The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 573: Men will suffer when they roll the sheets

You Jingxiao, female, 36 years old, PhD in psychology from Stanford University.

After returning to China, he set up his own Jingxiao studio in Yanjing, specializing in providing psychological counseling services for middle and upper class white-collar elites in the fast-paced and stressful metropolis. At the same time, he is also conducting research on his own psychology projects.

At one time, she was very interested in one of her clients, and believed that this client's case was relatively unique and possesses high research value. To this end, she also specifically contacted her mentor, an experienced Stanford University psychology professor, to ask questions about multiple personalities on the phone.

but then……

Today, she saw this customer again.

"Sir, you didn't make an appointment..."

"Sir, you can't go in..."


With the help of the assistant, Mai Xiaoyu broke into You Jingxiao's reception room.

"Doctor You, he..."

"It's okay, you can go out." You Jingxiao sent the assistant out, watching the time, and said lightly: "I have an appointment next time. You have four minutes."

"Throw away, you are mine this afternoon." Mai Xiaoyu walked straight to her, his tone was very lightly.

You Jingxiao looked up at him: "Three and a half minutes."

Mai Xiaoyu grabbed her slender jade hand: "Doctor You—"

"three minutes."

"Ok, ok, I am yours this afternoon."

The corner of You Jingxiao's mouth was slightly tilted, and she withdrew her hand. Using the landline on the desk, the inside line notified the assistant to help her push down all appointments this afternoon.

After a few minutes.

The two of them sat on the sofa dedicated to communication in the reception room, each with a glass wine on the coffee table beside them.

"Mouton from 1993, when a friend came to see me some time ago, he brought it from Bordeaux to try it."

You Jingxiao, who is dressed up for knowledge and sex, leaned lazily on the sofa. The fashionable professional outfit is wrapped in a graceful body, with black silk stockings on his legs, forming a unique image of knowledge and sex. Great contrast, no taste.

Mai Xiaoyu picked up the wine glass, shook it, and did not drink: “It’s better to drink less after drinking. It’s better to drink less. Besides, the Mouton in 1993 was the same as Mouton in 1993. Less than 45 years, 59 years, 82 years and 86 years like the perfect wine standard, but it is particularly unique.

At that time, a French painter of Polish origin drew a naked and **** **** the label. As a result, the US Tobacco, Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives Administration banned Mouton from listing in the United States in 1993.

At that time, someone suggested that the owner of the winery change the label, but the owner of the winery refused.

Therefore, the vintage wine that was listed in the United States that year was a different version from other markets, and its label replaced the original *** position with a blank label. On the contrary, it caused collectors to compete to acquire two different versions, which caused the price of the wine to rise a lot in 1993. It is also more valuable for collection.

"Drunk chaos and sex? Have you messed with it?" You Jingxiao smiled contemptuously and raised Erlang's legs. For a moment, the narrow skirt was propped up in a small space, "What color?"

"did not see it."


"Really!" Mai Xiaoyu denied.

You Jingxiao smiled, pointed her toes towards Mai Xiaoyu, and tapped twice: "Are you sure?"

"Well, black lace trim."

"Good eyesight."

"I think, black little Dingding is more suitable for you."

"Do you like it? I can change it to you."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

"Don't tell me, I will be your default."

"Please, you are a doctor, is this really good?"

"But you are not a patient." You Jingxiao raised the wine glass and raised it with Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu sighed and raised his glass in response.

The two of them took a sip of the Mouton **** from 1993, and enjoyed it in their mouths.

After putting down the wine glass, Mai Xiaoyu sighed: "I miss the sensual and fragrant Zhixing beauty psychologist who was elegant, like tea, like orchids, and fragrant."

"I also miss the patient who was hit hard and had multiple personalities, each of which was talented and manly and masculine."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

You Jingxiao's expression suddenly became resentful: "It's been so long, you finally think of me, are you willing to see me?"

"Doctor You, I always have something I want to tell you, I don't know if I should say it."

"Is there anything we can't say between us?" You Jingxiao continued to speak quietly.

"You are sick."

"I know I'm sick, you know, you know better what the antidote is, right? Don't forget that you just said that this afternoon, you are mine."

"Sister, let's stop making trouble, I'll come to you this time for business."

With a "big sister", You Jingxiao's face changed suddenly.

