Mai Xiaoyu did not recognize the liar in the corner, but it did not hinder his anger at the liar.

It is hateful to cheat under the banner of Mengren Film and Television, and dare to pretend to be him... If things get big and attract the attention of the police and the media, he will be very passive!

Fortunately, some members of Yanjing participated in the audition of "Dream of Red Mansions" and accidentally encountered this liar. Hearing the other party claiming to be "Meng Ren Film and Television Mai Xiaoyu", he immediately realized that this was a liar, and called him immediately.

There are too many people outside the Grand View Garden, and it is hard to find a liar. Mai Xiaoyu can only contact Ma Hongshan of Sunshine Real Estate by phone, borrow a few buck-tooth men from him, and look for them everywhere in the crowd.

It wasn't until near noon that the fang man discovered the liar who was deceiving Tong Liya.

Who would have thought that Hongxia, the former Hangzhou lamb Miao Hongxia, would also come to Yanjing to participate in the audition of "Dream of Red Mansions", and was also deceived by a liar, so fortunately, he would never die.

Can Mai Xiaoyu not hate this liar?

The empty can was smashed on the head of a small fish seller, bounced and fell to the ground.

To be honest, it wasn't too painful, but it scared the selling of small fish.


"I'll clean up you later."

To warn the other party, Mai Xiaoyu once again turned his attention to Miao Hongxia: "How have you been recently?"

"Thanks to you, I divorced my husband and I got the custody of the child."

"Is your divorce related to me? The child is not mine."

"You are shameless!"

"Just kidding, relax the atmosphere. How about it, are you less nervous now?" Mai Xiaoyu smiled and took out his cigarette, "Can't you smoke?"

"What do you want to do after catching me here?"

"Relax, relax." Mai Xiaoyu lights up his cigarette, "I have no ill intentions."

"No malice? Then you let me go."

"No, let you go now, you will definitely call the police."

"Yes, I will definitely call the police and ask the police to bring you all **** crooks to justice!"

"Tsk tusk, are you stupid?" Mai Xiaoyu took a cigarette and pointed to the liar in the corner. "You say this in front of me, so you are not afraid that I will kill you and then blame him?"

Selling small fish: "..."

Miao Hongxia: "..."

Tong Liya shivered in a coma.

Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Or if you are forced to x, I will take your **** photos as a threat and threaten you not to call the police. Are you afraid?"

"You, dare you..."

Miao Hongxia was scared.

Strong x and taking **** photos are the two most feared methods unique to women.

"But I won't do that, because you are a member of my Mengren Film and Television."

"Mengren Movie...Member?"

"Yes, a member of Mengren Film and Television. Believe it or not, I am the owner of Mengren Film and Television. Huang Bo, Deng Chao, Hu Xu, Huo Jianhua, Liu Tao, Qian Qian, Chen Qiaoen and others are all our company’s artists. , And you are a member of the company."

"You have lied to me once, and I won't be fooled again."

"Actually, did you just get scammed by him? How much did he scam you?"

"twelve thousand."

"Want to come back?"

Miao Hongxia nodded.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Don't worry, you are a member of the company, and the company will help you get back. Hey, you will pay it back, right?"


The little fish nodded vigorously.

Miao Hongxia sighed: "Oh, I was young and naive back then. You helped me get back the twelve thousand dollars this time. I will not investigate the things you lied to me in the past."

"That's not good, because I have never lied to you, and you are a member of the company and have benefits. Let's do this, our cute artist, who do you like, I will let you listen to his voice. Huo? Huo Jianhua ?"

"Huang Bo!"

"You taste really heavy."

Mai Xiaoyu joked, walked over with his mobile phone and sat next to Miao Hongxia.

Miao Hongxia flashed aside, keeping a safe distance.

Mai Xiaoyu dialed Huang Bo's cell phone, and it was Huang Bo's assistant who answered the call.

"Mr. Mai, Brother Bo is filming."

"How long will it take to shoot?"

"I can't say that. Is there anything wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'll call it later later."

Hanging up the phone, Mai Xiaoyu shrugged at Miao Hongxia: "Neck filming again, wait a minute."

"Return Mr. Mai, pretending to be like it."

Mai Xiaoyu was too lazy to explain: "Is it hungry? Do you want to eat something first? I'll call it later."

Don't call Mai Xiaoyu. After ten minutes, Huang Bo called.

"Boss, are you looking for me?"

Miao Hongxia was taken aback for a moment when Huang Bo’s unique accent came out of the phone with the hands-free function turned on.

Mai Xiaoyu said: "Well, I met your fans, come on, say a few words."

"real or fake?"

"Are you Huang Bo?" Miao Hongxia interjected.

"Boss, is there a woman by your side?"

"Speak carefully, this is your fan, female fan."

"Boss, where are you? How come you meet Bo's female fans?" It was Deng Chao.

"Deng Chao? You are Teacher Deng Chao? Teacher Deng Chao I really like you..."

"Boss, don't you say that you are my fan? This is clearly a fan of the DPRK, so I'm going to be a fan of you, right?"

"No, no, Teacher Huang Bo, I also like you very much. You and Teacher Deng Chao are my idols, really."

"Brother Bo, who do you talk to on the Director Zhang said that there was a problem with the previous article, and I need to take a few more shots..."

"Wow, Chen Qiaoen! You are teacher Chen Qiaoen, right, the Shancai in "Meteor Garden", I recognize your voice!"

"Hello, this is Chen Qiaoen..."

"Wow, it's really you, I just said I couldn't hear you wrong. I want to ask you what cosmetics do you usually use, your skin is good, and the clothes you wore in "Meteor Garden" Where did you buy it? You and Daoming Temple..."

Miao Hongxia was excited.

Selling Xiaoyu's eyes widened, like a ghost.

Tong Liya, who was in a coma, moved her ears several times.


Mai Xiaoyu hung up the phone.

Miao Hongxia was furious: "What's the matter with you, Teacher Chen Qiaoen and I are talking about the key points!"

Mai Xiaoyu called a speechless: "Are all women forgetful?"

Miao Hongxia: "..."

After a moment of silence, she suddenly said, "You said that I am a company member, and you also said that members have benefits, right?"

"Do you want to see them?"


"Do you believe me now?"

"Believe!" Miao Hongxia replied simply.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled: "Not right now. They are filming and they are very busy and do not accept visiting classes. However, considering your own situation, the company can arrange for you another benefit."

"What is it?"

"Have you seen the blind date show "If You Are the One", it is a joint production of the company and Litchi TV, and you can be arranged as a female guest on the show."

While speaking, Mai Xiaoyu put away the phone, put down his hand, and put it on Tong Liya's thigh seemingly unintentionally.

Tong Liya trembled.

Mai Xiaoyu glanced at her from the corner of the eye: Little Lamb, it will be your turn later...

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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