The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 256: Liar VS Director of Film Purchase Department


"Maizi, let me tell you, your tens of thousands of yuan is really nothing. Last year, a TV station bought a TV series for the first round of prime time for 240,000 yuan per episode."

"Do you know the price of that TV series sold to other TVs in the same period? 20,000 per episode!"

"Do you want to know why?"

"Hahaha, you are still tender, I don't know how deep the water is inside"

In the private room, Yan Sicong hugged from left to right, with two delicate princesses in his arms, telling all sorts of strange things in the TV circle until now. In front of Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen, the experience of the old driver was shown.

This is an after-dinner entertainment activity, located in a high-end private club.

Don't look at people's collection of expensive money, but the service is in place, all-inclusive of food, drink and fun.

After arriving in the private room, Mommy brought more than a dozen girls, from innocent to coquettish, from immature to charming, from shameful to wild and unrestrained, let you choose.

Yan Sicong was not polite, and directly ordered two. One was innocent and shy and the other was coquettish, mature and bold, enjoying all kinds of flattery and personal service.

Mai Xiaoyu accompanies him to drink and chat, listening to him bragging about Xianpuan, mainly by observing his gaze.

Sure enough, he found Yan Sicong's eyes passing through him several times, falling on Chen Qiaoen's face and chest.

Even if Mai Xiaoyu always held Chen Qiaoen's small hand, he could not prevent Yan Sicong from being attracted by Chen Qiaoen's beauty and figure.

"Let's respect Brother Yan together."

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed Chen Qiao'en's hand, and the two picked up the wine glass together.

"Haha, good."

Yan Sicong smiled and drew his right hand from the bold girl's underwear, picked up the wine glass, and his left hand was still in the shy girl's long skirt.

After drinking a glass of wine, feeling Chen Qiaoen trying to break free, Mai Xiaoyu let go and said, "Go, sing a song."

Chen Qiaoen has been suppressing his anger tonight.

At the dinner table, Mai Xiaoyu came to the private room with her waist and grabbed her hand again. She couldn't escape.

Had it not been for this time of contact, she knew that Mai Xiaoyu was not that kind of person, and she would have been angry early.

She made up her mind that after returning to the hotel tonight, she must let Mai Xiaoyu give herself an explanation, a reasonable explanation!

Now that Mai Xiaoyu asked himself to sing, Chen Qiaoen didn't hesitate to throw away his hand, walked over to choose a few songs, stood in front of the TV wall, and sang softly.

"Brother Yan, have another glass." Mai Xiaoyu pulled Yan Sicong's gaze back from Chen Qiaoen, "Is it all right with me?"

"As long as I am happy, what can be the problem?"

Mai Xiaoyu lowered his voice: "On the part of the director"

"Go, you guys go sing too!" Yan Sicong also drove the two girls who had posted on him to sing, "Our director is on a half-year sick leave, and it is estimated that he will not be able to come back. Now the deputy director Wang is working as the acting director of the station. I'm too busy, and I can't take care of our film purchase department if I don't have time."

"That's it, then please ask Brother Yan."

"It's just a small matter. Pan Lu's face is one thing. The key is that you can be a human being. This song is my favorite. Drink it slowly and I will sing it."

Yan Sicong walked over with a drunken drunk, sent the shy and bold sister back to accompany Mai Xiaoyu, and took the microphone to sing with Chen Qiao'en.

After singing a few words, they have moved behind Chen Qiaoen and posted them.

Chen Qiaoen was frustrated at first, and when he noticed the strangeness behind him, he turned around and saw Yan Sicong with an evil smile on his face, and pushed him over.

"what are you doing!"

Yan Sicong was pushed and staggered, furious.

In the entertainment circle, TV stations form a small circle of their own, with their own unique unspoken rules.

Not to mention the female anchors and trainees. The director of the production department has the right to buy movies. It is not too easy to dive into a few starlets.

Niu's TV station can even unilaterally "block" TV actors.

In order to sell TV dramas, some small companies and producers will usually bring one or a few actresses in the drama together as a tool to clear the way when they make relationships.

These actresses generally do not refuse, because they are also good.

They are willing to be collected stamps by the real power leaders of the TV station in exchange for the opportunity to appear on the show, in order to increase their appearance rate, popularity, reputation and value.

Tonight, Yan Sicong was rejected for the first time.

"Batch, give you a face!"

His slap did not fall, Mai Xiaoyu grabbed his wrist and stood in front of Chen Qiaoen.

"Let go!" Yan Sicong said sternly, "Don't think that Pan Feng's face is great. If she can't make Lao Tzu happy tonight, Lao Tzu will make your company unhappy!"


The applause resounded crisply in the private room, and the soft music was particularly harsh.

Yan Sicong fell to the ground, the hot pain and buzzing tinnitus on his face, and he did not react for a long time.

Mai Xiaoyu moved his wrist and said contemptuously: "I said, she is my person, don't want to touch anyone. As for Crazy Pan, haha, if he didn't hide in the United States back then, I could beat him into a pig."

On the sofa, the two girls acted very calmly.

The entry time is not too long, but I am used to the situation where I called my brother before and turned my face to fight.

The two glanced at each other, got up with wintry wintry, and planned to leave this place of right and wrong, and by the way notify the manager.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't want to have extra branches, and pointed at them: "Sit there and don't move."

The two girls smiled flatteringly and sat back on the sofa.

At this time, Yan Sicong became sober, got up from the ground, covered his face and pointed at Mai Xiaoyu with anger and disbelief: "You, how dare you hit me? You are over, we don’t want your company’s TV series, neither do you I want to leave Hefei safely!"

"It doesn't matter who is finished." Mai Xiaoyu asked without looking back, "Are you out of breath?"

"No!" Chen Qiaoen said angrily.

Mai Xiaoyu raised his foot and kicked Yan Sicong's chest. The latter screamed and fell to the ground again.

"now what?"

"much better."

"let's go."

Mai Xiaoyu took Chen Qiao'en's hand. Chen Qiao'en didn't struggle this The two took the bags and left the private room without looking back. Yan Sicong, who was groaning in pain, and two stunned girls were left behind.

Take a taxi outside the high-end private clubhouse back to the Express Hotel, Mai Xiaoyu took Chen Qiao'en into the hotel lobby and then came out.

"Are there important things in your room?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.


"That's good."

After a brief conversation, Mai Xiaoyu took Chen Qiao'en to a small hotel diagonally opposite the hotel, paid an extra 100 yuan without a registered ID, and opened a double room.

After entering the room, Chen Qiaoen asked, "Why don't you go back to the hotel?"

"Do you think Yan Sicong will not retaliate after suffering such a big loss?"

Chen Qiaoen suddenly realized: "You mean him?"

"Wait." Mai Xiaoyu walked to the window, "Here you can see the hotel door, I think you will see it soon." To be continued

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