Love is quiet on the train


The two men and two women I met during the journey are playing double promotion.


"There is no owner? The two brothers are embarrassed, the tractor is digging the bottom!"

"I'm arrogant to you, you only have ten masters, so your hole cards are up to thirty points?"

"I have a good deck, I think I can hold it..."

"Sister Ni, you insulted my personality, and you insulted my IQ? You are simply the legendary'teammate of the gods'!"

"People are girls. What can't they do?"

"Don't touch me, your **** picking up girls really cost you money!"

"You guys are so interesting."

"Beauty, haven't you watched "Crazy Stone"? It was just released at the end of last month. It was very good-looking. I watched it twice, and every time I laughed and fell in love. Will I have time tomorrow night? I will invite you to dinner and watch a movie. "

"Thank you, I have something tonight, and I want to watch "The Legend of the Dragon Slayer" at home..."

Listening to the conversation of the four young people in the seat behind him, and looking at Mai Xiaoyu who is asleep next to him, Chen Qiaoen inevitably felt a little trance in his heart.

The success of "Stone" surpassed her imagination.

Not only did the box office and word-of-mouth rise all the way, it also became popular with director Xiaoxing Xiao and Guo Tao, Huang Bo, Gou Yunhao, Lian Jin and other actors.

Xiaoxing Xi is hailed as the hope of Chinese film and a talented director.

Guo Tao returned to the film scene from the stage of the drama, with a flood of film appointments, and the salary from "The Stone" was less than 50,000, which went straight to six figures.

Huang Bo, the supporting role, and Xiaoxing Xi are known as the duo who benefited the most after the release of "The Stone".

The "black skin" he played has been memorized by thousands of viewers. Weibo fans have broken through one million and are still increasing.

His movie appointments are also very large. Although he is not the male number one, he is also an important role, but he was rejected by his agent Li Xue.

The reason is to prepare for the new film co-operated by Mengren Film and Television and ihq, which is closely watched by the media and fans.

Lian Jin's phrase "I am your lungs" has become a buzzword. With this phrase, he opened the mainland market and ushered in the second spring of his acting career.

On the third day of the movie's release, he specifically called to thank Mai Xiaoyu.

When interviewed by the media, Liu Dehua made a special statement.

"I want to thank the director Xiaoxing Xiao for giving me a chance to advance to my training class classmates. He had no self-confidence before. Although he worked very hard and his body was better than me, he just didn't have a chance. After shooting "The Stone" , Self-confidence finally came back, the director is really worthless."

In fact, it was Mai Xiaoyu that Liu Dehua really wanted to thank, but when the two were talking on the phone the day before, Mai Xiaoyu refused, so he changed to Xiaoxing Xi.

There are also rookies in the entertainment industry, such as Gou Yunhao and Luo Xue, who have opened their own path of performing arts by virtue of their brilliant performances in "The Stone".

Xiaoxing Su and the main actors of "The Stone" frequently appeared in various publicity activities.

There are exclusive interviews with print media and online media, talk shows on local TV stations, fan meetings and thank-you meetings from all over the country...

Sometimes the fate of too many people has changed because of "The Stone".

The most mentioned by the media and the audience is that the director Xiaoxing Xiao made a classic movie, the screenwriter Ah Zheng wrote an excellent book, and the superb performances of actors Guo Tao, Huang Bo, Lian Jin and others in the film.

However, Chen Qiaoen was very clear that it was the man who was sitting next to him sleeping that changed the fate of these people. For some reason, he deliberately erased Mai Xiaoyu's existence in a low-key manner.

Chen Qiaoen, who was in a complicated mood, suddenly felt his shoulders sink, but Mai Xiaoyu's head was resting on her fragrant shoulders.

She deliberately avoided, but remembering that these days, Mai Xiaoyu spared no effort to run the domestic first-line satellite TV to promote the "Pink Girl" efforts and hard work, she lifted her shoulders slightly to make Mai Xiaoyu sleep more comfortable.

People who work hard are always easy to get recognition, even if he used to be a...liar.

After more than half a year of undercover cuteness, Chen Qiao'en's mentality has also undergone tremendous changes.

Especially in the past few days, when Mai Xiaoyu took the "Pink Girl" clips and kept hitting the wall on various front-line TVs in China, she suddenly understood why Lin Zhiling was willing to trust Mai Xiaoyu again.

She no longer wanted to expose Mai Xiaoyu's unbearable past, as long as Mai Xiaoyu no longer threatened Maizi's four.

Isn't it okay to be the boss of a film and television company decently?

What is it, chilly?

Chen Qiaoen looked sideways and almost collapsed.

Probably because of the incorrect posture, Mai Xiaoyu's mouth drooled and dripped on her shoulders.

It's summer now, and she is wearing a lady's sleeveless t-shirt!


Chen Qiaoen quickly avoided and took out a tissue to wipe his shoulders. Mai Xiaoyu was shaken by her and woke up in a daze.


"Not yet." Chen Qiaoen said irritably, and at the same time slandered in his heart that this liar who should be struck by lightning can't be kind to him!

Mai Xiaoyu smacked his lips and became sober: "What's wrong with you? What happened just now?"

"Nothing." Chen Qiaoen didn't want to raise the "slobber door", wiped his shoulders and threw away the tissues.

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes rolled: "Did you do anything bad to me when I was asleep?"

Oh my This man is too shameless, he actually beat him up.

Before Chen Qiaoen could speak, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly leaned in and lowered his voice: "Speak clearly first, I'm a serious person."

You are a serious person who deserves to be struck by lightning!

It is not the first time that Chen Qiaoen has accompanied Mai Xiaoyu on a business trip, nor is it the first time that Mai Xiaoyu has been molested. He has accumulated rich experience and knows how to fight back.

"Mr. Mai, you bully me again and be careful when I call Sister Tao."

Sure enough, Mai Xiaoyu's expression was stagnant: "It's so good, why did you pull her in again?"

The journey was long and boring.

It's a good way to have a beautiful girl accompany you, joking, and a lively atmosphere, a boring journey and heavy pressure.

Moreover, Chen Qiaoen is still a lamb, the pit has been dug, just waiting for her to jump down obediently.

But Mai Xiaoyu discovered that this little lamb was evolving faster than he could imagine, and he actually learned to use Liutao as a shield. It's not cute!

Chen Qiaoen smiled triumphantly. She likes to see Mai Xiaoyu deflated, with a faint sense of accomplishment.

"Did something happen between you?"

Mai Xiaoyu has always wanted to understand what happened between Liu Tao and Chen Qiaoen, and the relationship will become so close.

"You are afraid of Sister Tao!"

"Nonsense, why am I afraid of her?"

"You like Sister Tao, so you are afraid of hurting her!"

Hiss, this lamb...

Mai Xiaoyu took a breath, looked at Chen Qiaoen for a moment, leaned over with a smirk, and lowered his voice: "I like you, and I'm not afraid to hurt you."

"Hey." Chen Qiaoen sighed, flicked his hair, and brushed the ends of Mai Xiaoyu's cheeks, "Mai, you pretend to be so hard every day, aren't you tired?"

...(Nine Head Bird College)

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