The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 277: I want 3 characters!

"Mr. Luo, please wait a moment, our company has a gift for you. 1 Little ≧say≧≦≦≤≤<≦≤﹤≤≦﹤≤≦≦≤≤"

Outside the Kunlun Hotel, Liu Xiaoli said loudly.

However, President Luo went to the extended Bentley without looking back.

Liu Xiaoli wanted to chase her, but was caught by the middleman.

"It's useless, what gift Mr. Luo hasn't seen? I told you before that it is difficult to impress Mr. Luo on the terms of your company."

The middleman is also kind.

Liu Xiaoli's actions have caused dissatisfaction with President Luo. Two bodyguards stood by the car, staring at her with unkind expressions.

Wheat, I tried my best, what are you doing?

No one knows what medicine Mai Xiaoyu sells in the gourd.

Out of trust, Liu Xiaoli tried her best to delay the time and retain President Luo, but the effect was few, which caused dissatisfaction on the side of President Luo.

She called Mai Xiaoyu several times in the middle of the journey, and Mai Xiaoyu always said that she would be there soon...


There was a sudden brake sound, a Volvo stopped in front of the extended Bentley, Mai Xiaoyu jumped out of the car and went straight to Bentley.


"What the hell!"

"I have a gift for President Luo."

Mr. Luo's bodyguard is professional, and Mai Xiaoyu's words can't dispel the other's guard.

He stopped the car first and rushed behind, how could the bodyguard let him approach?

A tall bodyguard stopped him and warned him to drive away immediately.

Can't do it, and there are too many opponents, it may not be possible to do it.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed: "Well, I will drive away now."

With that said, he turned around and walked back two steps, then suddenly turned around, and a change of direction passed by the bodyguard, rushed to open the extended Bentley door and got in.

The bodyguard was shocked, and he rushed over and opened the door of the car to drag Mai Xiaoyu down and beat him up. At this time, Mr. Luo in the car waved his hand: "It's okay."

The bodyguard glared at Mai Xiaoyu who had caused his negligence and closed the car door angrily.

Seeing this scene, the middleman said to Liu Xiaoli with profound meaning: "It seems that your company's gift is right. Mr. Luo likes it."

"what gift?"

"You don't know the gift you gave?"

"You mean?" Liu Xiaoli finally understood, "Impossible!"

"What's impossible..."

Yes, there is nothing impossible in this world.

Lengthen the Bentley inside.

Mai Xiaoyu looked at Mr. Luo and once again confirmed that the other party was one of the heroes in the video. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: This can be met. I didn't expect that hot potato would actually be effective tonight.

Mr. Luo tilted Erlang's legs, tasted the red wine elegantly, did not speak, and looked at Mai Xiaoyu with a smile.

The beautiful woman next to him is his secretary. Upon seeing this, she averted her position and said to Mai Xiaoyu with a playful smile: "Come here and sit with me."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't hesitate, and sat down and said, "Mr. Luo, I have a gift for you."

"Gift?" Mr. Luo looked at Mai Xiaoyu for a moment, and suddenly stretched out his hand to squeeze his biceps, "It seems not bad."

The beauty secretary smiled and said, "Mr. Luo, should I make a room so as not to disturb your Yaxing?"

I wiped it!

Mai Xiaoyu had a chill and withdrew his arm: "Mr. Luo, I think you have misunderstood."

Mr. Luo remained silent and motioned to Mai Xiaoyu to continue speaking.

"Hilton Hotel."

President Luo frowned, and the secretary's smile solidified: "What do you want to say?"

"I know that you are very good, you are President Luo's personal bodyguard, but I am not malicious." Mai Xiaoyu took out his phone, "Is President Luo interested in watching a video?"

The secretary said coldly: "What video?"

"Very important video. Therefore, I suggest clearing the venue."

President Luo hesitated for a moment and nodded.

The secretary let the driver get out of the car, his cold and sharp eyes fixed on Mai Xiaoyu. In that posture, as long as Mai Xiaoyu dared to act rashly, she would be crushed with thunder.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "There are more people."

"You..." The secretary was angry, and Mr. Luo said calmly: "I can trust Eva."

"Then I will play it."

"I hate disappointment. Your video is best valued."

"Absolutely valuable."

Sure enough, the video played by Mai Xiaoyu was shocking and did not disappoint Mr. Luo.

Seeing that he became the leading actor in a small movie, his face was cold: "Threatening me?"

The voice fell, eva started...

So the people outside the car saw an amazing scene-the extended Bentley shook suddenly, very violently.

The middleman looked at the scene of the incident and said with emotion: "I take back what I just said. Mr. Luo doesn't like your gift very much, but very much."

Liu Xiaoli was dumbfounded, her hands and feet were cold, she refuted but didn't know how to speak.

Could you tell the other party that Mai Xiaoyu is a cute boss?

What the **** is wheat doing?

Liu Xiaoli was worried, Liu Tao held her hand and whispered: "It's okay Aunt Liu, Maizi won't do that. I guess he is mostly fighting."

"You really know him." Liu Xiaoli glanced at her, and said in a low voice, "I was worried that Mai would take action and beat Mr. Luo..."

Mai Xiaoyu is not so 2B.

Mr. Luo didn't offend him, and it's related to the casting of "Dragon Babu". How could he beat Mr. Luo?

He and Eva fought in a small area in the car, and both sides avoided Mr. Luo to avoid hurting him.

five minutes later.

The fight is over.

The Bentley returned to calm.

Eva's clothes were disheveled and her head was messy, and she was struggling in the carriage.

Mai Xiaoyu was also messy, riding on Eva, twisting Eva's hands.

"Despicable." Eva couldn't get away and scolded fiercely.

She is a master fighter, and if she opens her hands and feet one-on-one with Mai Xiaoyu, the win or lose is still between five and five.

However, there is limited space to lengthen the Bentley, so she can only fight personally, and she is a woman, and Mai Xiaoyu took advantage of it.

Mai Xiaoyu made full use of the woman's weakness and forced Eva into chaos, only to capture the opponent within five minutes.

"A fight is a fight. Just like a business war, there is only one difference between winning and losing, and never talks about vile and noble. Am I right, President Luo?"

Mr. Luo looked as usual: "I don't accept any threats, you can expose the video."

"Hey, I said it was a gift for you, why don't you believe it?"

"You secretly photographed me and still let me believe you?"

"I didn't secretly film it, it was Wang Yidong, the general manager of Huaying Baichen. Forget it, you'll understand after watching the last video."

President Luo hesitated a little, put down the wine glass, leaned over and picked up the phone.

At the end of the video, it was Mai Xiaoyu who rescued Yang Mi and led people to clean up Wang Yidong's picture. Mai Xiaoyu himself also appeared on the scene, which is enough to prove that he has nothing to do with the secret shooting.

What Huaying Baichen ~ ~ Wang Yidong, Mr. Luo doesn't remember at all. He only remembered that a friend invited him to participate in several dinners. There were many handsome men and beautiful women at the dinners, so you could choose them at will.

And the after-dinner exercise is indeed at the Hilton Hotel.

court death!

"Why didn't they let him be deposed at the time?"

"That's illegal."

"How did you know he was taking pictures?"

"It came out casually."

Scam it?

Mr. Luo is noncommittal: "Make a price."

"I said it's a gift, it's just a gift, not for sale."


Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Three characters in "Dragon Babu"." (To be continued.)

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