The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 291: Lamb Tune | Teaching Plan (2 in 1 Large

Heart to the light...

Tang Yan came to the door of the police station briskly.

However, when she was about to walk into the police station, a "devil" voice came from behind her.

"Team Zhao!"

Tang Yan was agitated, and Mai Xiaoyu had come to her, wrapped her waist, like a couple, and waved hello to a middle-aged man at the same time.

The middle-aged man looked sturdy and sturdy. He had just walked out of the police station and was accompanied by a first-level superintendent in police uniform.

"Wheat?" The middle-aged man frowned slightly and whispered to the first-level superintendent beside him. When the first-level superintendent returned to the camp, he came to Mai Xiaoyu.

The two sides shook hands, and Mai Xiaoyu asked in a familiar tone: "It's been a long time since I saw Team Zhao. Let's inspect the work at the grassroots level? Look at the first-level superintendent, the instructor?"

Are we so familiar with each other?

You and I just met in the interrogation room of the sub-bureau, and it was quite unpleasant at the time...

Despite the slander in my heart, but thinking about the past of Jiumen and Mai Xiaoyu, and the funeral of Song's mother not long ago, Team Zhao said politely: "Deputy Director. I'm here to do something, why are you here?"

"My company is in Jinlong Building. Just now I had a little awkwardness with my girlfriend, and she was angry for a while and asked the police to judge." Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "Baby, don't be angry, I will give you everything you want. Can't you? Come, let me introduce to you. This is Team Zhao from the Security Brigade of the sub-bureau. Team Zhao is my girlfriend Tangtang, a high-achieving student in the Chinese Opera Acting Department, and a future star."

Team Zhao looked at Tang Yan a few times. With years of experience in handling cases, it was easy to see the loss on Tang Yan's face and the sadness in her eyes. However, thinking of Mai Xiaoyu's past reviews and the industry he is currently engaged in, he has not forgotten his deep thoughts.

"When you are in a relationship, you can't quarrel. You can't go to the police station as soon as you quarrel. So are you, wheat, girls have to coax, you should keep your temper, and don't be as hot as before."

"Don't worry, Team Zhao, I'll remember your words. Tangtang, let's go, too, Team Zhao is busy with work, let's not delay his time."

Tang Yan was mechanically embraced by Mai Xiaoyu, and walked towards Volvo on the side of the road like a puppet.

The light is not there, and the heart is dead.

"Wheat!" Team Zhao chased over.

"Anything else?"

Team Zhao hesitated for a moment, and decided not to tell him the news of Song Ma’s death: “It’s nothing. I think you’re not young anymore, it’s time to start a family. Your girlfriend is very beautiful. Get married early and give them a name, and you’ll be safe in the future. Live steadily."

"Okay. In the future, when we get married, you and Mr. Gui, as well as other leaders of the municipal bureau and branch bureaus, must come."

Mai Xiaoyu responded with a smile, took Tang Yan into the car, and personally fastened her seat belt, and then drove away, only to breathe a sigh of relief.

This lamb is too persistent!

Before in his office, he was not easy to get Tang Yan to be trapped for the second time and to sign a ten-year contract.

Recalling Tang Yan's fierce reaction, he was very worried that this little lamb could not think about it for a while and would do stupid things.

Therefore, after Tang Yan left, he kept driving behind aa. He didn't think that the little lamb was still very strong and did not commit any stupid things like self-harm. Instead, he prepared to call the police.

My goodness, what the **** are you going to make?

As for the truth!

Following Tang Yan to the door of the police station, I planned to repeat the same tricks, as he did with Liu Tao, and fainted Tang Yan away. As a result, I met Team Zhao, who had a fate, and a better idea was formed in my mind.

Take advantage!

This is one of the usual routines of scammers.

Pull out all kinds of false gimmick identities, cover yourself, and boast of yourself as a dazzling character.

As long as you are bold enough, you are not afraid of b being poked.

Don’t you see many daring “sages” who dare to pretend to be senior military officers, central cadres, official second generation, red third generation, descendants of former dynasties, descendants of treasures, etc., before graduating from junior high school. rich.

Even pretending to be Emperor Qianlong and claiming to have taken the elixir of life for more than 300 years, this dog-blood scam could deceive a rich woman of 40 million yuan with his accomplices, which is enough to prove the popularity and importance of taking advantage of the situation to pretend to be a liar. sex.

This trick was very successful.

Mai Xiaoyu perfectly created a "black gangster" with people and great energy, which shocked Tang Yan.

Tang Yan lowered her head and said nothing, her heart filled with despair.

When the car stopped, she felt that the sky was dark and the surrounding area was desolate and she didn't know what it was. She couldn't help it anymore, crying and apologizing: "I'm sorry, I won't dare anymore."

"Don't be afraid. I said that after you sign with the company, I won't touch you. I just want to have a good chat with you." Mai Xiaoyu couldn't bear it, wiped off the tears on Tang Yan's face, and walked from the bottom of the center console. Take out a pack of gum from the glove box, "Eat it?"

