

Express Inn.

After taking a shower, Mai Xiaoyu in a comfortable suit was lying on the windowsill, playing with cigarettes while blowing on the air conditioner, looking at the pedestrians and vehicles outside the window, thinking about how to contact Dolphin TV.


There was a knock on the door.

This lamb is getting more and more troublesome.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed, walked over to open the door, and said in a huff: "Aren't you tired after having been on the train for several hours?"

"Put your clothes on!"

"This is my room. I have a problem with my shirtless?"

"Whatever you want."

Chen Qiaoen walked into the room and when he passed by Mai Xiaoyu, he took the cigarette in his hand by the way.


"Sister Tao explained that she wants you to smoke less, she is for your own good."

Mai Xiaoyu was speechless: "What happened between you and her?"

Every time he thinks of the long talk he had with Liu Tao, Chen Qiaoen couldn't help but want to laugh.

It was from Liu Tao that she really "tipped" Mai Xiaoyu's disguise and came into contact with the essence of this liar.

A liar is a liar, there are so many rules...

You used to molested me and scared me so long that I couldn't sleep well. The time I went to Xiangjiang with you, I brought all kinds of anti-wolf equipment with me...

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu deflated, Chen Qiaoen couldn't say so proudly: "I can't tell you the secret between girls."

"I will figure it out. Liu Tao is a good girl, don't hurt her."

"Oh, you finally admit that you like Sister Tao... No, you said Sister Tao is a good girl, you mean I'm not a good girl?"

What do you say?

It’s improper to put a nice and cute lamb, run undercover by my side, all kinds of inquiries; go to Xiangjiang and find someone to install a monitor in my room; take a peek at my mobile phone... If you are not Lin Zhiling’s best friend, if I am not dreaming in a dream Once I have been to you, I have a hundred ways to make you unable to stay.

Mai Xiaoyu yawned and asked, "What can I do?"

"I want to ask, how sure are you on Dolphin TV?"

"do not know."

Mai Xiaoyu is a professional liar, but he has not yet found an opportunity to use his "special skills" in the TV circle.

Since being put together by Zhou Zhe, director of the Yanjing Satellite TV's purchasing department, he and Liu Xiaoli have been contacting provincial satellite TVs everywhere.

The company is small in scale and the structure is not perfect. It is all about building while developing and running TV stations. Apart from Liu Xiaoli, who has some experience and contacts, he is the only liar who has rich social experience and is not timid.

Others are too tender.

After the two discussed, the division of labor was clear.

Liu Xiaoli mainly contacted the second-line and third-line satellite TV, these TV stations are most likely to buy the broadcasting rights of "Pink Girl".

Mai Xiaoyu contacted the first-line TV with rich wealth. The first-line satellite TV has a high ratings, and the national dissemination height and breadth far exceed those of the second and third-line satellite TVs. Although you may not be able to see "Pink Girl", you always have to try it. What if you find a leak?

The reality is very cruel, the first-line satellite TV is not easy to pick up, and the gimmick "adapted from the work of the same name by the well-known comics author Mai Zi" cannot impress the first-line satellite TV.

"Our station has finished the programming of this year's TV series, and there is currently no plan to buy the series."

"Our station is not interested in this TV series. You can contact other TV stations."

"It's not a question of the amount of rebates. The ratings of this drama are too bad, and our channel will definitely not buy it."


There are only a few domestic first-line TVs. The one with the highest level of contact with Mai Xiaoyu is only the deputy director of the film purchase department. None of them intends to buy them, and they don't even want to watch them.

TV dramas are good to make but not to sell. When selling TV dramas, the film and television company's fortunes can be described as "ice and fire".

Companies that are rich in hit dramas usually have TV stations signing purchase contracts when they set up their projects and start filming. They can take the initiative to choose a TV series platform to help the TV series achieve the expected broadcast effect, promote the company's brand and word of mouth, and even bundle the nearly-sold dramas to the TV station.

For example, the recently hit "Eternal Dragon Slayer" has already been snapped up by several first-line satellite TVs at the beginning of filming.

Attention, it is snapped up!

Jin Yong's drama has never been short of ratings, and a hundred remakes will attract a large number of viewers.

Produced by Tiandi Film and Television, directed by well-known directors, starring by popular stars such as Su Youpeng and Jia Jingwen, many powerful actors have joined, and the lineup is strong.

The genre of the subject, the cast, the popularity of the director and the screenwriter and other viewing elements are complete, absolutely high-quality drama, no worries about selling.

After the broadcast, the popularity of the show has also proved that the popularity of this drama ranks first in the same period of the city network.

For those companies that are silent and small, with weak connections and no big names, it is quite difficult to sell TV shows. Running a TV show trade fair, running a TV station, and having a sincere relationship may not be able to get rid of it. It would be great to have a TV station to receive it, and there is no capital to pick a platform.

For example, "Pink Girl".

The subject matter of urban light comedy is OK, but what about the cast?

Hai Qing, Liu Tao, Lin Zhiling, Wang Chuhan, Huo Jianhua, Huang Bo...

Which can be called a TV cafe?

All newcomers!

Director Sun Yaxing...one of the famous and well-known local tyrant and queen directors in the circle. The purpose of filming the drama is not to compete for ratings, but to help local tyrants to get starlets.

The production of Fang Mengren's film and television, with the two small-cost films "I Believe" and "Crazy Stone", finally has a foothold in the film world, but now the discussion is in the TV circle, and it is still a recruit!

This kind of TV series will never be seen by the first-line TV.

Mai Xiaoyu ran on Mango TV in Hunan for several days. He didn't even see the leader of the film buying department. He couldn't find a way to talk about rebates.

Professional liars, unremitting efforts, appear pale and feeble in front of the door of the TV circle.

Mengren Film and Television hasn't got the admission ticket to the TV circle yet, staying outside the door, Mai Xiaoyu has nothing to do.

He needs a stepping brick and knocking on the door of the TV circle to be able to use his various "skills~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Dolphin TV is the last and greatest hope.

Dolphin TV is not a first-line TV, it is only a first-and-a-half or quasi-first-line, but Mai Xiaoyu has taken the path of the director of the film purchase department.

Pan Feng, a good friend of Mai Yingxiong, is a well-known lawyer who is very good at fighting related lawsuits in the entertainment industry.

Currently helping Mengren Film and Television sue the well-known freelance writer Leng Feng for a lawsuit against Mengren for reputation infringement.

According to the plan, "Crazy Stone" will not be drawn, and the lawsuit will not be rushed to close. This is also a means of propaganda, used to help "Crazy Stone" against "Spider-Man".

He accidentally learned from Mai Yingxiong that Mai Xiaoyu was running a TV station selling TV series, and casually provided a personal network with the director of Dolphin TV's film purchase department. When he was in a lawsuit before, he had had several dealings with this person, and it was a bit of friendship.

The network is very shallow, but it can guarantee that Mai Xiaoyu can catch the line of the other party.

Therefore, Mai Xiaoyu brought Chen Qiao'en to Hui'an Province from southern Hunan for the final attempt. (To be continued.)

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