Tuesday, October 8.

At the end of the National Day Golden Week, "Pink Girl" was exclusively broadcast at the Dolphin TV Golden Theater, attracting the attention of many people in the industry.

The insiders are not concerned about the TV series "Pink Girl", but the revision of Dolphin TV's evening golden theater.

The broadcast time has been advanced from 8 pm to 7:35, and the number of broadcast episodes has been increased to three... What effect will this revision have?

Mr. Lu Xun once praised: "The first person to eat a crab is very admirable. If you are not a warrior, who dares to eat it?"

But the fact is that the first person to eat crabs needs to face tremendous pressure and strange eyes.


Ha ha.

It should be described as "monkey watched by others" and "guinea pig in the laboratory".

If you succeed, we will follow suit; you have failed...A dead fellow does not die a poor way.

Qian Hongyou, director of the Art Channel of Yanjing Radio Station, socialized too much during the National Day, and recently committed high blood pressure.

Following the doctor's advice, I will stop socializing after work tonight and go home early.

I had dinner with my old wife, after watching the news broadcast, went to the balcony to smoke a cigarette, then went back to the living room, soaked a cup of hot tea, sat on the sofa, and waited to watch "Focus Interview".

The old wife came out of the kitchen after washing the bowl, picked up the remote control and switched to Dolphin TV.

"Which channel to change, "Focus Interview" will begin in a while."

"What's the point of watching "Focus Interview" every day, I want to watch TV series."

"Hey, how can there be TV shows at this point?"

While talking, "Pink Girl" began.

After the theme song is a brief color comic background, and then a female Liu Tao appears in front of the camera.

"Can you grit your teeth and endure inhuman treatment?"

"Can you bear hardships and stand hard work and endure physical and mental suffering?"

"Can you endure the treatment of pigs and dogs without fighting back?"

The screen changes, and a man in a white shirt and tie sighs: "Oh my God, what kind of job is I applying for!"

The picture is then given to Liu Tao.

She chuckled slightly and pointed to the side: "Her husband."

The camera moved, and the cutely dressed Hai Qing smiled, revealing a pair of big buck teeth, and waved his hands towards the camera.

"It's boring, what's there to see?" Qian Hongyou frowned, his face full of disgust, "I don't know what to say, come back quickly."

"I want to see it in the study, isn't there a TV in the study too?"

"The TV in the study is broken."

"I don't care, I want to watch TV series."

"You're getting old, what else do you follow to join in the fun of this kind of young people watching soap operas?"

"Why am I getting too old? Do you think I am old and plan to raise a little vixen outside? I warn you, if you dare to do that, I will go to your unit to make trouble. Who is ashamed when I see it!"

"What nonsense are you talking about." The old wife was fierce, and Qian Hongyou admitted that he was invincible. "Well, listen to you. You can watch what you say. I will find someone to fix the TV tomorrow."

With a panic in his heart, Qian Hongyou picked up his teacup and drank tea smoothly. He inadvertently saw the subtitle "Pink Girl" displayed on the lower left corner of the TV, frowning.

Pink girl?

The name is familiar.

Where have you heard it?

Pink girl, pink girl...pink girl!

Qian Hongyou's eyes lit up, and his brows became tighter.

He stood up and walked into the study, dialing the number of his brother-in-law Zhou Zhe.

"Xiao Zhou, do you remember the TV series produced by Caotou Company?"

"Pink Girl, I'm watching it."

"Are you watching it too? Does it affect you?"

Mengren planned to sell "Pink Girl" to Yanjing TV, but Zhou Zhe, the director of the film purchase department, put it together.

Now that "Pink Girl" has landed on Dolphin TV, if the ratings are not bad after it is broadcast, and it will bring more advertising revenue to the TV station, will the leader of Yanjing TV know about it, will he wear small shoes?

If it is a private enterprise, it is possible to expel the company because of personal willfulness; however, the TV station is a public institution, and unless someone deliberately suppresses it, no one will use it to make trouble.

"It's okay." Zhou Zhe said nonchalantly, "I mainly watch Dolphin TV. They revamped the Golden Theater. Our leaders pay more attention to this and watch Caotou's TV series by the way."

"They are capable, they can sell it to Dolphin TV, and it is the exclusive premiere of Golden Theater."

As a veteran TV driver, Zhou Zhe put forward his own point of view: "I guess it should be the revision of Dolphin TV, and because of the failure to bear responsibility, Caotou's "Pink Girl" was broadcast."

Understand, understand.

The success of the revision is the credit of the leaders of the station; the failure of the revision is that the TV series is too bad...

They are the usual routines of old drivers, Qian Hongyou understands in seconds.

"What do you think of this TV series?"

"The sensational soap opera is meaningless," Zhou Zhe commented.

The brother-in-law talked for a while before hanging up.

Zhou Zhe went back to the living room to see that it was past eight o'clock, picked up the remote control and prepared to change the channel.

The son who just graduated from university was unhappy: "What are you doing, don't change the channel, I'm watching it."

"What's so interesting about this broken TV series? Let's see what's so good about other stations."

"I just watch this!"

The son grabbed the remote control, and his wife helped him say: "Let him watch if he wants to watch it. You rarely watch TV series. Besides, I think this TV series is okay, except for the buck-toothed girls. Those are all pretty. Son, if you look for a girlfriend when you look back, you have to look for that heartthrob. What a good condition of our family, you can’t be laughed at by relatives and friends if you find someone ugly."

"The heartthrob is called Lin Zhiling. She used to be a model, but I like Hamei better."

"I really don't understand you two!"

Zhou Zhe was very depressed. He didn't think "Pink Girl" had anything to watch. He didn't understand why both his son and his wife liked to watch it. Especially the wife, who obviously followed Hunan Satellite TV's family drama, actually watched "Pink Girl" with her son tonight.

However, the things he didn't understand were yet to come.

The next day, each TV station released the ratings of the same segment of the previous day, and Zhou Zhe first paid attention to the ratings of his own satellite TV Golden Theater.

the fifth place?

One place drop from yesterday.

Zhou Zhe frowned and started looking for Dolphin TV's "Pink Girl".

The sixth place is not.

The seventh place is not.

eight place……

After seeing the "Pink Girl~www.wuxiaspot.com~" Zhou Zhe took a breath and finally moved his eyes upward.


Actually surpassed Mango TV!

Impossible, something must be wrong.

The ratings are so bad, how could the ratings be so much higher than that of Mango TV?

The survey company’s statistics must be wrong!

However, when he called up the 7:35-8: 00 program ratings rankings in the evening, he looked at the number one "Pink Girl" and took a breath, and the whole person was not good.

Data pollution is definitely data pollution! (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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