Tang Yan shook her head, and her body curled back. This is the instinctive response of human beings to protect themselves.

Mai Xiaoyu took out a piece of chewing gum, pushed it aside, and handed it to Tang Yan's mouth: "Open your mouth."

Tang Yan didn't dare to refuse, she opened her mouth obediently, and let Mai Xiaoyu put the gum into her mouth.

Now she only begged Mai Xiaoyu not to invade herself, and the others accepted their fate.

Mai Xiaoyu did not move further, but turned on the car music: "Listen to the song, soothe your emotions, and then we will have a good chat."

After playing several songs one after another, he was not satisfied, so he simply turned off the music and closed his eyes to think.

After a while, he opened his eyes and sang softly:

"every time,

All wandering and being lonely and strong;

every time,

Even if it's hurt, it doesn't shed tears;


Once in Donghai, he circled Tang Yan once. It was easy, but the latter produced a certain degree of immunity and more serious rejection, so the second round was not easy.

In the office, forcibly trapping lambs a second time with a high-pressure attitude leaves hidden dangers. He must continue to improve, not only to trap the lamb, but also to trap the lamb's heart.

And music is the key to open the human heart.

Tang Yan was not in the mood to listen to the song at first, but really not in the mood at all.

But Mai Xiaoyu has enough patience. If one time is not enough, then twice.

"I know,

I always have double invisible wings,

Take me to fly, fly through despair,


"I have always had double invisible wings,

Take me to fly, give me hope,


Mai Xiaoyu sang it a second time, Tang Yan was finally moved by the folk song, and she stopped tears.

"I finally soared,

Staring attentively without being afraid,

Fly as far as there is wind,


When Mai Xiaoyu sang this song for the third time, Tang Yan was already attracted by the singing, forgetting the fear in her heart, and slowly immersed in the singing that gave people hope, warmth and stability.

The changes in her reaction and expression were all captured by Mai Xiaoyu.

After singing three times, Mai Xiaoyu stopped singing, pulled out a bottle of mineral water, and drank his throat.

"What's the name of this song, I haven't heard it before."

Tang Yan asked subconsciously, regretting her words as soon as she spoke.

Finally entered the set.

""Invisible Wings", you are the first listener, do you like it?"

Tang Yan bowed his head and said nothing.

Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Let go of your grievances, let the company become your invisible wing, and help you fly higher and higher into the sky, okay?"

Seeing that Tang Yan still didn't respond, he leaned forward, put his right hand on the back of the co-pilot, and raised Tang Yan's chin with his left hand, looking at her closely.

Tang Yan flushed and trembled lightly, she dared not face it under her eyelids.

"Open your eyes and look at me." Mai Xiaoyu said softly, "Give yourself a chance, will you?"

"I am willing." Tang Yan responded in a low voice, looking at Mai Xiaoyu timidly, "But, can you stay so close to me?"

Stockholm syndrome, Xiaocheng!

Stockholm syndrome, the Stockholm effect, is also known as Stockholm syndrome or hostage complex or hostage syndrome. It refers to a kind of complex that the hostages have feelings for the kidnappers, and even help the perpetrators in turn.

This emotion causes the hostages to have good feelings, reliance, and sympathy for the hijackers, and in serious cases, they may even help the hijackers fight the police and avoid legal strikes.

This is a mysterious and real subject, and there are real cases in all countries.

Experts have conducted in-depth research on this, and summarized it as the psychological weakness of human beings succumbing to tyranny, because the fear of human performance has a fragile bottom line.

For example, when one encounters a ferocious killer.

If the killer is unreasonable and wants to take his life at any time, the hostage will gradually entrust the right to life to the murderer.

Time has dragged on for a long time. The hostage eats a mouthful of food and drank a mouthful of water. Every time he breathes, he feels that he is the murderer's tolerance and compassion towards him. For the thug who kidnapped themselves, the hostage’s inner fear will first be transformed into gratitude, and then into a kind of worship. Finally, the hostage will subconsciously think that he shares the fate with the murderer.

During this period, if the murderer shows a little care and consideration, this effect will multiply.

This is also the main strategy of Mai Xiaoyu's second round of Tang Yan!

"Hey, that's great." Mai Xiaoyu resorted to touching his head to kill as a reward, "Is it thirsty?"


Mai Xiaoyu took out another bottle of mineral water, unscrewed the bottle cap and passed it over.

Tang Yan did not refuse, and did not consider whether there was any medicine in the water. After receiving the mineral water, she drank several sips, but she choked because of the urgency.

Mai Xiaoyu took out a tissue, wiped her water stains on her body, and patted her back, with a soft tone: "Such a big girl, you can choke with a drink of water. Chewing gum, have you swallowed it? ?"

Tang Yan wanted to cry inexplicably.

