At ten o'clock the next morning, Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen came to the front desk of the small hotel and checked out.

"Why are you so anxious, people haven't woken up yet." Chen Qiaoen complained with a yawn.

The environment of the small hotel is not good. Her pajamas, cosmetics, facial masks and other special equipment for the ladies before going to bed are all left in the hotel and later taken away by Yan Sicong.

I slept in my clothes last night. The quality of my sleep was very poor. I only fell asleep in the middle of the night.

When Mai Xiaoyu called her, she was still not awake.

"There is a flight to Yanjing at one noon, so I will buy a ticket first, and I will take you to the airport after dinner."

"And you?"

"I didn't tell you last night, I stayed. Some people owe to clean up, my things are not so easy to touch."

"My things are not so easy to touch."

Chen Qiaoen muttered softly, but Mai Xiaoyu did not hear clearly: "What did you say?"

"I said I won't go."

"You will drag me back if you don't go."

"That's not necessarily." Chen Qiaoen was proud, "maybe things will turn for the better. Hey, what are you smiling? Are you still smiling? Every time you just laugh and don't talk, it's the most annoying!"

After receiving the change and invoice, Mai Xiaoyu waved: "Let's go."

"Where to go? I'm not going to the airport!"

"Go eat something first, I'm hungry."

"When you say I'm hungry, wait for me."

Mai Xiaoyu was in front, Chen Qiaoen followed closely, and the two walked out of the small hotel one after another.

A new Audi parked on the side of the road, and seeing Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen coming out, the middle-aged man in his early thirties in the back row immediately got out of the car and walked quickly to the two of them.

"Excuse me, is it Mr. Mai Xiaoyu and Ms. Chen Qiaoen?"

"Who are you?"

Mai Xiaoyu subconsciously moved half a step to block Chen Qiaoen, and then looked left and right. He did not see the corners of Chen Qiaoen's slightly raised mouth.

"Mr. Mai, please don't get me wrong. I'm Liang Pei, the deputy director of Dolphin TV's film purchase department. Our director Wang specially asked me to invite two of you." Liang Pei said, his tone was very polite and his posture was very low.

"Are you sure it is Director Wang, not Director Yan?"

Liang Pei said painfully: "This morning, Director Yan, oh no, Comrade Yan Sicong was taken away by the comrades of the Discipline Inspection Commission. It is said that there is a problem with the style of life... Well, the evidence is solid."

There was that kind of distressed expression on his face and his tone, but Mai Xiaoyu still heard a hint of excitement in his tone.

It's normal.

One radish has a pit. Now that the director’s radish has been pulled out and the pit is empty, who will fill it?

Mai Xiaoyu pretended to be surprised: "Really?"

Liang Pei nodded painfully: "A comrade from the Discipline Inspection Commission was waiting for him in the office early this morning. He was taken away as soon as he came to the station."

"Oh, I only ate with him last night. I didn't expect... Well, things are really impermanent, don't you think, Jon?"

Mai Xiaoyu looked back at Chen Qiao'en, the latter forbearing to be happy, pretending to be emotional: "This may be the end of good and evil."

Liang Pei wiped his sweat and sent out an invitation: "Two people, it's too hot outside, let's get in the car and talk again."

Mai Xiaoyu asked Chen Qiaoen: "Go?"

"Why not? Maybe Dolphin TV will buy our company's TV series, and your wish has been fulfilled."

"Okay, listen to you."

In the car, Liang Pei, the deputy director of Dolphin TV's film purchase department, sat in the co-pilot, while Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen sat in the back row.

The driver started the car and drove to the TV station.

Liang Pei turned around and asked, "Why do you two live in such a small hotel? Do you need me to arrange someone to book a room for both of you at the hotel opposite?"

"No. We used to live there, but we were forced to stay in a small hotel for one night."

Forced to...

It seems that Yan Sicong's fall from the horse should have something to do with them.

What happened?

Liang Pei muttered a few words in his heart, the brain turned on the high-speed mode, while the brain filled the truth, while chatting with Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen to inquire.

The director of the film purchase department was taken away by the Commission for Discipline Inspection, which was a major event for the TV station.

However, the reason why Yan Sicong was taken away was a matter of life style, and the doorway inside was exquisite. It has a very similar mystery to media reports that some officials have fallen from the horse because of the issue of "adultery".

It was made clear that it was only aimed at Yan Sicong, and did not involve other meanings.

Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen met with Yan Sicong last night; they dared not go back to the hotel at night and were forced to live in a small hotel; Yan Sicong was taken away this morning; Director Wang asked him to pick up the two in person and told him Must pay attention to attitude...

To say that Yan Sicong's fall had nothing to do with them, Liang Pei killed him and didn't believe it.

He and Yan Sicong are not the same people, and they have no friendship at all, let alone sorrowful, he just stared at the vacant position of the director of the film purchase department.

Who in the system is not motivated?

These young men and women must be kept together!

With this understanding, Liang Pei's performance along the way was full of talk and laughter, and his balance was just right. It not only makes Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen feel his enthusiasm, but also doesn't feel uncomfortable because of excessive enthusiasm.

There are so many people in the system!

It's a pity that it's useless for you to find me.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed with emotion, glanced at Chen Qiaoen with a smile, and had a lively chat with Liang Pei.

Liang Pei was inquiring about his origins, and he was also using Liang Pei to understand the situation of Dolphin TV. The two had their own needs and the atmosphere was pleasant.

No, when the TV station was about to arrive, the two were already called brothers and sisters.

"Brother Liang, what did your Chief Wang want to do with us? Didn't he take a sick leave and come back?"

Director Wang is not the director of the TV station who cannot come back from sick leave, but the deputy director Wang Shishi who temporarily presides over the work of the director.

Regardless of whether it is within the system or outside the system, few people who have not enough brains will call out the word "deputy" in leadership positions.

When he came to the TV station, Liang Pei personally accompanied Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen to the office of Shishi, which attracted the attention of many TV station staff along the way.

What is the origin of this young man and woman?

Director Liang led the way personally?

Liang Pei would also like to know this question.

When he took the two of them to the office of **** Shi, he was even more certain that Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiao'en were well-established.

Because the **** stone stood up.

On one side is the little-known film and television company boss; on the other side is the deputy director of Quasi-First-line Satellite TV. Currently, he is acting as the deputy director. After the meeting, he got up and responded...

I'll go, which big guy's son is here to play in the entertainment industry?

"Xiaoliang, go out and tell the outside don't bother me if there is nothing important."

If Liang Pei's attitude is enthusiasm, then Shishi's attitude is amiable.

After the simple courtesy, **** Shi greeted Mai Xiaoyu and Chen Qiaoen on the sofa, and said kindly: "I've heard about Mengren film and television for a long time. The "Crazy Stone" produced by your company is very good. In the movie, I just didn’t expect the two to be so young.

"Taiwan President Wang, you have killed us. Our company has just been established, and it is still a small company, and it needs more attention from President Wang."

"Haha, it's easy to talk about it. I've heard about the "Pink Girl". When you look back, you will leave the film, and the station will review it as soon as possible. After the review is approved, a single episode of 70,000 four-star co-broadcast is not a big problem."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Director Wang, you may have misunderstood. I just changed my mind last night. I don't plan to broadcast a four-star or four-star co-broadcast. Instead, I hope that the show will be broadcast exclusively in your prime stage." to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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