The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 563: Tong Liya lay down the gun

"You **** liars, finally let me find..."

The young woman in her late thirties, holding Mai Xiaoyu in one hand and selling fish in the other, was so excited that she couldn't speak a complete sentence.

Women are troublesome, is it necessary to say so many times?

Selling Xiaoyu didn't understand, he drooped his head and accepted his fate.

The super boss chased Yanjing from Yangcheng, does he still run?

Mai Xiaoyu is different.

Feeling the strength of the young woman on the arm, and the excited tone, I shook my heart.

Turning around, looking at the young lady, observing her expression, Mai Xiaoyu suddenly lowered his voice and asked, "Beauty, have you admitted the wrong person?"

Young woman gritted her teeth: "I recognize you ashes..."

"The police handle the case!" Mai Xiaoyu suddenly yelled, interrupting the young woman's conversation, and said loudly: "Don't worry, we will never let this liar go. We will definitely help you recover your loss."

After speaking, he hugged the excited young woman, as if to appease the latter's excited emotions.

The young woman wanted to struggle to say something, she felt a pain in the back of her neck, lost consciousness, and fell limp in Mai Xiaoyu's arms.

"Comrade, comrade, are you okay? I'll take you to the hospital." Mai Xiaoyu took the young woman to her Mercedes, and ordered the buck-tooth man to catch the fisherman into another van and gallop. Away.

The old routine is almost the same as when I treated Liu Tao back then.

Mai Xiaoyu's acting skills are good at ease, at least the passers-by in the distance have no doubts, but Tong Liya is different.

She was very close, saw clearly, and heard the conversation between the two. And she was smart, and she immediately noticed something wrong.

Fake police?


Seeing the Mercedes-Benz and the van driving away, Tong Liya wrote down the license plate number of the van behind, took out her mobile phone, and prepared to call the police.

Because she looked down on the phone, she didn’t notice. Just when she entered the three digits "1", "1" and "0" and was about to press the dial key, the van returned to her side and huffed the door open. ...



Blue sky garden villa area.

This is the first project launched by Blue Sky Real Estate after its establishment. It is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in the first half of next year.

There are a total of 99 villas in the villa area, more than half of which are currently sold and 51 units have been sold.

The two cars stopped at the door of the Lantian Garden model room.

Ke Haoyi got out of the car and opened the door of the villa. Mai Xiaoyu walked in with the young woman who was still in a coma, and placed it on the sofa to look carefully.

No impression, no impression at all.

There were more than 2,000 lambs in the three-year circle of lambs. Except for a few special lambs, there was no other impression.

But judging from the excitement of the young woman after seeing herself, it is absolutely impossible for the lamb to run away.

He sat next to the young woman, opened the bag she carried with him, found his ID card, checked his name, age, and province. At this time, a group of Gu Ya and Xiaoyu walked in.

"Boss, I was wrong..."

"Let him shut up."

"Don't, don't hit me, I shut up."

Selling small fish is also on mixed roads, knowing the severity, obediently squatted into the corner, waiting for Mai Xiaoyu to fall.

The buck-tooth man walked up to Mai Xiaoyu and said, "Idol, we also caught one..."


Mai Xiaoyu raised his head and raised his eyebrows.

The buck-tooth man quickly explained: "This is the girl that this grandson is going to cheat. That girl wants to call the police. Fortunately, I saw in the rearview mirror she was touching her phone to make a call. I went back and looked. Hey, I really wanted to call the police, almost. It got through. I didn't know what to do at the time, so I caught her back."

Catch it back.

A sheep is also chasing, and a flock of sheep is also chasing.

"What about people?"


"Bring in."

After a while, the two gangsters carried Tong Liya in.

Mai Xiaoyu frowned: "What's the matter?"

"Ya was so noisy, she kept struggling and screaming, we knocked her out."

"Put it on the sofa and give me her backpack."

Tong Liya and the young woman were placed on the sofa, both of them were unconscious; selling fish squatting in the corner, a pair of thieves' eyes wandering around.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at him: "This product is dishonest, break a leg."

"Don't! Boss, I know I was wrong. Give me a chance." Seeing the buck-toothed man approaching fiercely, the seller pleaded with his nose and tears, "I have an old mother in bed with my wife and others. I ran away, leaving only my five-year-old daughter to follow me and suffer from poverty..."

"Shut up, tie him up, and block his mouth."

The buck-tooth man led people to find a circle and came back: "Idol, no rope."

"Use his belt, there is not enough belt and clothes."

The world is clean.

Mai Xiaoyu asked the buck-tooth man to buy a bunch of food, and then took out 10,000 yuan from his handbag and threw it to him.

"A few brothers worked hard today, go back and say thank you to Ma San'er for me."

"It's not hard work. It's our honor to help the idol, and it's the lightest thing." The buck-tooth man smiled and borrowed money, "Idol, let's go, here..."

"Relax. Here, I and Hiroko are there, no problem."

The buck-tooth man led the people away. Ke Haoyi went over to close the door, watched the van disappear, and checked the windows again.

"Boss, no problem."

"Ok, let's eat something It's almost one noon now, Mai Xiaoyu and Ke Haoyi are already hungry.

The two of them ate pizza, fried chicken, cold dishes, and drank beer, destroying the gluttonous fish sellers at the root of the wall.

He was hungry too, and he groaned there to get Mai Xiaoyu's attention.

Mai Xiaoyu ignored him. After eating and drinking, he asked Ke Haoyi to wake up the young woman.

"Who are you? Where is this? What do you want to do?"

After the young woman woke up, she was shocked and frightened. She instinctively wanted to run, but was stopped by Ke Haoyi and pressed onto the sofa.

The young woman was shocked, and when she was about to scream for help, Mai Xiaoyu spoke up.

"Miao Hongxia, are you a fool?"

Only then did Miao Hongxia notice Mai Xiaoyu: "It's you? You liar, what do you want?"

"Since you call me a liar, obviously you also know that you have been deceived, so why are you so stupid that you ran to Yanjing and let the grandson deceive?"

"You are not much better than him, you are a liar, you are all raccoons!"

"I never lied to you, it's just that the time to fulfill the promise was a little late, otherwise, how could I still remember your name is Miao Hongxia?"

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu took out his business card and threw it beside Miao Hongxia.

"have a look."

Miao Hongxia picked up her business card and glanced at it, and said disdainfully: "Mai Xiaoyu? Have you changed your name to this now? Do you crooks like to call "Mai Xiaoyu"?"

Mai Xiaoyu glared at the liar in the corner, then turned to Miao Hongxia: "Look at the top."

"Moeren film and television? Haha, now that Mengren film and television is famous, do you scammers like to cheat under the banner of others?"

"Fuck your uncle!"

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the empty can, and smashed it towards the liar in the corner...

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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