The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 292: Misfortune comes out of the mouth (debt repayment)

Replenishing the rudder master fifteen soldiers and levying ten thousand rewards and more

Fight, but that's not it.

I can't beat you, and I'm at a disadvantage, then I'll call someone to come

Mai Xiaoyu's punch was too ecstasy, leaving a painful understanding in Xu Xuechang's heart.

He knew he couldn’t beat Mai Xiaoyu, but there was someone in his way

"Brother Bald, my little Xu, Xu Leilei."

"Someone robbed my girl and beat me."

"No problem, I won't let you run in vain."

"Just in front of our school, when can you come over?"

After hanging up the phone, Xu Leilei shook again like a big **** plugged in.

"Boy, you are dead. Don't want to run, it's useless to run, I remember your license plate number."

Mai Xiaoyu glared, frightened Xu Leilei, then sat in the front of the car with a sneer, lit his cigarette: "I have lived for more than 20 years, and I have never ran away in numerous fights. Even in the face of the police, I didn't take a step back. You are Kind of little miscellaneous hair, ha ha."

"Blow, you just blow it now, and when my friend arrives, see when you can go crazy"

Twenty minutes later, a van came to a halt on the side of the road.

The car door opened with a clatter, and five gangsters jumped down.

"You are dead"

Xu Leilei glared at Mai Xiaoyu triumphantly, and hurried over, shouting "Bald Brother" in his mouth.

The five gangsters were all drunk, headed by a bald head. There are four gangsters next to him, one is playing with butterfly knives, one is wearing iron gloves, one is carrying a steel pipe to stretch, and the other is shaved with a watermelon knife.

"Bald brother, thank you, thank you for coming to help."

"Don't talk nonsense, where are the people? Brothers who finish the work early and go back to drink."

"Over there." Xu Leilei pointed to Mai Xiaoyu who was not far away, "Just that grandson, he said that Brother Bald, you are miscellaneous hairs, he is never afraid, come and clean up as much as he wants."

"Shao Te, come here with Lao Tzu?" The bald head slapped his head and slapped him, "Collect the money and do errands. Since I am here, I will definitely help you settle the matter. Do you dare to play with your mind, believe it or not, I will clean up with you." "

After being slapped, Xu Leilei was not upset or angry, but still accompanied a smiling face: "Yes, I did something bad. Bald brother, you are a lot of people."

"A lot of nonsense." The bald head took out a can of beer from Xu Leilei's bag and opened it to take a sip. "Brother is a bit swift. Go back and continue drinking when you are done. Don't let those girls wait in a hurry. Also, they are all special. Be careful not to kill anyone."

"Don't worry, boss."

Four gangsters swaggered over, one of them raised a watermelon knife and pointed at Mai Xiaoyu: "You're not so courageous, I can still sit still when I see Lao Tzu."

"Silly beep, you carry controlled knives, aren't you afraid of being caught by the police?"

"Police hahahaha"

The four **** laughed like they heard something ridiculous.

The unbridled laughter penetrated the night, frightening the pedestrians to speed up, for fear of hurting themselves.

"The 2b youth is so happy." Mai Xiaoyu sighed, flicked his hand, half of his cigarette **** bounced directly into the mouth of the watermelon knife.


This is being scalded.

"Bah baah bah Nima hacked you to death than Lao Tzu"

The bully raised his knife to slash, and Mai Xiaoyu also jumped out of the car and was about to start the fight. At this time, the bully who played with the butterfly knife suddenly shouted: "Wait for you, you are Mai, the boss of Mai"

Mai Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows: "You recognize me"

I rub

It really is this plague god

Butterfly Knife's left leg trembled unconsciously. He has cultivated for more than two months with the stab in his left leg last year.

"Mak, misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, don't do it."

In addition, the three **** were inexplicable, and the one wearing iron gloves asked: "Mother Pao, you know him"

"You also know who forgot to beat you with a punch at the court of the Dynasty last year."

