
The chaos in the entertainment industry far exceeds the imagination of the people who eat melons.

The revelations of anonymous individuals have enabled many old drivers in the circle to understand the hype in the past few days.

Some people want to use the cute person as a gun to poke the giant Sky Group.

Mai Xiaoyu hates being a **** and being used by others, so he will not be fooled. He stupidly told the media that the news was true. Our company was blocked by DynaSky last year.

He has no direct grievances with Qingtian Group, only Ning Jia Ning Shibin has grievances. The latter used part of the Sky Group's resources to target him openly and secretly...Well, he has to admit that Ning Shibin is actually a good person, and every time he helps out.

But he will not take the initiative to clarify and excuse the Sky Group.

Taking advantage of strength to take advantage of the trend is one of the professional cultivation of a liar.

Therefore, when there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, the "Truth Emperor" appeared and the hype intensified, Mengrenguan Weibo updated Weibo.


East China Sea.

The crew of "Pink Girl".

The filming is nearing its end, and many actors have left the group one after another. Hai Qing, Liu Tao, Lin Zhiling, Wang Chuhan, Huo Jianhua, Huang Bo and other starring actors are filming the final scene.

"Ka, this one is over, everyone rest for ten minutes!"

Sun Yaxing announced that the crew would rest, and Huang Bo's assistant immediately delivered towels and iced mung bean soup.

Huang Bo wiped off the fine sweat on his face, holding the mung bean soup and asked his assistant: "Have you drunk...why is this expression?"

The assistant looked at Huang Bo excitedly: "Brother Bo, you are going to film in South Korea, why don't you tell us?"

"What? Bo brother went to South Korea to film?"

"Brother Bo, what are you going to film in Korea?"

"When will you go to South Korea to film?"

"Can you really hide it without telling us about such a big thing?"


When Hai Qing, Liu Tao and others heard the words, they came to inquire, and even Huo Jianhua, who had no habit of gossip, couldn't hold back. A group of people surrounded Huang Bo.

Huang Bo is inexplicable and innocent: "What are you talking about? What Korean filming, why don't I know?"

"Brother Bo, really, the company's Weibo just updated." The assistant handed the phone to Huang Bo, which was the official Weibo page of Mengren.

Mengren's official Weibo, which has not been updated for a long time, just updated Weibo half an hour ago.

On Weibo, Moeren claimed that Moeren Film and Television and ihq of South Korea are partners, and they are willing to contribute their modest efforts to the cultural exchanges and cooperation of film and television culture between China and South Korea, and to promote the common development of the film and television industry of the two countries.

"My Savage Girlfriend" is the first film between the two companies. The two parties jointly invested in the shooting, in which Moeren Film and Television provided the script and theme song, and ihq was responsible for the actors and crew.

The film achieved remarkable results, laying a good foundation for the cooperation between the two parties.

Therefore, the two parties plan to cooperate for the second time this year and continue to jointly invest in filming.

Also Moeren Film and Television provides the script, and ihq is responsible for the selection of actors and the preparation of the film crew.

Yes, it is still a Korean film, but in terms of the leading actor, Meng Ren Film and Television will recommend Huang Bo, one of its artists and Chopstick Brothers, to audition in South Korea.

Mengren Film and Television has recently been involved in a whirlpool of hype aimed at the Sky Group, and it is in the center of the whirlpool, which has attracted a lot of attention.

The official Weibo just updated its Weibo, and it was reposted by netizens and online media in large numbers. Some reporters contacted Chen Qiao'en and wanted to interview.

"Since it's a collaboration, why do you make a Korean movie?"

Some netizens left messages on Weibo.

Meng Ren gave a positive answer for the first time: "The film is a thriller revenge film, which deeply describes life, ethics, love, and psychology. Affected by the content of the film, it is difficult to establish a project in China."

Many Mengxins don’t understand this explanation of Mengren’s official Weibo, but there are old drivers who are popular in science.

"China's film censorship system, you know, ha ha."

This is the sentence most frequently used by old drivers when they are popularizing science. Newbies soon began to evolve to old drivers, and expressed a very good understanding of the decisions made by Mengren Film and Television.

Well, this is not the point, the point is how likely Huang Bo is to star in a Korean movie!

A circle of handsome men and beauties surrounded Huang Bo, and Liu Xiaoli rushed over when she learned about it.

Huang Bo looked at the people blankly and asked carefully: "If I say, I just learned the news, do you believe it?"

Before anyone could answer, his cell phone rang.

Deng Chao called!

Deng Chao's role has been finished. Recently, he took two commercials. In the rest of the time, apart from cooperating with the "Fake Show Really" crew for publicity, he also followed Li Xue to run the audition.

"Brother Bo, you're going to be hot!"

On the phone, Deng Chao's excited voice came. The first sentence was nine words in total, and the last five were sung.

Yes, it's the lyrics in "Little Apple", the tunes in "Little Apple".

Huang Bo said in a bad mood: "Did you forget to take the medicine today?"

"Pretend, you pretend, the company has spread. Oppa, you are my idol Smecta..."

Deng Chao's voice was very loud, even if Huang Bo's mobile phone was not turned on, the people around him could still hear it clearly.

"Let me say." Liu Xiaoli took the phone from Huang Bo, "Chao, is Xiaoxue by your side?"

"Sister Liu? Wait a minute." Soon, Li Xue's voice came from the phone: "Sister Liu, are you looking for me?"

"Well, the company is going to cooperate with ihq, has Mr. Mai told you?"

How to carry out the work of a broker and become an excellent broker, Liu Xiaoli gave Li Xue a lot of advice. The two of them were in love with their mentor and apprentice, and Li Xue knew very well what Liu Xiaoli cared about.

"Mr. Mai called me and said that after "Stone" was released, he would cancel all the appointments of Bo Ge."

Push down all appointments?

So it is true to arrange for Huang Bo to go to South Korea for filming!

Recently, Liu Xiaoli has been paying attention to the online tearing force, and Moe Ren Film and Television are innocently involved.

As soon as she saw the Weibo updated by Moeren's official Weibo, Liu Xiaoli thought it was Mai Xiaoyu's resolving method, and clarified the case of Qingtian's ban in a neutral and euphemistic manner.

Now it seems……

Hai Qing, Liu Tao, Huo Jianhua and others gathered around Liu Xiaoli~www.wuxiaspot.com~ looking forward to her reply.

Liu Xiaoli couldn't hide the joy in her heart. Hung up the phone, returned the phone to Huang Bo, and said with a smile: "Neck, get ready to treat!"

"Opba, you want to be hot and hot!"

Liu Xiaoli's voice fell, and Huang Bo was immediately surrounded by the crowd, drowning in a "fire, fire, fire, fire" singing.

South Korea is famous for its xenophobia and cultural export. China has become one of its biggest markets. Every year, a large number of Korean artists come to collect gold. On the other hand, China, since Hong Kong's film and television culture has not fallen behind, it has been difficult for new artists to "break into" South Korea against the current.

Some people will say that Chinese artists disdain, because the Korean market is too small.

Regardless of the reason, the protagonist of the movie is an opportunity for newcomers, isn't it?

Liu Xiaoli did not participate in the "siege" of Huang Bo.

She found director Sun Yaxing and asked, "Have you cut the 18-minute clip?" (To be continued.)

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