The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 286: The beginning of the unsettled case

ps: Thank you for the reward, Makoto Moonlight, two in one chapter. At the end of October, the evening breeze is a bit cool.

On the balcony, Huo Jianhua held a wine glass and said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled and said, "Three minutes, I will go in if you are fine. The two big men have been alone for a long time, which can easily lead to misunderstandings."

Huo Jianhua: "..."

This joke is colder than the wind, but Huo Jianhua finally spoke.

"Well, the TV series produced by our company asked me to be the male number one. I used to be the male third."

"It has something to do with me?"


Huo Jianhua is slow to heat up, but he is not bad at talking, and he also knows the company's intention to let him come to the celebration party.

It's just that he and Mai Xiaoyu are not familiar with each other. They didn't communicate frequently before, and this time they had another purpose, which made him very uncomfortable and didn't know how to speak.

"Um, thank you for giving me this opportunity. I toast you a glass."

"Hey, I didn't..."

I rub!

Mai Xiaoyu only wanted to say four words, "Hey, I have no wine." However, Huo Jianhua had finished drinking before the word of wine was spoken.

"What did you just say?" Huo Jianhua asked seriously after drinking.

Mai Xiaoyu has the urge to cover his face: "It's nothing."

"Oh, then I'm leaving."

When the words fall, turn around and walk without any muddle.

When the curtain was opened, Mai Xiaoyu stopped him: "Wait a minute."

Huo Jianhua turned around: "Is there anything else?"

"Then what, if one day, you want to leave Taiwan to develop in the mainland, you can come to me."

"I never thought about leaving Taiwan."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

It’s too embarrassing.

The embarrassed Mai Xiaoyu didn't want to tell him more, and waved his hand: "Go!"

Mai Xiaoyu had a headache. It was not the wind blowing the wine, but Huo Jianhua.

However, Huo Jianhua didn't think there was anything.

After coming back from the balcony, Lian Junjie walked over immediately, pulled him aside, and asked in a low voice, "How's the conversation?"

"not bad."

"What are you talking about?"

I don't seem to be talking about anything...

Huo Jianhua thought for a while and said: "He said that if I want to leave Taiwan and come to the mainland to develop, I can go to him."

This shows that Mr. Mai is very optimistic, which is a good thing!

If there are conditions in the future, there will definitely be opportunities for cooperation!

Lian Junjie's eyes lit up, and immediately thought of something, and asked nervously, "How did you answer?"

"I told him, I never thought about leaving Taiwan... What is your expression?"

I know, I know...

Ten thousand grass mud horses whizzed past in Lian Junjie's heart. Huo Jianhua didn't notice anything wrong. Seeing Haiqing walking towards the balcony, he was still in the mood to remind him.

"Mr. Mai seems to say... Yes, he just said he wants to drink."

drink wine?

Hai Qing was stunned for a moment, poured a glass of Gujing tribute wine, came to the balcony, and handed Mai Xiaoyu who was leaning against the railing. ? You are all smelling of alcohol, why do you want to drink? "

Mai Xiaoyu twitched his mouth twice: "Huo Jianhua said?"


Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Hai Qing lay on the railing beside Mai Xiaoyu, looked up at the night sky, and muttered, "It's so beautiful."

"It's overcast tonight."

"Different moods, different feelings. I now think that cloudy nights are also beautiful."

"Are you in a good mood, is there a company looking for you to sign a contract?"

"How do you know?" Hai Qing turned his head and looked at Mai Xiaoyu in surprise.

"Is it hard to guess? If it weren't for your master's objection, I would like to sign you."

"You lie to me. Regardless of how many people oppose you, you will insist on what you are looking for. No matter how good my master is with you, it is impossible to change your decision."

The lie on his lips choked back with Hai Qing's eyes, and Mai Xiaoyu laughed: "I didn't expect you to know me so well. Well, you can see through it."

Lying is not good, but the truth is easier to hurt.

Hai Qing said angrily: "You can't lie to me?"

"Why lie to you? Your current drama is more suitable for family life dramas, which is not in line with our company's current route. Signing you will be bad for you."

"Family life drama? My master told me, you once said that you know the most suitable drama for me, is it a'daughter-in-law'?"

"Isn't it?"

After the "Pink Girl" was aired, some media once launched a voting campaign on the Internet, with themes including "Who is the best girlfriend to be a girlfriend", "Who is best to marry and be a wife" and so on.

Regarding the "girlfriend" vote, Lin Zhiling led the way without any suspense.

Haiqing is the first choice for the topic of "getting married as a wife".

"Lin Zhiling is too beautiful. There is a heart-threatening girlfriend who will bring out Beier to save face, but Nima will be a wife... Is there anything dangerous?"

"Liutao's aura is too strong. Be a good friend, marry a female man and go home, be careful to kneel on the washboard every day."

