Like, very similar!

As soon as I saw Mr. Luo tonight, Mai Xiaoyu felt a little familiar, as if he had seen him somewhere. One novel<<﹤<≦≦

After looking at the other party for nearly ten minutes, he finally remembered the two habitual small movements that the other party accidentally revealed.

Shiyou** is him!

It's just that the time interval is a bit long, he needs to verify the final one or two with his own eyes!

After leaving the Kunlun Hotel, Mai Xiaoyu drove back to the International Trade Youth Apartment as quickly as possible.

Time is running out, he dare not delay.

Back home, he quickly removed the lampshade on the ceiling, took out the TF card hidden inside, inserted the Yali mobile phone, and retrieved the video in the TF card.

Full screen, fast forward, slow forward, freeze frame...

Fast forward again, slow forward, and freeze again...


Repeated operation four times, watched four male-male videos, each male-male video has a significant commonality-the same male protagonist!

No wonder he doesn't even watch Liu Tao.

Turn off the video, take out the TF card, and turn on the computer.

Within dozens of seconds of turning on the computer, Mai Xiaoyu hesitated.

Do you want to copy these videos?

Does this mean death?

Recalling the information on Mr. Luo provided by Liu Xiaoli and the rumors about this person, after dozens of seconds, Mai Xiaoyu made a decision.

Turn off the computer, reinsert the TF card into the mobile phone, grab the car key and plan to rush back to Kunlun Hotel.

Turning around, he saw Chen Qiaoen standing at the door, looking around like a curious baby.

"What's the matter?"

Mai Xiaoyu was taken aback: "You peeped at me."

"Obviously you forgot to close the door, okay!" Chen Qiaoen walked in with a puffed face, looked at the removed lampshade, and then at the computer that was shut down in a hurry. The doors are forgotten to close."

"You are my biggest trouble. Hiss, what's the day today, didn't you ask for leave to go home? Why did you come back early?"

Two days before the Mid-Autumn Festival, the company has a holiday on the day of the festival.

Chen Qiaoen took a few days off, saying that he was going home for the holidays, but he was forcibly called back by his parents.

It was so easy to go home for the Mid-Autumn Reunion Festival, but the father and daughter were unhappy again.

It was the old reason—Chen Xiangnan asked her to return to the company to help, and to help her plan her future exhibition road, but Chen Qiaoen was unwilling.

This is nothing, and it's not the first time.

What made Chen Qiao'en unacceptable was that the next day Chen's family had a dinner, and her parents introduced her to a returnee who was in her twenties.

The returnees are handsome and highly educated.

Good humor and good conversation.

The family background is also against the Chen family.

These are not the key points. The key point is that the two families intend to bring them together.

Blind date?

Business marriage?

Either way, Chen Qiaoen couldn't accept it, so he packed his bags and returned to Yanjing one day in advance.

She likes the cute atmosphere, and she also likes to "match wits and courage" with Mai Xiaoyu. Even though Mai Xiaoyu often lied to her to bully her, she never forced her to do things she didn't like, nor did she really hurt her.

"I think it's okay for the company to come back to work early? For an employee like me who doesn't forget to work, shouldn't you be a boss stealing pleasure?"

"Le Le Le." Mai Xiaoyu responded casually, pushing Chen Qiao'en out, "I have something..."

While talking, Liu Xiaoli's call came.

"When will you come back, Luo always has to leave."

"If you drag him for a few more minutes, you will say I have a gift for him, and I will rush back right away."

Seeing Mai Xiaoyu hung up the phone, Chen Qiaoen wanted to ask, but Mai Xiaoyu pinched her lips.

"Don't Bapo."

Abandoning these words, Mai Xiaoyu walked to the door and left without looking back. Chen Qiao'en's complaint came from behind: "Oh, you knocked on me!"

Mai Xiaoyu ignored it and soon disappeared into Chen Qiao'en's realization.

After waiting for five minutes, it was confirmed that Mai Xiaoyu had already taken the elevator downstairs. The corner of Chen Qiaoen's mouth was slightly raised, and he smiled triumphantly: "If you are in a hurry, there must be a problem."

The door of Mai Xiaoyu's apartment was hidden because one foot was on the door.

"Huh, say my bastard, and pinch my mouth...Bah, bah, it's dirty!" Chen Qiaoen pushed the door into the room, closed the door and turned on the light first, and turned on the computer first, "I want to take a look. What's weird."

The bad mood of the two days back home was forgotten, and Chen Qiaoen is now in a good mood.

Close to Mai Xiaoyu for half a year, this is the second time she has had such a good opportunity.

Recalling Mai Xiaoyu's move to turn off the computer in a hurry and leave in a hurry, her instinct told herself that something happened to Mai Xiaoyu, and there must be something important in the computer!

Is it a video of him threatening people?

Thinking of this, Chen Qiaoen was in a good mood, and she was faintly excited.

When the password field was displayed on the computer, she pouted, but the excitement remained.

There must be something important in the computer, otherwise why set a password?

Password, what is the password?

His birthday?


mobile phone number?

That's not right!

Company phone number?

Not right!

Chen Qiaoen racked his brains and guessed the possible code. With repeated password errors, the excitement in my heart gradually cooled as if being poured on ice water.

so hard!

What is the password of this liar?


Is it related to Sister Tao?

A bright light flashed before his eyes. Chen Qiaoen used Liu Tao's name and birthday to arrange and combine. After three attempts, he successfully turned on Mai Xiaoyu's computer!

Password: Liutao Quanpin plus birthday.

Humph, I know you like Sister Tao!

Chen Qiaoen happily searched Mai Xiaoyu's computer, mainly videos.

Huh, hidden folders?

Haha, I found it!

After half a minute.

Chen Qiaoen blushed, turned off the action movies about body art, and had the urge to delete the folder.

Bad guy, too nasty!

Am I wrong?

Those videos were saved by him on the phone instead of the computer?

Chen Qiaoen, who had found nothing, was somewhat discouraged. Seeing that half an hour had passed, she was worried that Mai Xiaoyu would suddenly return and was about to shut down and leave.

However, when the mouse rolled over the "Documents" column of the "Start" menu, the recent document browsing history popped up inadvertently, which attracted her attention.

"Ghost Blowing Lantern 8 Wuxia Coffin Mountain"!

Isn't "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" just out of the fifth volume?

Where's the eighth book?

Did he bring Mr. Wheat's manuscript?

Chen Qiaoen curiously clicked on "Ghost Blowing Lantern 8 Wuxia Coffin Mountain", just like opening a Pandora's box.

There are not many words, only the first five chapters, and only half of the fifth chapter.

Look at the document properties again.

Modification time: more than 11 o'clock last Save time: 1:30 am today!

The folder where the document is located, "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" one to seven are listed impressively, and "Why Shengxiaomo"!

No, shouldn't...

Chen Qiaoen took a breath and was surprised by his own guess.

In order to verify her amazing conjecture, she used Pinyin input method to type "gcd", and the first word that popped out was "Ghost Blowing Lantern".

"Hysxm"-"Why Shengxiaomo".

"Hyc"-"He Yichen".

"Zms"-"Zhao Mosheng".



He, he, he is wheat... (To be continued.)

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