffer!

Guo Tao is a veteran driver, and he has long heard that the reporter's question is wrong, but Xiaoxing Xi is obviously inexperienced. According to the other party's questions, he was introduced into the set step by step.

The last topic is even more heartfelt. Xiaoxing Xiao's answer is a little careless, which will not only destroy all the propaganda work of the crew some time ago, but also make the film into a huge passive!

The person in charge of Hailian's distribution department also realized the seriousness of the situation and called in his staff and asked in a low voice at a very fast speed: "Check which media he is from. Have we invited him?"

Both of them wanted to prevent Xiaoxing Xi from answering, but Xiaoxing Xi behaved like a fledgling chick and spoke without realizing it.

"You're right."

The uproar at the scene was even worse.

Guo Tao on the stage almost couldn't resist the urge to hide his face. The head of Hailian's issuing department was in the audience, without so much scruples, he just slapped his forehead: it's over.

More reporters wanted to ask questions, and Xiaoxing Xi broke out at this time.

He took the microphone and walked to the front of the stage and said angrily: "Do you think we are willing to spend five million on publicity and distribution? This money is enough for us to make another movie, but this money can be done without spending. ?"

"I Believe" is the first film our company shot. The production cost is two million. Do you know how much the promotion cost is? One million! Last time I was lucky and received support from many celebrities, and only earned 40 million in the box office. What about this time?"

"How much is the promotion cost of "Star Wars 2"? How much is the promotion cost of "Spider-Man"? And those blockbusters that have invested tens of millions of dollars, which promotion cost is less than 10 million? "Crazy Stone"!"

The reporter who asked the question was unmoved and continued to ask: "You can invest five million in publicity and distribution. Why are you stingy with the investment in film production? Can't you invest a few million more?"

"No need. Because the production cost of 3 million yuan is enough to guarantee the quality of our film, and it will be worth the fare paid by the audience after it is released in the future!"

Seeing Xiaoxing Su's failure, the reporter added fuel to the fire: "The quality of three million? I can't imagine. According to your statement, those films with an investment of tens of millions are not all high-quality works, but why are there some movies? Does the poor reputation at the box office make the audience dissatisfied?"

Hailian's issuing department is as big as a fight.

The origin of this person's identity has been ascertained.

Well-known freelance writer, pen name Leng Feng, entertainment news direction, and many large domestic media and entertainment sector editors have friendship. The reports he writes are often adopted by major media and entertainment sections.

"Crazy Stone" Jinling promotion conference, did not invite him, I do not know how to sneak in.

The purpose of Leng Feng is also obvious.

Either it is deliberately targeting "Stone" with people's money; or it is trying to make use of recent hot topics on the Internet to gain fame and fortune by stepping on "Stone".

"Do you want to arrange security to drive him out?" The staff of the Hailian Distribution Department asked the leader in a low voice.

"Don't you think it's messy enough?" The leader glared at him, "Prepare, today's promotion will end ahead of schedule."

This person made it clear that he was here to hit the scene!

so what?

For the media reporters present, the more violent the noise, the more predictable and the higher the news value.

If Leng Feng is driven out now... Ha ha!

what can we do about it?

Report upwards first.

The person in charge of Hailian's issuing department is going to contact the company ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to find a way to solve the problem, Xiaoxing Xi is mad.

"You bastard, do you understand movies!"

His curse instantly caused the situation to become irreconcilable.

Leng Feng held his arms secretly proud, the miniature recorder in his hand was always on.

"The quality of the crew of "Crazy Stone" was low, and the director exploded to reporters at the promotion meeting."

"The quality of the domestic film industry staff is worrying. After the money scam was exposed, the scam talked badly."

Which of these two titles is better?

Other media reporters are not as bad as he is, but they are also excited about the upcoming tears.

In the entertainment industry, tearing|forcing is always one of the best hype topics and one of the topics that attract readers' attention the most!

Xiaoxing Xi did not disappoint them, and shouted again with an angry face: "You bastard, do you understand movies!" (To be continued.)

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