? The Express Hotel is very lively tonight.

First, there was a group of police officers, and they found nothing after entering the hotel.

Then came a group of gangsters, cursing after coming out of the hotel.

Then Yan Sicong walked into the hotel with two policemen and two gangsters, and took away all the items left in the room by Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen.

The two people they were looking for, one leisurely smoking a cigarette, the other with silver teeth clenched, stood at the window of the small hotel, watching the scenes opposite.

"He actually found someone to retaliate!"

Chen Qiaoen was very angry, and her experience tonight made her extremely angry.

How can anyone dare to treat her this way when she grows up?

"It hurts the body so badly, girls tend to get old. Come on, smoke a cigarette and calm down."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and passed the cigarette that was half smoked in his hand, Chen Qiaoen knocked it out: "Did you find that the surname Yan had bad intentions while eating?"


"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I thought I could solve it, but I didn't expect him to be so shameless."

"Solved? You mean selling the TV series to them while still protecting me?"

Chen Qiaoen finally understood the reason why Mai Xiaoyu was uncharacteristically acting on himself tonight.

Mai Xiaoyu nodded: "You are right."

"Then why did you change your mind in the end? Didn't you keep saying that Dolphin TV is the first and a half line and want to take them down?"

Of course Mai Xiaoyu would not say, because you are a lamb with a background, if you are wronged or hurt by me, your family will anger me, am I wronged?

Therefore, he gave another real reason: "You are an employee and I am the boss. If the boss can't even protect his employees, what is the point of being a boss?"

At this moment, Chen Qiaoen knew why his colleagues liked to stay at Mengren and why the company's turnover rate was so low.

Most of the anger in his heart has also disappeared.

After a short silence, Mai Xiaoyu lit a cigarette again and said, "I thought you would be surprised. How did I know that Yan Sicong would retaliate, and he would look for the police first and then the gangsters."

When he said this, Chen Qiaoen was really curious: "How did you know?"

Sure enough, he is a lamb that has been pampered for many years!

"Because I am grounded." Mai Xiaoyu replied.

"What's the meaning?"

Mai Xiaoyu smiled.

"What are you laughing at? I have asked you many times, and you have this expression... You disrespect people like this, and you hate it!"

Mai Xiaoyu continued to smile.

Chen Qiaoen puffed up his bun's face and deliberately said: "I also brag about how good he is, so I would be afraid. That's right, the strong dragon doesn't suppress the snake."

"Thank you for boasting that I am a strong dragon." Mai Xiaoyu smoked, "If I was alone, I would not be afraid of them, but I have to consider your safety."

Chen Qiaoen's body trembled lightly, turned to look at Mai Xiaoyu's profile, and asked quietly for a while: "Are you worried about me?"

"What do you mean?" Mai Xiaoyu handed over another cigarette, "Are you still angry?"

"Can't you be more serious?"

"I'm not serious? The night is sultry, lonely men and widows are living in the same room, I did nothing, just ask you if you smoke, this is not serious?"

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu's deliberate expression, Chen Qiaoen was finally amused: "You are not a normal person, and the way of persuading people is so abnormal!"

"It works, at least you smiled, right?"

Chen Qiaoen nodded: "I am indeed more comfortable than before. What are you going to do tomorrow?"

"Send you back to Yanjing first. I will get in touch with lawyers and media reporters and go to the hotel to get back our things."

"Can you come back?"


"What should I do if Yan Sicong is making trouble for you?"

"Do you think I will be afraid of him? I'm afraid he won't dare trouble me when that happens."

Why not dare, Chen Qiaoen couldn't figure it out, and didn't bother to think about it.

"Don't you regret losing the opportunity of Dolphin TV?"

"Is there any regret? There are so many first-line TVs, and it is not the only one."

"But other first-line satellite TVs refused."

"Rejection is only temporary. When "Pink Girl" becomes a hit, the company will shoot TV series in the future. Those first-line satellite TVs will compete to buy the first broadcast rights."

"Hope." Chen Qiao'en smiled noncommitantly, and the conversation turned, "Why do you only open one room and how do you sleep at night? Are you worried that I am afraid, or want to take advantage of me?"

"I take advantage of you? Oh, thank you so much for reminding me that I almost forgot that you have a crush on me, living with you would be dangerous for me."

Chen Qiaoen was thundered, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "I? Have a crush on you?"

"You don't need to deny it, there are always people talking in the company, I've heard it."

This is the truth. There are indeed rumors in the company that Chen Qiaoen has a crush on Mai Xiaoyu, and he has a nose and eyes.

After Chen Qiaoen joined the company, she often inquired about Mai Xiaoyu’s past secretly; in the company, she paid close attention to Mai Xiaoyu; when meeting with colleagues, the topic she liked most was Mai Xiaoyu; when Mai Xiaoyu went to Xiangjiang, she took the initiative Please Ying accompany; Mai Xiaoyu is out to run the TV station this time, and she takes the initiative to invite Ying to accompany him.

Someone in the company suspected that she had a crush on Mai Xiaoyu, is it abnormal?

Moreover, she moved to the next door to Mai Xiaoyu and actively contacted her frequently. Mai Xiaoyu mistakenly thought that she had a crush on herself, isn't it okay?

I was to investigate if you are good!

It seems that I need to pay attention in the future and keep a certain distance from him so as not to be misunderstood.

Chen Qiaoen said seriously: "Mr. Mai, you really think too much."

"Really do not have?"

"No, absolutely not! Go out, I want to rest."

"Well, I just asked. The room next door is unoccupied. I will open that room later. If you are afraid of not sleeping at night, please come to me and talk about life."

"If you bully me again, I will really complain to Sister Tao!"

Chen Qiaoen pushed Mai Xiaoyu outside, leaned against the door, and smiled silently.

She finds her life very interesting now.

Investigating the details of Mai Xiaoyu, digging out the past bits and pieces of Mai Xiaoyu, watching the cute people grow and grow step by step, and being molested by Mai Xiaoyu, and arguing with Mai Xiaoyu.

Compared to the past, everything was arranged by her parents from childhood to adulthood, and her classmates and friends tried to make a good life because of her identity~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's much more interesting.

She no longer wants to expose Mai Xiaoyu's "dark history", as long as Mai Xiaoyu destroys the video and no longer threatens Maizi and the four others.

This is the only reason she is staying in Moe Ren now.


It doesn't matter anymore, at least I can get him to get rid of the "bad deeds" of the past completely, to correct the evil and return to the right.

Not only can save him, but also the cute people, save those who have been deceived by him.

Chen Qiao'en feels that she has this ability, because she is the jewel in the palm of the Hailian Chen family, the princess!

Not only has the ability to help certain people, but also has the ability to punish certain people!

After locking the door and taking out his mobile phone, Chen Qiaoen dialed Xia Luofeng's number.

"Brother Luofeng, do you know anyone in Hefei? Someone bullied me..." (To be continued.)

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