I'm beautiful, beautiful, I'm drunk, drunk, drunk

Maybe it should be changed to:

I'm drunk, drunk, I'm beautiful, beautiful

Because at the "Pink Girl" celebration party, Mai Xiaoyu was drunk first, and then had a sweet dream, which was very beautiful.

He dreamed of a girl who looked like a bang, sitting on the bed and stroking her face, leaning down and kissing her lips, which aroused Teddy's animal **** in the body.

Drunk chaos|sex.

The adrenal glands soaring at 180 steps per second caused him to put aside the gradually smaller stone in his heart, embrace the opponent crazily and kiss, then release the tyrannical Teddy, venting the long-repressed emotions (this One hundred thousand words are omitted)

What a dream full of spring!

Nima, I am in my twenties, and I still have this kind of dream!

After waking up, Mai Xiaoyu was sitting on the bed and covering his forehead, muttering to himself.

Wrapped in a bath towel, he got off the bed and poured a glass of warm water. He recalled the sweet dream of last night.

That dream was beautiful and very real, as if something really happened.

Sister Tao

The corner of Mai Xiaoyu's mouth was slightly tilted, after drinking a glass of water, his eyes fell on his clothes.

His clothes are neatly stacked on the bedside table, and his boxer briefs are spread out, not at all messy.

Hiss, it seems something is wrong.

I should have been drunk last night, and then I was sent back

Who undressed me so thoroughly?

Who is it that put my clothes yard, even the boxer briefs are spread out flat?

Mai Xiaoyu rubbed his forehead, closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened last night.

Nima, can't remember!

Walking to the bed and uncovering the quilt, he once again found something wrong-the quilt was put on the sheets, there was nothing, it was very clean!

what is this?

Chun|Have you dreamed of Wuhen?

Don't be kidding!

Since it is a hearty dream, it will definitely leave traces.

This is the normal reaction of every man, how could it be empty!

Isn't it a dream last night?

Mai Xiaoyu decided to solve the mystery and return the truth to himself.

He carefully checked every corner of the room that might leave traces, and found no missing little hoods, panties, pantyhose and other special items for girls.

He also checked the pillow and the head of the bed, only to find a few hairs, judging from the length, they belonged to him.

Even the trash can in the bathroom is not let go. What if you find a used condom?

Gained nothing.


Not a dream?

When the cigarette was lit, Mai Xiaoyu smoked silently, frowning slightly.

Unconsciously lowered his head, his eyes straightened.

In the middle of the chest, a few pink marks are in sight-strawberries have been planted!

Can this be a dream?

At this point, most of the truth has been revealed, except for the last question-who was the girl last night.

After he got dressed and washed briefly, he found the hotel monitoring room and offered to retrieve the corridor monitoring video last night.

The security in the surveillance room is very dedicated: sorry, we can't just call surveillance video for outsiders to watch.

Without embarrassing him, Mai Xiaoyu dialed the number of the vice president of the hotel.

This time, the "Pink Girl" celebration banquet was held in Hefei, and everyone came from other places. In order to facilitate the stay, Mengren rented a whole-floor room in a three-star hotel, and the deputy of this hotel was always Wang Yunshi's relationship, who was also introduced by Wang Yunshi.

The vice president of the hotel knew that Mai Xiaoyu was a friend of Wang Yunshi. Before they checked in, Wang Yunshi even greeted him specially, so that he could not be negligent in the reception.

Hearing that Mai Xiaoyu was about to call up the floor monitoring last night, the hotel vice president was very nervous: What's wrong, President Mai, isn't something missing?

I lost hundreds of millions of children and grandchildren

No no, I have something to do. I want to see the corridor monitoring last night.

That's it.

The vice president of the hotel breathed a sigh of relief and contacted the security monitor of the monitoring room. Mai Xiaoyu quickly saw the corridor monitoring video.

The surveillance video is clear, but incomplete. The rest of the corridor was monitored, except for the area where he lived.

It's not that the surveillance camera is broken, but the hotel turned it off specially.

The reason for the closure is to protect his privacy.

The crew of "Pink Girl" has a lot of handsome men and beautiful women.

And those things in the entertainment industry are almost semi-open secrets.

If there is a female staff member of an actress or a male actor staff, and go to his room to talk about life in the middle of the night, is it not good to record it?

The vice president of the hotel gave a vague explanation, and Mai Xiaoyu was speechless.

They are also kind and want to protect his privacy.

He can't tell each other, I just want to know who had an in-depth exchange of life with me last night!

From the perspective of gender, as a man, it was not a disadvantage last night, but such a confused Mai Xiaoyu was not reconciled.

Have to figure out who I slept with?

Or who slept with me?

I can’t be the one who slept with me!

The incomplete surveillance video helped Mai Xiaoyu narrow the scope of suspicion.

In the area that cannot be captured by the surveillance, except for him, the main creators of the crew live.

The men all ruled out that even if he was drunk, he could rely on his vague memory to determine that the one who was on the bed with him last night was a woman.

And women, only Liu Taohai Qinglin Zhiling Wang Chuhan Chen Qiaoen Chen Zihan and several female assistants.

Chen Zihan and those female assistants were obviously impossible.

Unspoken rules are unspoken rules, you must never learn from Lei Feng, do good things without leaving a name. Afterwards, I was afraid that he would find out that he cleaned up the hair on the bed, one of them fell off, and he carefully placed the clothes on the bedside.

Will it be Liu Tao?

With this doubt, Mai Xiaoyu found Chen Qiaoen and asked straightforwardly: Was it you last night?

None of my business. Chen Qiaoen seemed to be stepped on his tail, I didn't want to get you drunk.

It was screwed up, but Chen Qiao'en's suspicion that he was not big was also eliminated.

So someone wanted to get me drunk last night?

I do not know. I was watching everyone toast you, join in the fun and toast you a glass, who would have thought that you would be drunk after drinking, can you blame me?

After I got drunk, what time did you play?

It's over when you get drunk. Everyone sends you back to the hotel and then goes back to your room to rest. Many people are leaving early this morning. I said Mr. Mai, if you can’t drink, don’t drink so much. Did you know that you exhausted Sister Tao last night.


What's the meaning?

After everyone sent you back to your room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sister Tao was worried about something wrong with you, so she specially stayed to take care of you. Are you moved?

Is it really her?

At this time, Chen Qiaoen said again: By the way, when he sent you back last night, your room card was gone. Later, sister Zhiling went to the front desk and asked for another room card before opening the door. You will go back to the room and look for it carefully later to see where it's gone.

Mai Xiaoyu subconsciously took out his pockets and drew out two room cards.

Chen Qiaoen blinked his eyes; did you find it?

It’s been on me all the time, okay.

That's weird, why couldn't they find it last night? Hai Qing and Chu Han have searched twice!

Mai Xiaoyu has a headache.

My Nima, are men and women such a brain-burning thing! ). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please come. )

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