"If it doesn't work this time, what should I do?" Chen Qiaoen was a bit cold, and the air conditioner temperature was increased to 27 degrees.

"Then go back to Yanjing, I'm all done, and I'm tired."

Mai Xiaoyu stretched out and said.

The well-developed chest muscles, six-pack abs, and the looming mermaid line made Chen Qiao'en couldn't help but glance at it.

"It's time to go back long ago, isn't Sister Liu's talk about it?"

The gimmick of "adapted from the work of the same name by the well-known comic author Mai Zi" can't impress the first-line satellite TV, but some second- and third-line satellite TVs are still willing to look at the TV series "Pink Girl" with their eyes.

I have seen the carefully edited 18-minute clips brought by Liu Xiaoli, and several second and third line TVs are interested in buying them, but the bids are slightly lower.

70,000 yuan per episode!

There are three third-line satellite TVs willing to buy the premiere rights of "Pink Girl" at this price.

The price is a bit low, and Liu Xiaoli is negotiating with the other party, hoping to increase the single episode price.

The market share of third-line satellite TV is not high, and it is not as rich as the first-line satellite TV. In terms of price, they insist that Qingshan will not relax, only 70,000.

In fact, this price is not unacceptable for Mengren.

Seventy thousand each, the price of a single episode of the three is two hundred and ten thousand.

"Pink Girl" has a total of 39 episodes, with a declared investment of 10 million and an actual investment of 8 million, with an average of less than 210,000 per book. This does not include the two to three million advertising sponsorships, and the costs of the second and third rounds of broadcast.

If you can finally sign contracts with three Shanghai Satellite TVs at this price, it will be enough to ensure that the "Pink Girl" filmed by Mengren Film and Television will make a steady profit.

Chen Qiaoen slapped his calf: "I'm exhausted these days. I haven't worked so hard since I was young."

"Who told you to come out with me?"

This time he went out to run major first-line satellite TVs, after Chen Qiaoen learned about it, he took the initiative to ask Ying to accompany him.

After discussing with Liu Xiaoli, Mai Xiaoyu and Liu Xiaoli also agreed that having a beautiful woman at the wine table is in line with the wine table culture and is helpful for closer relations and business negotiations, so they agreed.

However, before departure, Liu Xiaoli specifically told Mai Xiaoyu that Liu Tao was a good girl, and she took Chen Qiaoen to make a difference.


That's a lamb with "another purpose"!

Mai Xiaoyu wouldn't be foolish to Chen Qiaoen, at most babbled to tease her, but some people wanted to foolish.

Some TV station staff can't resist Chen Qiao'en's beauty temptation. When eating and chatting, they frequently toast and ask for phone calls, vowing that she has the potential to become a female anchor.

female anchor……

I bought a watch last year!

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu on the wine table, many times to fend off those disgusting guys with ulterior motives, Chen Qiaoen lightly sighed: "I didn't expect the TV station to be so messy."

"Why use ‘also’? TV stations are also part of the entertainment industry."

In the entertainment industry, artists, like money, often become tools to open the way, regardless of men and women.

This is no longer a simple unspoken rule of interest exchange, but a kind of degeneration, from people to commodities, for some people in power to choose, to entertain distinguished guests, open up relationships, and so on.

Behind the infinite scenery is the unimaginable filthy chaos of all kinds of melon-eating people.

"Thank you, you are a good boss."

"What is there to thank you, you are my person, I will not let you be bullied."

"It's your employee!"

"it's the same."

Chen Qiaoen puffed up his buns, rolled his eyes, and did not refute.

Although Mai Xiaoyu was a liar before, he is still threatening Maizi and the other four people, but in her opinion, he is much better than many well-dressed guys in the entertainment industry.

In the evening of the next day, Mai Xiaoyu invited guests, accompanied by Chen Qiaoen, and hosted a banquet for Yan Sicong, director of Dolphin TV's film purchase department.

Huaxia currently implements the "four stars in one drama" system, which means that a TV drama can be broadcast on up to four satellite TVs at the same time.

Moe has now reached broadcast intentions with three Shanghai Satellite TVs. If you can talk about Dolphin TV, you will naturally earn more; if you can't talk about it... it will have little effect.

With this relaxed attitude, Mai Xiaoyu decided to make a quick battle.

In Hefei, he chose a high-end private club. Thousands of wines and dishes were served on the table. After a simple polite meal, a few glasses of wine were over. Mai Xiaoyu opened the door and put forward his intentions and promised benefits.

"Director Yan, Pan Feng is my uncle. You have friendship with him, and we are not outsiders, so I won't hide it with you..."

In the seventy-one episode, 6% of the rebate per episode, which is four thousand yuan, counted nearly 160,000 "rebates", which is double the 3% rebate of the three third-line TVs.

Mai Xiaoyu is not distressed about this, because Dolphin TV is a quasi-first-line TV, with a large market share and a high ratings base. The nationwide | spread height and breadth are not comparable to third-line TVs.


After listening to Mai Xiaoyu's words, Yan Sicong, director of Dolphin TV's film purchase department, screamed inwardly.

What he scolded was not the offer made by Mai Xiaoyu, but the way he spoke.

Yan Sicong is in his thirties this year, dressed in glamorous clothes and wearing gold glasses, and looks gentle.

In the position of director of the film buying department for several years, he has participated in countless dinners of large and small production parties, has handled countless famous and unknown TV series, and has also experienced various unspoken rules.

For strong dramas, it is a high-quality resource that the TV stations are scrambling to squeeze their heads, and don't expect to benefit from others. It is usually a few dinners to make friends and establish contacts, and it is not always certain who will be invited.

But those small and medium-sized film and television companies that are unknown, do not have TV dramas joined by TV cafes, and want to sell them to TV stations. Can they not mean it?

Don't feel dark, this is the human relationship in the human relationship society.

If you want to ask your friends to help your children get into a good school, you still need meaning, let alone a TV drama with a scale of investment of tens of millions?

It's not funny, if you don't have an acquaintance to introduce it, you can't find the door even if you want to.

In the past, the small companies and production parties used relationship introductions first, and then the wine table and after-dinner entertainment activities to get closer to him. The relationship is good, the relationship is in place, and then make a request.

How can anyone be as explicit as Mai Xiaoyu?

Don't understand it implicitly!

Seventy thousand yuan an episode, the amount is not big, things are relatively easy to handle; and the 6% rebate is not low; there is also Pan Feng’s face...

Yan Sicong smiled: "Sure enough, it's a newborn calf~www.wuxiaspot.com~The spirit is commendable."

"Where, I have to rely on Director Yan to take care of me." Mai Xiaoyu held up the wine glass, "I toast you."


The glass is empty.

Chen Qiaoen took the initiative to pour wine to Yan Sicong. Yan Sicong looked at her and said to Mai Xiaoyu: "Oh, you still live a happy life and earn money. The beautiful women around you are like clouds. How can they be like us who take dead wages and return every day? My family can only face the yellow-faced woman."

"If Director Yan is willing to condescend, our company will welcome each other."

"Hahaha!" Yan Sicong smiled, and the corner of his eye glanced at Chen Qiaoen inadvertently. "She is really your company's propaganda officer, not the heroine of this show?"

Mai Xiaoyu gave a thumbs up: "Director Yan has a good eye, she is indeed not a propaganda commissioner, but my woman."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu hugged Chen Qiao'en in his arms and squeezed her waist... (To be continued.)

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