This time it has nothing to do with fear, there are grievances, catharsis, relief...sweet, bitter and salty, it is an indescribable complex emotion.

She took the initiative to lightly open her lips to show Mai Xiaoyu that the chewing gum was still in her mouth.

The effect is very good!

Mai Xiaoyu strikes while the iron is hot: "You are now an entertainer in the company. Looking back, I will find a fitness club near your school to sign up for yoga and physique practice for you. I will pay for it, but you must not be lazy, remember?"


"Speaking, don't allow ‘um’."


Mai Xiaoyu nodded, it's time to draw a cake.

"Very good. As long as you are as obedient as you are now, the company promises to make you a big star."

Tang Yan blinked and asked in a low voice uncertainly: "Can I really become a star?"

"It's a big star!" Mai Xiaoyu emphasized, "I said, you want to make money for the company, if you don't make you popular, how can the company make more money? Also, I don't like others to question me Do you hear that?"

The final tone was slightly tough, and Tang Yan replied timidly: "I heard it."

The hidden dangers are made up seven or eight, and the remaining points must be made up with genuine ones.

Looking back to pick up a few commercials, and let her play an important role in "Sword" next year, it should be considered a stable circle.

At this time the sky was completely dark, and Mai Xiaoyu started the car and asked casually, "Hungry?"

Tang Yan nodded, seeing Mai Xiaoyu's stern gaze, and hurriedly said, "Hungry."

"I'll take you to eat something."

Mai Xiaoyu drove to find Pizza Hut.

The car stopped on the side of the road and hid in the dark to observe Tang Yan for a few minutes, only to find that Tang Yan did not act abnormally, and then went in and ordered a bunch of takeaways.

Finding an open area with a good night view, the two had dinner in the car and chatted a few words that were not nutritious. At about nine o'clock in the evening, Mai Xiaoyu drove Tang Yan back to school.

"Don't think too much, go back and have a good class. I will come to the company to make a model card tomorrow, and I will introduce your agent to you. Then she will help you contact the commercial audition to inform you of the filming."

"Oh... I know. Then I'm going back?"

"If you don't go back to school, do you still want to go to the hotel with me?"

"No, I don't want to."

After getting out of the car, Tang Yan took a deep breath, feeling that the pressure suddenly disappeared, and only felt that the air was so fresh, so she quickly ran back to school.

At this time, someone behind him shouted: "Tang Yan?"

Tang Yan turned her head: "Xu, Senior Xu?"

"It's you!" The handsome and sunny Xu Xuechang just returned from shopping in the supermarket, carrying a large bag of snacks and drinks, and walking a few steps to Tang Yan, "Why come back so late? I specially asked a friend to bring it back from abroad. A box of Ferrero chocolates will be delivered to you later."

"No, that, I don't want to..." Tang Yan flickered, her eyes flickering, and she turned to Mai Xiaoyu from time to time.

Mai Xiaoyu got out of the car and walked to her.

Xu Xuechang was unhappy and asked Tang Yan, "Who is he?"

"I, I, I..."

Tang Yan didn't know how to introduce Mai Xiaoyu. The latter smiled and took the conversation: "I am her friend. Hurry up and get a good rest tonight, and tomorrow will be better."

"Oh, then I'm going back to the dormitory. Senior Xu, I'm leaving."

Tang Yan hurried back to school, and Senior Xu was annoyed.

However, before he had time to speak, Mai Xiaoyu whispered to him: "Leave Tang Yan away from now on, and stop harassing her."

Xu Xuechang was furious and kicked on the front of the Volvo, cursing: "If you drive a broken Volvo, you dare to run to play and pick up girls, and you don't take a pee!"

Is Volvo's class bad?

I remember that sister Tao, a fan named Ye Chu, also despised this car.

Should I buy a car?

Renting a car is not an issue.

By the way, I will also buy a car for Sister Tao, um, buy her a nanny car.

Mai Xiaoyu didn't bother to deal with each other, the grade was too low, and he was thinking about changing cars.

But Xu thought he was scared, and his words became more and more awkward.

"I'm telling you, Tang Yan, I'm going to make a reservation!"

"The woman I like has never failed!"

"As for Get out of here immediately, don't let me see you again, or I will see you once!"

"Do you dare to stare at me, looking for death!"

Senior Xu raised his foot and kicked over, completely angering Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu narrowed his eyes, turned sideways, and hit the opponent's chest with a cannon.


Suffering a heavy blow to his stomach, Xu Xuechang opened his mouth and vomited, his body also lost control, and he spread out on the ground.

Mai Xiaoyu supported him to prevent him from falling to the ground to attract too much attention and make things worse.

He also slapped him on the back while saying something to drink less, just like a friend, making him accustomed to vomiting and vomiting.

Xu Xuechang recovered easily, pushed away Mai Xiaoyu and backed up a few steps: "Do you dare to hit me? There is a kind of you don't go, I'll call someone to ******!"

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