The previous faint resentment disappeared, replaced by a high-cold aura.

"I only provide psychological counseling here, and I am not interested in irrelevant things."

"What if I want to **** you?"

"You dare?"

"It's not that you dare, but you are not interested. You are too old."

Women hate others for calling themselves old.

Even if You Jingxiao is 36 years old, she cannot accept it.

Besides, she is well-maintained and can dress up. From the outside, she can be up to thirty. It is hard to believe that she is thirty-six years old this year.

Before You Jingxiao became angry, Mai Xiaoyu continued: "Are you interested in "If You Are the One"?"

"Litchi TV's blind date show? The one hosted by Meng Fei?"

"Yes, that's the show."

"I am a celibate, and I enjoy sex, not love. You should be very clear about this."

"I know, so I didn't plan to let you be a female guest on stage, but as a guest teacher as a psychologist. By the way, you can also tease Meng Fei's bald head, how about it, are you interested?"

During this period of time, "If You Are the One" was regarded as an early bird and shot continuously. The media even broke the news about the resignation of the host Meng Fei, and all kinds of discussions were raging.

Whether it is for an explanation to the superior or for its own benefit, Litchi TV attaches great importance to program rectification.

Before Mai Xiaoyu came, he received a call from the chief planner of the program, telling him that the rectification plan has been released, which is based on the draft he provided at the beginning, or has added or reduced some things.

For example, in order to ensure the authenticity of the program, the program team has gradually constructed the "four lines of defense" to ensure the authenticity of the guests’ identities and express the truth; reduce sharp remarks and quarrels, and reduce topic sensitivity; female guests should not always be picky, but more points Be tolerant and gentle, and increase the number of lights in the first round; the nature of the program has changed from "topic" as the king to affection and so on.

In order to prevent the audience ratings from being affected after the program rectification, Mai Xiaoyu, the general counsel, continued to shine and put forward the concept of the "light bursting link", which was unanimously affirmed by the program group.

Mai Xiaoyu's rectification draft contains a lot of content.

One of them is to add a female psychologist to the program as a guest teacher, interact with the two men, the host and the personality color analysis guest, and comment from a female point of view and a professional perspective in order to make the program more authentic and closer to life. .

The selection of female psychologists must have requirements, such as intellectual, wise, non-rigid, clear thinking in analyzing problems, quick response, knowledgeable, and it is best to have a certain sense of humor.

In the rectification draft, Mai Xiaoyu prefers his psychiatrist You Jingxiao, but Litchi TV has their ideas. They want to find an experienced psychology professor from the party school. The most direct reason is that the party commands the "gun".

The general counsel has a disagreement with the program team, and the choice of the psychologist has been undecided.

Until a few days ago, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television officially announced that official agencies such as "Focus Interview", "News Network", Xinhua News Agency, or named or unnamed criticized a batch of dating programs represented by "Never Disturb". The group finally agreed to the person recommended by Mai Xiaoyu.


Because Mai Xiaoyu had anticipated this scene half-jokingly and half-seriously a long time ago!

Reminiscent of the "Meteor Garden" incident in September last year, one cannot help but imagine Mai Xiaoyu's "strong background".

You Jingxiao pondered for a moment and asked: "Do you think I will agree?"

"Why not? You are a smart and beautiful woman."

"You should put'beautiful' at the front, it is best to add the word'young'."

It is definitely a good thing for You Jingxiao to be on the "If You Are the One" program as a psychologist.

It's like a young lady. In the past, one thousand yuan could provide accommodation; but after becoming an 18-line internet celebrity, the price of accommodation can be increased tenfold.

Okay, this analogy is not appropriate, but the words are not rough, and they are basically the same.

The fame goes up, and the price goes up naturally.

If You Jingxiao agrees, he will not only be able to show her charm in front of a national audience, but also increase her popularity, the brand of the psychological studio, and the price of hourly charges by virtue of the popular broadcast of "If You Are the One".

With so many benefits, why refuse?

However, she is a very good psychiatrist, a very smart and very good psychiatrist.

"Yeah, such a good opportunity, I think many psychologists will not refuse. But why do you recommend me? You are a person who is not profitable and can not afford to be early. Don't tell me that you want me to repay me. Will take it seriously."