"I fuck"

The trio are dumbfounded, this is their boss’s boss, the boss, who doesn’t want to provoke him.

The arrogant arrogance of the gangsters disappeared in an instant, and they apologized with the smiling faces one by one, and then returned to the van.

The bald head was eating peanuts and drinking wine. When they came back, they asked casually: "It's done so soon."

"Boss, that person is" Butterfly Knife whispered in his ear, his bald eyes straightened.

"you sure"

"He beat the iron with a punch and then stuck a knife in my leg. How could I admit it was wrong"

"Grass Mud Horse" kicked Xu Leilei with his bald head, "Look at your troubles"

"Bald brother, what did I do wrong?" Xu Leilei got up with a grieved expression, and the watermelon knife made another kick: "You almost killed me."

"Look at him first, don't let him run away."

The bald head gave an order and rushed over with a butterfly knife.

Take a closer look, my Nima’s life is suffering

"Mak, Mak"

Mai Xiaoyu looked at the two of them suspiciously, and explained with a bald head: "We are Lord Scar's people."

Scar master

Mai Xiaoyu frowned, completely impressed.

"Last time, Dynasty Nightclub, Sun Yaxing and Sun Director"

Now Mai Xiaoyu remembered.

It was still in the first half of last year. Sun Yaxing and Liu Lei were still good friends. They asked him to negotiate at the Dynasty Nightclub, and also invited Scarlett to support them.

"it's fate."

Mai Xiaoyu smiled, his head and butterfly knives creepy.

"My brother, this is really a misunderstanding. Let's go and clean up that kid now and give you an explanation."

"Wait a minute, I'll go with you."

Xu Leilei was going crazy.

He asked to clean up Mai Xiaoyu’s gangsters, and the three fiercely looked at him, the leading bald head and the other gangster who looked like bodyguards, walked along with Mai Xiaoyu on the left and the right.




The three gangsters greeted him actively. Mai Xiaoyu nodded, got into the van, and waved: "Get him up."

The bald head personally put Xu Leilei into the van, and then went up with the butterfly knife, leaving the other three gangsters guarding outside the car.

The cramped space and the dim lights infinitely magnified the fear in Xu Leilei's heart.

"Do you have a tendency to be abused?" Mai Xiaoyu asked, took out the cigarette, and lit his bald head diligently.

The butterfly knife slapped Xu Leilei's head: "Malgobi's ears are stuffed with donkey hair, Mr. Mai would like to ask you something."

"No, no"

"Nothing is fine, or I have to let them satisfy you tonight." Mai Xiaoyu smiled, "How are you going to end this matter?"

"Losing money, I will lose money still, I promise not to harass Sugar in the future"

"Shut up" Mai Xiaoyu yelled angrily, "Don't ask me for money, I can kill you if I have more money."

"Then, what do you say?"

"It's very simple, remember the four words that disaster comes out of your mouth."

Xu Leilei was not stupid, he quickly got over from the reaction.

This is Mai Xiaoyu warning himself, don’t harass Tang Yan, don’t talk about tonight, let alone spread his relationship with Tang Yan everywhere.

"Don't worry, Mr. Mai, I know what to do."

"Okay, it's done with them, let's go."

Lord Scar is right, the surname Mai is really righteous

The bald head secretly praised.

There is only one word of money between them and Xu Leilei

Buddies will come over to help you out at night, don't worry about how things are going, you can't help but pay.

Xu Leilei didn't dare to rely on the account, and transferred the funds through mobile banking.

After Mai Xiaoyu left, he asked his bald head: "Brother Bald, who is he?"

"As long as you ask so much why, just remember that our boss is not willing to provoke him easily. You will provoke him in the future, dare to call me and I will kill you."

I don't dare to provoke him again if I beat him to death

Xu Leilei returned to the school in shock, and took the money with his bald head and took the people away. The streets returned to calm again.

In a corner not far away, Shen Fei, who had watched most of the scene, put away her mobile phone sadly, and smiled bitterly: What a great opportunity to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote from the starting point. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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