The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 284: Who is happy and who is worried (2 in 1 big

More than ten days later, the 39 episodes of "Pink Girl" had a finale, and the ratings reached a new high of 23.54%.

With an average ratings of 18.39%, Swordsman David sees the Golden Theater.

Some people in the media praised: "The biggest success of "Pink Girl" is that it smashed and praised many valuable things, such as kindness, integrity, mutual assistance, etc., while shredding the worthless things in life. It makes the audience want to cry when they laugh, and laugh when they cry."

Some people also refuted: "This is a weird TV series. I only saw all kinds of advertisements implanted. I don't understand why there are so many viewers. The heroine is beautiful? The male protagonist is handsome? Good looks can make up for the lack of acting skills. !"

The refuted point of view was already put forward before "Pink Girl" was finished.

The audience is also divided into two factions, some support and some oppose.

While the two sides were fighting, it did not affect the rising ratings and the high advertising fees that Dolphin TV received.

Especially the twenty minutes before eight o'clock is the time period with the highest advertising costs, because that time period has the highest ratings!

Such changes have long attracted the attention of other satellite TVs.

Different from the mixed attitudes in the media, the eyes of each David TV have long since shifted from "Pink Girl" to the revised version of Dolphin TV.

Three episodes every night...Should we also revise it?

TV advertising business is the main source of income for TV stations and plays a decisive role. The amount of advertising expenses determines the development space of a TV station from a certain angle.

For TV stations, it can increase ratings and increase advertising revenue; for leaders, this is called performance!

Why not do it?

As a result, a wave of TV station program revisions was quietly brewing, and each TV station began to formulate plans, report for approval, and adjust programs, all preparing to change the Golden Theater to a three-episode serial broadcast.

Just wait for the end of the year's work summary, annual report, and next year's work plan to finish all the miscellaneous things, and it will completely break out next year!

But this year, Dolphin TV can only be more beautiful than before and sit back and watch it attack the first-line TV.

Dolphin TV did not disappoint its peers. The TV series that received the "Pink Girl", even though it was broadcast by Samsung, has also achieved good ratings by virtue of the three-episode serial broadcast every night and the first broadcast to win the audience first.

Deputy Director Wang Yunshi is hailed as a new century leader who is thoughtful, capable, courageous, and daring to think and do. While temporarily presiding over the full work of Dolphin Satellite TV, he has the courage to innovate and has taken solid steps to become a first-line satellite TV. The voice of taking over as the director from top to bottom is extremely high.

During the recent period, Wang Yunshi has taken the initiative to contact Mai Xiaoyu, and the relationship between the two has rapidly heated up, and the fire of friendship has flourished.

Everyone thinks that he is a pioneer of reform with the courage to innovate. Only he knows that the real driving force behind this situation is actually Mai Xiaoyu, general manager of Mengren Film and Television.

It was Mai Xiaoyu who first put forward the bold idea of ​​three-episode serial broadcasting, and achieved good results, also let him sit half of his **** in the position of the head of the station.

Therefore, even if Mai Xiaoyu does not have a strong background and is just an ordinary film and television company boss, he has identified Mai Xiaoyu’s network... Yes, in Wang Yunshi’s view, Mai Xiaoyu is a very strong network. People!

He settled the final payment of "Pink Girl" as quickly as possible, and took the initiative to arrange cute artists Liu Tao, Deng Chao, and Hu Xu to participate in the variety show on Dolphin TV, which is full of sincerity.

Mai Xiaoyu also reported that Li, in order to help his other half of his **** also take the position of the director as soon as possible, proposed the next revision plan-"Weekend Broadcasting".

Since the positioning is a TV series, then do it to the extreme and become the leader of the TV series.

Through the daytime on weekends, all-day TV series are broadcasted at eight levels, so that the audience can enjoy watching them at once!

"When a large number of imitators appear, you should concentrate your efforts and go as far as possible on the road of innovation. Turn yourself into a moving target, widen the distance between you and the early imitators, and make them catch up. You are discouraged in the process. And your goal is to overwhelm the imitators and maintain the advantage for as long as possible."

Wang Yunshi was deeply impressed by Mai Xiaoyu's remarks.

He slightly modified and directly introduced these remarks into the newly formulated Dolphin Satellite TV development strategy plan, and submitted it to the higher authorities in order to cope with the challenges brought about by other TV stations competing to imitate next year.

Gradually revise, interlocking, the position of the director is getting closer and closer!

As long as Wang Yunshi takes the position, Dolphin TV will definitely become one of Mengren's solid strategic partners. At that time, not only will the sales of Moeren's homemade dramas be worry-free, but Moeren's signed artists will also increase the chances of appearing on the show!

