The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 270: Brother Bo wants to be hot!

"Brother Bo, come on, you must conquer the stick Smecta!"

"Brother Bo, you are the best, let the sticks see and see the rise of our Chinese men!"

"Use acting skills to crush those artificial looks!"

"Brother Bo, is Korean easy to learn? I also want to learn Korean this winter vacation."

"Brother Bo, when will your crew start and which hotel will you stay at? I am going to travel to South Korea this Christmas, and I will visit the crew at that time."

"Brother Bo, you have to work hard and train well. I will give you a son when I come back, otherwise you won't be able to bear my weight of more than 200 kilograms."


As the actor, Huang Bo went to South Korea to make a movie. Following his update on Weibo, it caused an undercurrent in China in just a few days.

Relying on word of mouth and spontaneous spread by netizens on the Internet, Huang Bo's Weibo fans quickly exceeded 3 million. Every time he updates his Weibo, he will attract a large number of netizens to leave messages, making him the most popular artist in Mengren film and television.

In fact, he did not update any substantive content.

The crew of "Old Boy" is still in preparation. There are a lot of things to be busy selecting actors, finding locations, setting up sets, and so on. If everything goes well, it will take more than a month to boot.

Huang Bo is now staying in Korea, mainly to learn the language, and in order to fit the protagonist's image more physically, he conducts targeted physical training under the arrangement of ihq.

Therefore, his updated Weibo is mainly about daily brief self-expression, as well as photos of learning Korean and fitness, but it does not affect the enthusiasm of fans.

Driven by fans, more and more netizens are participating in discussions online, forcing the media to take the initiative to pay attention to and report the matter, contact Liu Xiaoli, contact the newly established propaganda department of Mengren Film and Television, hoping to get more and more detailed information .

However, Liu Xiaoli knows very little.

In addition to maintaining close contact with Dolphin TV and maximizing the surplus value of "Stone", she is mainly busy getting through the upper-level relationship of "Dragon Babu", striving to get Liu Tao the "Wang Yuyan" role in "Dragon Babu".

The difficulty... is quite large, taking up too much energy for Liu Xiaoli.

Therefore, when Huang Bo went to South Korea to film, she only knew the general situation, and the specific details were all handled by Mai Xiaoyu.

As a result, as Mai Xiaoyu, Chen Qiaoen and Li Xue returned to China by plane, the undercurrent that had been brewing for a long time finally turned into a small-scale storm.

Outside the Capital International Airport, some of the media reporters who received the wind gathered around the pick-up staff of Moe Ren Film and Television, waiting to interview Moe Ren and his party returning from South Korea to collect first-hand information.

"Dear passengers, the plane from Seoul, South Korea to China Yanjing is about to land. Please fasten your seat belts and take your luggage with you after the plane has landed firmly. Thank you for your ride. Suggestions and comments can be left in the guestbook, and we will organize them in a unified manner to ensure that you can correct them next time you ride."

In late September, the flight from Seoul slowly landed at Yanjing Capital International Airport.

"I'm back at last." Li Xue sighed, "I didn't expect Bo-ge to go to South Korea to film and attract so much attention. Not to mention the continuous increase in fans. He just updates the photos of learning Korean and fitness on Weibo. Many fans came to leave messages. Brother Bo is going to be hot!"

"It should be said that Mr. Mai's skills are high." Chen Qiaoen said pointedly.

Li Xue heard the meaning of the words, and curiously asked Mai Xiaoyu: "The company arranged it?"

"No. My plan is to promote the film in China after the film has achieved results abroad. It will do more with half the effort. I didn't expect the public's national sentiment to be so high..."

The three chatted, and the plane landed quite steadily.

The cabin door opened, passengers unfastened their seat belts, took out their luggage and got off the plane one after another.

Mai Xiaoyu took the luggage and turned on the phone. There was a text message from Xiaoxing Xi on it.

The message begins with five numbers: "11111."


Emergency situations!

This is one of the contact codes agreed by the Mongolian big3, which is a bit similar to the meaning of a letter from a chicken feather.

When it is inconvenient to make a call, contact via SMS. If there are five “1”s at the beginning of the SMS, it means that the situation is serious.

"Boss, there are a dozen reporters standing guard outside the airport..."

After reading the text message, Mai Xiaoyu deleted it easily. At this time, Chen Qiaoen noticed the abnormality and came over: "What are you looking at? Whose text message?"

Mai Xiaoyu ignored her and said to Li Xue: "Xiaoxue, there are reporters standing outside the airport, wanting to cover the news about filming in South Korea. You and Jon will be interviewed by reporters. Don't talk about me and the content of the movie. Future expectations, understand?"

"And you?"

"I have something to leave first, and I don't like this kind of occasion."

This is true.

After Li Xue joined Mengren, she never saw Mai Xiaoyu being interviewed by reporters, and she never showed up on any camera. Liu Xiaoli appeared in public.

Everyone in the company knows that Mai Xiaoyu is a low-key boss and doesn't like showing off.

"Okay." Li Xue took Chen Qiao'en's arm, "We'll deal with reporters later, maybe we have a chance to be photographed."

Chen Qiao'en's face changed slightly, and he suddenly realized: "Oh, I just remembered that I have something to do. Xiaoxue, you can accept questions from reporters You are an agent, and you will have to face it in the future. For this situation, come on!"

One is like this, the other is like this...

Li Xuebian kept her mouth open and looked at the two suspiciously: "What the **** are you two doing?"

Twenty minutes later, outside the airport exit.

Li Xue was surrounded by reporters.

"Ms. Li Xue, is your artist Huang Bo filming in South Korea?"

"Can you tell me the specific details of the cooperation between your company and South Korea ihq?"

"What kind of movie is it? How much is the investment cost? What is the ratio of your company's investment to ihq?"

"When will this movie end and when will it be released in China?"

"Which Korean female star is the heroine who partnered with Huang Bo?"

"How much is Huang Bo's pay?"

"Ms. Li Xue, do you know Miss Li Bingbing? You look more alike."


Faced with a dozen machine-gun questions from reporters, Li Xue was a little nervous at first.

Some questions cannot be answered, such as Huang Bo's pay.

In South Korea, the ratio of the total pay of the actors in a movie to the investment cost is much lower than that of China.

Therefore, Huang Bo's salary is not high, it is less than 300,000 yuan in Chinese currency, which is low, and it is absolutely impossible to announce it to the outside world.

But when I heard a reporter mention her sister Li Bingbing, she straightened her back and smiled confidently: "Hello everyone, the "Old Boy" filmed by our company with ihq from South Korea this time is a thriller revenge movie... …"

Li Xue showed self-confidence and had a good interaction with reporters, which attracted the attention of many tourists.

No one noticed, a pair of young men and women passed by them quickly with their suitcases...

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