Mai Xiaoyu chuckled, "I repay you, is this reason enough?"

Again, You Jingxiao is a very good psychiatrist, otherwise Chen Qiaoen would not have introduced her to Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu can fool her for a while, but can't fool her for the rest of her life.

At the turn of the spring and summer last year, she finally saw through Mai Xiaoyu's routine and tore off Mai Xiaoyu's "disguise."

This is also normal.

As an excellent psychologist, you can make more accurate judgments about the patient's psychology through language, sitting posture, eye contact, body language, etc., and even small movements such as picking your fingers.

You Jingxiao graduated from Stanford University, one of the top universities in psychology in the United States. It would be strange if he had been kept in the dark by Mai Xiaoyu, a monk who was a monk.

As for the beginning, it was mainly because of the preconceived influence of Chen Qiaoen, and Mai Xiaoyu had professional level 8 liar skills, and amateur level 6 psychology skills, and his acting skills were too superb.

During an exchange, You Jingxiao bluntly pointed out that Mai Xiaoyu had no mental problems at all.

The so-called multiple personality is a pretend!

There is no way to play happily now.

Mai Xiaoyu thinks so.

In order to keep his "lunatic" amulet, he decided to drop it with money.

However, You Jingxiao was not moved by money, instead she took the initiative to tear off her "zhixing" disguise, exposing the devil's side, and stretched out the "crime claws" to Mai Xiaoyu.

Mai Xiaoyu, who is guarded like a jade, is unable to obey, and does not bow to the evil forces.

No matter how intimidating You Jingxiao is, Mai Xiaoyu's answer is only two: "No!"

Perhaps You Jingxiao wanted to put a long line to catch a big fish. She temporarily promised to keep Mai Xiaoyu a secret, let him continue to wear the aura of a "lunatic" and forge Mai Xiaoyu's psychological counseling records.

Even if someone comes to investigate in the future, as long as she does not say anything, others will think that Mai Xiaoyu has mental problems, has multiple personalities, and comes to receive treatment regularly.

In the days that followed, You Jingxiao would contact Mai Xiaoyu from time to time and continue to coerce and lure her into various tricks. Later, Mai Xiaoyu directly blocked her and calmed down.

At this moment, Mai Xiaoyu's "repay" refers to this.

It's a pity that you haven't contacted him for so long, and You Jingxiao's interest in him is still unabated.

No, as soon as Mai Xiaoyu finished speaking, You Jingxiao finished his cup of 1993 Mouton licked his lips and walked in front of Mai Xiaoyu, straddling his lap.

"You know what I want in return."

Mai Xiaoyu stroked You Jingxiao's thighs, the elastic skin and the feel of tight black!

But what he said in his mouth: "You are sick."

"You have medicine."

Mai Xiaoyu pulled away You Jingxiao's v-neck professional attire, and pointed her finger at the location of her heart.

"Does it feel good?" You Jingxiao asked charmingly.

"What can you feel with a finger? And I want to tell you that you are sick here."

"It's normal. Doctors don't heal themselves. Modern urban life is fast-paced and stressful. Everyone has psychological problems more or less, and I am no exception."

"So you have been contacting patients with zhixing for a long time, and the opposite wild factor has grown in your heart?"

"It seems that your understanding of psychology has improved again, but there is one thing you didn't say right." You Jingxiao stroked Mai Xiaoyu's developed pectoral muscles, "Because I have been in a dominant position for a long time in the process of communicating with customers, I have a strong desire for possessiveness and **** in my heart."

"The more you can't get, the more you want to get?"

"You are really smart. No wonder you can lie to me for so long." You Jingxiao continued to touch Mai Xiaoyu, her slender and dexterous hands were already walking on Mai Xiaoyu's cheeks and earlobes, "You said, you are me this afternoon. Yes. In fact, you promised me that you have nothing to lose. For you men, you will never lose out when you roll the sheets, right?"

"It depends on the person who rolled the sheets. Sometimes men will suffer. If you don't believe it, you can touch it and see if I respond."

You Jingxiao, who has turned into a "devil", is a hero of the female middle school, and verified Mai Xiaoyu's words on the spot.

After she pulled her hand out of Mai Xiaoyu's pants, her charming expression became a little more puzzled: "Why?"

"Because you are too old." Mai Xiaoyu said seriously.

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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