A "Pink Girl", accompanied by the launch of Dolphin TV's three-episode series, has benefited too many people, and Wang Yunshi is just one of them.



Basketball court.

A three-on-three match is underway.

Lian Junjie took the phone and walked quickly to the side of the court, shouting at the court: "!"

Huo Jianhua, who just made a hit in the CIC, asked someone to replace him. He walked over with a towel and asked, "What's the matter?" while wiping his sweat.

"The company just called me." Lian Junjie's voice was suppressed very low, still unable to hide his excitement, "Guess what they said?"

Huo Jianhua looked calm: "What are you talking about?"

"Your new play is about to start. You are the male number one, are you excited?"


Ha ha.

Huo Jianhua still had the calm expression, but he was a little more confused: "Me? The male number one? Isn't it the male number three? Can you hear me wrong?"

"I'm your manager, how can I hear such an important thing wrong!"


Because of "Pink Girl"!

Regardless of the mixed praise and criticism in the media, no matter how many three-episode episodes are involved in the success of "Pink Girl", the super-high ratings are there, and no one can deny it.

This urban light comedy adapted from Maizi's comic of the same name has been loved by a large number of young audiences. The high-value actors and actresses in the play have attracted the attention of many young fans.

With the help of the popularity of "Pink Girl" and with his own appearance, the Taiwanese entertainment rookie Huo Jianhua is known for starring in "Wang Hao" and has made a good start in the mainland market.

It was precisely this point that their company decided to temporarily make him change the role of the male number one. The TV series will be broadcast on the mainland next year in order to win over mainland audiences.

"Do you understand now?" Lian Junjie put his arms around Huo Jianhua's shoulders, "There is another thing to tell you. In a few days, your notification company will help you push it."

"And why?" Huo Jianhua looked confused.

"This is for your own good. The cute people are preparing to hold a celebration party, which conflicts with your schedule. The company said you must attend..."



Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week.

After the rehearsal, Lin Zhiling dragged her tired body back to the lounge, sitting on a chair and gently beating her sore calf.

"After the fashion week, I have to rest for a few days, it is too tired." Lin Zhiling said to her agent Yan.

Sister Yan scowled, "I'm afraid you don't have time to rest."

Lin Zhiling looked at Sister Yan in amazement, and didn't understand why she said that, and it was even more strange that her attitude was blunt. The two have worked together for several years and have a very good relationship with their sisters.


Sister Yan couldn't help laughing anymore: "Tang Anqi Group wants you to endorse the slimming advertisement. We will ask you to have an interview for a few days, and the endorsement fee will be seven figures."


What Lin Zhiling cares about is not the seven-figure endorsement fee, but the brand of Tang Anqi!

The owner of this beauty group, Tang Anqi, is a star-rated beauty expert with a large number of fans. The company is headquartered in Hong Kong and has done a lot of business, and its influence has spread to Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Many well-known actresses from Hong Kong and Taiwan have spoken for their products.

It is a rare opportunity to shoot advertisements and endorsements for well-known brand companies!

"Thank you, Sister Yan." Lin Zhiling thanked him sincerely.

"I can't afford it. Thanks to you filming "Pink Girl", the heartthrobs are very charming, and I am all fascinated, otherwise people will not take the initiative to contact us."

That liar...

Thinking of Mai Xiaoyu, Lin Zhiling wanted to laugh inexplicably.

"I call him now to thank?"

"No. Wouldn't it be better for you to thank you in person at the celebration party in a few days? And I heard that Mr. Mai is also very researched in advertising. It is said that the ideas of Dove Chocolate and Iceberg Orchard came from his handwriting. You can discuss with him. one time."

"Really, is he so good?"

Lin Zhiling blinked her eyes with an exaggerated expression, but she was in a good mood. The fatigue of running the show and rehearsal was wiped out.



The lobby of a villa.

Wine bottles, packaging bags, and food scraps were everywhere; coats, underwear, shoes, and socks were littered everywhere; a dozen naked|body men and women were scattered all over the place, overlapping and staggering in various abnormal postures.

The operating central air conditioner ensures that the temperature is suitable, and it won’t be cold even if you don’t wear clothes. On the sofa, carpet, table top, and bar counter, you can see unused covers everywhere.

This is the "tragic" scene after a private wild party.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the rapid ringing of the telephone disturbed everyone's dreams, and many people groaned and complained with sleepy eyes.

"Hate, whose cell phone."

"Calling so early makes people not sleep."

