The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 283: The power of 3 episodes

"The heartthrob is so beautiful, if she is my girlfriend, I can laugh out loud every day when I fall asleep."

"Serious warning, don't hook up with my girlfriend!"

"The two upstairs get up and pee."

"+1. The two dreamers think she is like your left hand or right hand?"


"I like bangs, women should have a strong inner and strong character!"

"The female man is a bit of a savage girlfriend. Why didn't she play the leading role in the filming of "My Savage Girl"?"

"I like her roles as Princess Musha, Zhou Zhiruo and the female man."

"Have you seen the ad for Dove Chocolate? She is the Dove girl."


"Hamei is so funny, is there such a simple girl in the world?"

"Yes, my girlfriend is just like Hamei."

"Birds, you can do it with such a naive girl."

"The girl let go, let me!"


"The marriage freak is so pitiful, one of my best friends also ran away on the day of the wedding, and she cried for a month."

"If I were the bridegroom, and the bride looked like her, I would run too."

"Men don't have a good thing!"

"In fact, Hai Qing is very beautiful, but she is ugly in the TV series. You haven't seen her dress when she participated in the promotion, she is very feminine."


"Does anyone think Wang Hao is handsome?"

"The landlord made me funny, my brother Bo is really extraordinary!"

"Romeo is also very handsome, why haven't you seen him on TV before?"

"Why didn't you see Deng Chao?"


After the first day of "Pink Girl" aired, it immediately sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Gao Yan is one of the main tags of this show!

Well, there is a lot of moisture in it. Some media reporters who have received money from the pen, and some paid to hire the navy, the purpose is to hype TV dramas, and it is also one of the usual routines for many TV dramas to propagate.

In short, it is necessary to create momentum and face familiarity, to deceive the people who don’t know the truth about watching TV series, and continue to increase the ratings.

But for insiders and advertisers, they are all in the same position, they are all about the ratings.

The audience rating is the hard currency and the killer, and only data can truly show the commercial value of a TV series.

And Mai Xiaoyu still doesn't know what the ratings are.

He found the navy, so the discussion on the Internet is of little significance. Even on Maizi's Weibo, fans have left messages, discussing the plot, discussing the actors, but it can't help him judge the ratings.

At ten o'clock in the morning, he dialed Wang Yunshi's phone again, but no one answered.

It wasn't until almost noon that Wang Yunshi called the phone and asked, "Mai, you guessed how high the ratings were last night?"

Wang Yunshi is very excited, very excited!

According to the CSM50 city ratings statistics, before eight o'clock last night, the highest ratings of "Pink Girl" were 19.68%; although after eight o'clock, the average ratings were 11.37%.

Especially in the time period between 7:35 and 8:00 in the evening, the nationwide net ratings ranked second, second only to CCTV's "Focus Interview"!

The viewership statistics of the survey company are divided into two types: the national network and the city network, and the samples adopted by the two are different.

As the name suggests, the city network takes the economically developed central cities in the country as a sample. The crowd's pursuit of quality of life is high, and the consumption concept pays more attention to product brands and quality, rather than price, and high consumption power.

Therefore, the viewership rate of the city network is the data most favored by advertisers and the most commercial reference value, and it is also the data used by various satellite TVs.

CCTV uses the national network. In addition to urban samples, there are also large rural samples. The weight of rural samples is more than half, and the accuracy is not high.

Unless they plan to enter the rural market, advertisers generally won't consider the national network data.

In addition, in some rural areas, due to various reasons, it is impossible to receive satellite video channels. There are only a few CCTV channels for chatting and local terrestrial channels.

Therefore, in the national network, the top few ratings are basically CCTV channels.

Before eight o'clock last night, "Pink Girl" ranked first in the ratings on the city network, second on the national network, and second only to "Focus Interview"... What is this concept?


Are you polluting the data?

How else could it be so high?

That's right, some people suspected that "Pink Girl" bought sample users and falsified ratings!

For this kind of behavior, the relevant institutions of Huaxia have always held a "zero tolerance" attitude. A number of measures have been taken to strike out, strictly prohibiting TV stations and film companies from falsifying ratings for polluting data, investigating and punishing one severely, and one family severely punishing the other.

Why did Wang Yunshi never answer the phone in the morning? It was because of someone from the superior who came to him to investigate the ratings of "Pink Girl".

"How is the survey result?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

"We didn't do that. How about you?"

"Neither will we. We don't even know the contact information of the sample users."

"That's okay, it's probably because some TV stations deliberately stumbled. Don't worry, no one dares to'unnecessary' this kind of thing. Okay, let's not talk about it. Thanks to you, I am busy. If you have the opportunity to come to Hefei, let’s sit down. By the way, let your assistant come to the station to find me tomorrow. I will ask the station to settle your balance as soon as possible."

Wang Yunshi is in a good mood, even if he will be extremely busy for some time to come.

"Pink Girl" made a good start for the revision of Dolphin TV. As long as the follow-up ratings can maintain this momentum, the naming fees of the Golden Theater and the advertising costs of the broadcast must rise!

When I bought the exclusive premiere rights for 500 thousand per episode before, there were still people in the station talking about it. I think who dares to talk now, who dares to say that I wasted public funds!

What makes Wang Yunshi most happy is the ratings of "Pink Girl" before eight o'clock.

Such high data fully illustrates one point-the TV station's successful revision, the three-episode serial broadcast every day is more attractive to the audience than the previous two-episode serial broadcast!

This will be his greatest help against the airborne person and fight for the post of director!

That night, "Pink Girl" aired 4-6 episodes.

The ratings easily exceeded 20% before 8:00; after 8:00, as other satellite TV Golden Theater TV series started, some viewers were lost, and the ratings quickly dropped to about 13%, but it continued to top the CSM50 city ratings list!

Soon after, Dolphin TV began to use various media to play the biggest publicity trump card-"Pink Girl" ratings!

The ratings of "Pink Girl" surpassed the ratings of a large portion of Shonan Satellite TV, which really aroused heated discussion among the audience, and the ratings of "Pink Girl" rose steadily.

Three days later, the naming rights of the Golden Theater were sold at a sky-high price. During this period of advertising bidding, the cost was more than five times higher.

It was replayed during the day the next day, and the ratings were also the highest in that period, and the advertising fee was still doubled!

When the ratings of "Pink Girl" surpassed the total ratings of the four-star co-broadcast "Yitian Shoulong Ji", some media voiced-"Another phenomenon-level TV series is born?"

Phenomenal ass!

My family knows about my family Mai Xiaoyu knows very well that as far as "Pink Girl" is concerned, it is far from phenomenal.

The super-high ratings are inseparable from the revised version of Dolphin TV and the three-episode broadcast.

But some people don't think so.

Su Youpeng said half-jokingly and half-complainingly on the phone: "Maizi, congratulations. But you are too interesting. Why didn't "Pink Girl" ask me for not being able to act in idol dramas?"

"Brother Peng, you were the first one I looked for. You forgot, when the filming of the filming of "Yi Tian" was siege of Guangmingding, you said there was no schedule at the time."

"Ah? Is there? I seem to be a little bit impressed, it is indeed no schedule. So what? Next time your company will shoot a TV series. If you have a suitable role, don't forget me..." (to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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