"Wang Chuhan is very cute and can play happily, but Hamei is like a child herself, can you expect her to take care of the children by doing housework, washing, cooking?"

"Haiqing's first choice! After the buck teeth were removed, I found that she was quite beautiful, the kind of beauty that made men feel at ease. Moreover, marriage enthusiasts value marriage, kind and compassionate, so they can get along with friends and get married. Don’t worry about your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and don’t worry about getting green on your head."

It is a good thing for the audience to blend actors and roles into one, indicating that the audience is in the play. Their votes, messages, and opinions are also of reference value.

"Which company did you sign with?" Mai Xiaoyu asked.

"I haven't decided yet. DynaSky and Millennium Entertainment have both approached me..."

DynaSky is a big company, backed by the giant group of DynaSky Group, it belongs to the level of the entertainment circle, and it has many advantages in resources; Millennium Entertainment is currently in the late stage of Xiaojian, and its scale and influence are not as good as that of DynaSky, but They are sincere, have good conditions, and are willing to focus on cultivating Haiqing. ??????? Want to read a book?·?·

Both have their pros and cons, and Haiqing is still choosing.

"You still have to think about it, are you going to make soy sauce in SkySky?"

Many newcomers who have just debuted, because of the resource advantages of large companies, are yearning to sign contracts with large companies. Little do you know that big companies have more resources and competition is more intense. Most of the resources are poured into one sister, one brother, second sister and second brother. How much can you get as a newcomer who has no support?

Although small companies have few resources, they also have few artists. Because it is difficult to sign big-name celebrities, they are often willing to focus on cultivating new talents with outstanding potential. Once the newcomers are successful, both the company and the actors will gain a lot.

"Well, I listen to you, and I will contact the Millennium side tomorrow. However, if my development does not go well, you have to be responsible." Hai Qing smiled happily.

What the hell!

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes rolled: "How did I smell the smell of old yellow? He didn't teach you to say that, right?"

"Oh, no wonder you have such a good relationship with my master. The master said, if you guess it, he owes you a favor."

"Okay, wait to see how I squeeze him."

"Mr. Mai, thank you for changing my name, my luck is really much better." Hai Qing suddenly became silent, "I don't know how to thank you..."

"It's easy to want to thank me." Mai Xiaoyu raised an eyebrow and lowered his voice, "Come to my room tonight to talk about life?"

Hai Qing glared at him angrily, and he laughed: "Just kidding. When you become a big star in the future, just take care of the cute newcomers and members."

"Thank you, Mr. Mai, for saying that if one day comes, I will definitely."

The two chatted briefly again, Hai Qing was a little bit cold, and said, "Go in, it's windy outside."

"You go in first, I guess someone will come to me."

"That's right, you are a sweet pastry now. If you want, girls who want to talk to you about life can get out of two streets."

The next one is Wang Chuhan.

"Mr. Mai, my parents saw me on TV, and they praised me for acting well."

"Dandan is angry with you, blame you for rejecting her several times."

"I recently received a few commercial shows, and two commercials, worth tens of thousands of dollars!"

"Also, the agent helped me pick up a TV series, female No. 4, with a single-episode pay of more than 3,000!"

"When I went back to school a few days ago, there were still younger brothers and sisters who asked me to sign!"


Wang Chuhan was very happy, chatting and telling Mai Xiaoyu like a treasure, the changes that "Pink Girl" had brought to him after the broadcast.

Mai Xiaoyu listened quietly, suddenly resorted to touch her head to kill, touched her head, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

Wang Chuhan was dumb, and his eyes turned red after a while.

The students of the dance academy are generally low in age. She is only 19 years old now in her senior year, and she is still far from being mature.

"You are only nineteen years old, and you have just entered the entertainment industry. Don't think about miscellaneous things. The competition in this circle is very fierce, like sailing against the current. You are still a newcomer. If you don't put in 120% of your efforts, you will easily be forgotten. ."

"I know, I have already decided that I will not consider that aspect of things before I turn 27." Wang Chuhan nodded vigorously and stared at Mai Xiaoyu, "Can I hug you?"

Mai Xiaoyu gently embraced her in his arms.

Wang Chuhan hugged Mai Xiaoyu tightly and pressed his cheek against his chest.

A minute later, Wang Chuhan suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Mai Xiaoyu on the cheek with lightning speed.


The celebration banquet is drawing to a close, and the dishes have already cooled down.

The people present in twos and threes, either sitting at the table or sitting on the sofa, chatting while waiting for Mai Xiaoyu to return.

Chen Qiaoen and Lin Zhiling each held a glass of juice and sat in the corner whispering.

Because of Dolphin TV’s propaganda work during the eleventh period, Chen Qiao Entang and Huang Zhi and Lin Zhiling “know” and became good friends, so there is no need to deliberately conceal the close relationship between the two parties.

