The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 249: Collect money and do nothing

The "Pink Girl" crew is about to be fully completed, and copyright sales and finding a broadcasting platform have become a top priority.

Fortunately, Liu Xiaoli has already opened up the relationship between Yanjing Satellite TV's film purchase department and used "heavy money" to win the friendship of the director of the film purchase department.

The other party stated that they intend to buy the copyright of "Pink Girl" and broadcast it on Yanjing Satellite TV.

However, because "Pink Girl" is not a Yanjing TV customized series, and there is no TV cafe's rating guarantee, it cannot be pre-ordered.

Only wait for the clip to be edited, and then discuss the copyright price, publicity method, and broadcast time after viewing the clip.

"Don't worry, the online comics work well. As long as the clips are in order, I can guarantee the purchase of the copyright."

This is the last time at the dinner table, after the director of the film purchase department accepted another big red envelope from Meng Ren, he patted his chest.

Now, Liu Xiaoli rushed back to Yenching with the cut out of the 18-minute film, just to negotiate the contract, set up the copyright sale as soon as possible, and ask Huang Bo to go to South Korea to make a film.

after dinner.

Mai House Villa.

Liu Xiaoli asked Mai Xiaoyu: "When did you talk to IHQ?"

"Early July."

Cooperating with IHQ again, using Huang Bo as the starring role is not a temporary decision made by Mai Xiaoyu in order to cope with the recent online tears.

Some time ago, he and Jun Zhixian played a friendly match at the hotel.

After Jeon Ji Hyun returned to China, he asked Jeon Ji Hyun to bring back a new script and his conditions-starring Huang Bo.

He thinks Huang Bo is very suitable for the movie in his dream, but the subject matter of the movie is too sensitive, and the domestic project will definitely not be approved and it will not pass the review.

He did not rush to announce this in the company. He wanted to wait for "Crazy Stone" and "Pink Girl" to be released one after another, taking advantage of Huang Bo's popularity and fame to reach its peak, and then take advantage of the trend to announce that it is Huang Bo's upward momentum. Tim the fire.

Unexpectedly, with the help of "My Savage Girlfriend", someone wanted to use a cute person as a gun to stab Qingtian Film and Television, and also heated the topic, creating a good opportunity for him not to be missed.

So he took advantage of the situation to announce the incident, hyped Huang Bo in advance, and also contributed to the publicity work of "The Stone" and "Pink Girl".

As for the likes of Kazakhstan, Japan, and Hami, they have always only stayed among ordinary fans; for the entertainment industry, whether it is a film company or an artist, it never has anything to say, and most of the considerations are always "right" What good do I have".

In business, business, and the vanity fair of the entertainment circle, considering self-interest is an eternal topic.

Hallyu is very popular in China. If Huang Bo can buck the trend and break into the Korean entertainment circle, and it is the most prestigious film scene in Korean entertainment, it will have great benefits for Huang Bo personally and cute movies.

Liu Xiaoli is very concerned about the progress of this matter and the probability of its eventual realization.

"Where did you talk to them?"

"It's just an intention at the moment, the script has been approved, and the IHQ Video Division is estimating the investment cost..."

"Where's Huang Bo? They agree to starring Huang Bo?"

How can it be?

South Korea is famous for its xenophobia, and Huang Bo is just a rookie. If it weren't for Mai Xiaoyu's insistence, IHQ would not even consider it.

In order to star Huang Bo, IHQ video department contacted Mai Xiaoyu, and even asked to directly communicate with Ah Zheng, hoping to be like "My Savage Girlfriend", the male and female protagonists will be played by Korean actors.

IHQ only values ​​Azheng, and as for Moeren Films...If Moeren can not only contact Azheng, they will also choose a large Chinese film and television company if they want to cooperate.

Mai Xiaoyu knows the key to the cooperation between the two parties and has a strong attitude: "Either cooperate and lead Huang Bo; or I will find other companies to cooperate, and I may earn money and may win prizes. I think there will be companies in your country that are willing to follow us. People cooperate."

After a lot of wrangling, IHQ finally took a half step back. They have to examine Huang Bo's acting skills before deciding whether to agree.

This condition is very reasonable, and Mai Xiaoyu readily agrees.

"In other words, Huang Bo's performance in "Crazy Stone" and "Pink Girl" determines whether he can play the leading role?"

"Mainly "Crazy Stone"."

Liu Xiaoli hesitated for a moment: "Are you sure?"

"The problem shouldn't be big..."

After dinner, the two began to discuss work matters.

You talked and I talked, but Mai Yingxiong, the head of the family, became an outsider.

"You two, talk about work and going to the company. It's family time now."

Liu Xiaoli looked helplessly at Mai Hero, Mai Xiaoyu said: "Dad, help me contact Uncle Pan, I am going to go to court."

I like this topic!

Mai Yingxiong asked: "Who is prosecuting?"

"Leng Feng."


"Leng Feng will be formally sued on the 6th of next month. He has slandered our company in the media and the Internet, and I have let people save it."

"no problem."

August 6th?

Is there anything special on this day?

Liu Xiaoli thought for a moment, and suddenly realized: "The day before the release of "Spider-Man"?"

On July 23, the premiere of "Crazy Stone" was held in the East China Sea.

Due to rumors that Liu Dehua would attend, tickets for the premiere were sold out early.

However, at the premiere, many media and viewers felt that they were deceived, because Liu Dehua did not come, but only took a DV to send blessings.

The premiere of "Stone" followed the cute style-plain!

The layout of the premiere venue was simple, with all the main creators of the "Stone" crew present. There were no big stars and the stars were dim.

However, when "Stone" was officially released, media reporters and audiences put all their grievances behind and immersed themselves in this low-cost commercial comedy film full of black humor...

At 10:30 in the evening, Mai Xiaoyu received a good news call from Xiaoxing Xi.

"Boss, the premiere is super hot. After the movie is over, the audience stood up and applauded!"

"Yu'er, his neck is burning. After the premiere, the reporter interviewed, and counted the most reporters around him!"



On the phone, Xiaoxing Xiao and Zhang Xiaoquan scrambled to describe the hot situation of the premiere. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Guo Tao, Gou Yunhao, Huang Bo, director Xi Xiaoxing and others were all interviewed by reporters.

Especially Huang Bo, who has the most reporters around him, and the topic has shifted from his wonderful interpretation of the "black skin" in the film to the co-production of Korean films by Mengren Film and Television and IHQ, where he is the lead actor.

The success of the premiere tonight has made the crew and distributors full of confidence in the upcoming national release!

It's just that Mai Xiaoyu is not so excited.

After hanging up the phone, I lit a cigarette, leaned on the windowsill and looked at the night sky, frowning.

There was a problem with the broadcast of "Pink Girl".

After the 18-minute film was delivered to Yanjing TV, the director of the film purchase department who had promised before changed his words.

"Sorry, our TV station does not buy this TV series for your company."

Grass mud horse, I received three to four hundred thousand yuan, made a bunch of promises, now tell me not to buy? (To be continued.)

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