"Go answer the phone."

"hurry up."

Finally, the girl closest to the sound source got up from a man, rubbed her eyes, grabbed the fluffy messy hair, and groped for a mobile phone from the gap in the sofa.


"Isn't this grandson's phone number? Where's grandson?"

"You look for Brother Sun, wait." The girl was too lazy to stand up, climbed to the feet of Sun Yaxing not far away, and pushed him hard: "Brother Sun, Brother Sun, you call."

"Grass, who is looking for me so early..."

Sun Yaxing mumbled and opened his eyes, trying to reach out to pick it up, but found that his hands were pressed.

On the left hand, is a male model who is surrounded by outsiders; on the right hand, is an unnamed actress who has just been fired by the art troupe.

"Give me the phone." Sun Yaxing said lazily.

The girl holding the mobile phone did not delay, and snaked up Sun Yaxing's body, lying on his body, with the mobile phone in his ear.

He is a professional director, and he should not lose his professionalism. Although angry and disturbed by dreams, he came out as soon as he spoke professionally: "I am the director, Sun Yaxing, who is looking for me?"

"Brother Sun, my Xiao Zhang. A boss wants you to make a TV series..."

"Okay. How much investment, 20 episodes are not worth 10 million!"

"Don't worry, the boss of Sanjin Province has money. He said, your single episode is 10,000. As long as you can make his girlfriend famous, thank you after the filming."

Sun Yaxing was previously worth six thousand. When Mai Xiaoyu asked him to shoot "Pink Girl", it was the price.

But... the "Pink Girl" directed by him is on fire!

"Fuck, 10,000 yuan to send a beggar! Tell him, at least fifteen thousand, otherwise it's not necessary to talk about it."

"Brother Sun, is fifteen thousand and five too high?"

"High? I love filming or not, I'm not who I used to be. I filmed "Pink Girl"! The ratings are 20%!"

"All right, I'll call and ask him, you wait for me to reply."

"Wait a minute, you tell him by the way, if you want his girlfriend to be famous, it's okay to get a good script. The script is too bad, that is, Zhang Jizhong and Feng Dagang fit together, which is also nonsense."

Hanging up the phone, the girl lying on him asked dazedly: "Brother Sun, another boss is looking for you to film?"

"Boss Yimei, wants me to praise his girlfriend."

The girl was sober for an instant, with a face full of admiration: "Brother Sun, you are too brave, such a rich gold master, if he refuses, he will refuse."

"That is, don't look at who he is. With 20% ratings, how many directors in the country can do it? Is 15 thousand high? He doesn't promise that some people will come to me for filming."

"It's not high at all, if I say he still takes advantage, he will definitely agree."

"I love to hear that."

The girl licked Sun Yaxing's earlobe and said coquettishly: "Brother Sun, can you help me arrange a role in your new play in the future?"

"It depends on whether you are good or not."

Sun Yaxing kissed the **** the cheek, as if poking the girl G|.

The girl said "Thank you, Brother Sun," and her devilish figure began to rub against him, slowly falling between his legs...


Yenching Dance Academy.

A female dormitory.

Looking at the hot discussion about "Pink Girl" on the Internet, Shen Fei took a cigarette and said in a daze: "You see it, don't look at the establishment of Xiaogang Mengren. The industry says that they are grass-to-head companies, but they are really capable of admiring them. Red rookie."

"I think Sister Fei has the most foresight in this class of our girls." Tang Wenhui flattered, and then asked: "The last time you went to Mengren for an interview, what questions did you ask you?"


Shen Fei looked at Tang Wenhui who had come close, and found that the short-haired girl had also come close, with a slightly curled mouth: "Why, did you sign up too?"

Because of Shen Fei, Tang Wenhui and short-haired girls have some understanding of cute people, and they also know that the recent hit "Pink Girl" is a cute product, so naturally they want to try their luck.

What if you have a chance to be the next Liutao, the next Haiqing, the next Lin Zhiling, and the next Wang Chuhan?

Become famous as early as The students of science class are no exception.

Shen Fei smiled dismissively: "It doesn't matter to tell you, but don't hold up too much hope. I heard that there was a girl in the Yanying acting class who was rejected three times..."

Shen Fei talked about her interview experience. Tang Wenhui and the short-haired girl listened very carefully and remembered very carefully.

When she finished speaking, Shen Fei found Tang Yan sitting on the bed reading a book. She was indifferent to this and asked her incomprehensibly: "Did you try?"

"I do not want to go."

Tang Yan smiled and shook his head.

This kind of thing... there is a shadow in her heart. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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