"This liar is still good!" Chen Qiaoen whispered to Lin Zhiling: "Look, first Huo Jianhua, then Hai Qing, then Wang Chuhan...Look, Wang Chuhan just came back, and Chen Zihan pulled Liu Tao over again. Now. When did liars become so popular?"

"Yeen, why do you become so weird now?"

"I..." Chen Qiao'en thought for a while and complained, "It's not that liar, the one who is close to Zhu is red and the one is black, can I learn with him?"

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Qiaoen laughed first.

"Then come back, I didn't blame him for a long time, and you don't want to check him again. Do you have to watch him get caught to be satisfied?"

"I didn't want him to be caught?"

"Then you still check him?"

"I'm just investigating the truth."

"the truth?"

"There are things you don't know... If I tell you that he is Mai Mai, the author of "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Why Sheng Xiaomo", do you believe it?"

"Enen, are you mentally out of control?"

"You'll know when I get the evidence. Look, Liu Tao and Chen Zihan are out, I don't know who the next one is. Alas, why do I feel like I'm cultivating sheep into a tiger's mouth? You say yes, sister Zhiling... Sister Zhiling, where are you going?"

Of course Lin Zhiling went to find Mai Xiaoyu.

She wanted to go just now, and was pulled by Chen Qiaoen to chat in the corner, which delayed her chances several times.

When he came to the balcony with the juice, he saw Mai Xiaoyu leaning against the railing, smiling and waving his hand to say hello, as if he knew she was coming.

Chen Qiao'en's strange words naturally appeared in his mind, and Lin Zhiling subconsciously said: "You are a liar."

Mai Xiaoyu's face was stern: "If you talk like this again, be careful of me spanking you."

"you dare!"

"Look, I dare you!" Mai Xiaoyu opened his hands and started to rush, scared Lin Zhiling, a jealous spirit quickly backed away, but fell back because of the unstable feet.

Mai Xiaoyu's eyes were quick and quick, he grabbed her waist and fished.

Although Lin Zhiling avoided the embarrassment of falling and making a fool of himself, he still stuck to Mai Xiaoyu's chest, and the juice in the glass spilled all over the floor.

She is more than 1.7 meters tall, and she is almost as tall as Mai Xiaoyu, who is just over 1.8 meters tall.

The two of them clung to their bodies, their eyes facing each other, their noses almost touched, and they clearly felt each other's breathing.

Time seems to stand still.

After a few seconds, the two separated awkwardly. Mai Xiaoyu said with a smile: "I regret it. I knew you were so charming. I should have cheated money and **** in the first place."

"Am I so good to lie?"


"You are necrotic!"

After interrupting like this, the atmosphere is not so embarrassing.

Mai Xiaoyu asked: "If you want to talk to me, if it's thank you, I won't be able to. I'm tired of listening."

Lin Zhiling approached him for gratitude and consultation.

The first thing was blocked by Mai Xiaoyu, so I had to talk about the second thing.

The slimming product advertisement of Tang Anqi Beauty Group is a good platform, but not every big brand advertisement can make actors popular. She would like to consult Mai Xiaoyu’s suggestions, such as Dove’s advertising, to make Liu Tao, who just debuted, win the reputation of "Dove Girl".

After quickly searching for strange dreams in his mind, Mai Xiaoyu glanced at Lin Zhiling's chest: "34c?"

"How do you know?" Lin Zhiling was stunned, holding his chest, "I felt it just now?"

"Visually! What can I feel just now in such a short time?"

What do you want to feel!

Lin Zhiling's answer was speechless, and she nodded: "Well, 34c."

"Your figure and appearance are advantages, so let's make a fuss about this..."

Three-point shot of Tang Anqi's slimming advertisement, showing a charming figure, attracting attention with the 34c upper circumference, and then creating a topic. With the help of the popularity accumulated by the "thousand fans", the topic quickly heats up and achieves the effect of hype.


Don't be kidding.

This kind of hype topic is the cleanest.

If this is called the next game, what are the hype that relies on scandals, lapses, and large-scale shots to create topics for personal superiors or for film and television dramas?

"Is this okay?"

"You are very attractive, I don't think the problem is big."

Women like to hear others praise her for her beautiful body and attractive ~ Lin Zhiling is no exception, she is very happy.

"Thank you. Tell you a secret. I think it was good to be deceived by you."

"I also tell you a secret. I regret that I only lied to you for money."

"You have no chance, giggle."


Tonight is a celebration banquet. Mai Xiaoyu, who returned to the private room, couldn't escape the toast from everyone.

And he was also happy in his heart, and Liu Tao felt distressed when he saw everyone who toasted.

It's because he has a lot of alcohol, and he can't hold everyone one drink after another, not to mention that he had just had a drink with Wang Yunshi before he came.

Then he got drunk and fell into Liu Tao's arms.

Then, there was an unsolved case that caused him to struggle for a long time... (To be continued.)

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