The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 574: I took off my pants...

"Because you are too old."

This afternoon, after seeing You Jingxiao again, Mai Xiaoyu said this sentence for the second time.

Unlike the first time, You Jingxiao didn't mean to be angry this time, but rather thoughtful. He just straddled Mai Xiaoyu's lap and wondered why Mai Xiaoyu didn't respond to this question.

Mai Xiaoyu was not idle either, and was no longer satisfied with stroking those long black silk legs, and his hands began to diverge towards the hips and waist.

five minutes later.

What You Jingxiao thought of, she smiled: "You are very skilled, I am very comfortable."


"Judging from your skillful techniques, your private life should be rather chaotic. At least it has been chaotic for a long time."

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Nima, capable psychologists all have the potential to succeed as a liar!

The routines one after another are really hard to deal with!

"You rejected me, but you have been taking advantage of me, but there is no normal reaction that a man should have. Either you are physically defective or you are psychologically burdened."

"I have told you the answer, why should you think about it for so long? You are too old."

"Is this really the reason?" You Jingxiao's smile became playful, and she reached out and pressed her hand to Mai Xiaoyu's heart and said astonishingly, "Here, Jon is hidden."

"In order to conceal the truth that you are too old, you have taken great pains."

"A person's language can be deceived, but his movements, physical reactions, and expressions are always easy to betray his heart. When I said you were hiding Jon here, although your expression did not change much, you His pupils shrank instantly, your body was obviously stiff, and more importantly, your hands hurt me."

After that, You Jingxiao smiled like flowery eyebrows, and stared at Mai Xiaoyu with those beautiful eyes that could discharge.

"Where it hurts, I'll rub it for you." Mai Xiaoyu smiled hippiely, as if You Jingxiao's words had no effect on him.

However, You Jingxiao is a psychiatrist and an excellent psychiatrist who has returned from overseas: "Actually, you have a need for me physically, but psychologically, you resist me. Because I know Jon and I was also introduced by Jon. You know me. I'm afraid it's not only me, but as long as Jon's unilateral friends and girlfriends, you will instinctively resist, because you will feel a sense of guilt, I'm sorry Jon."

"You are so confident and think you know me well?"

Mai Xiaoyu's hands finally pushed You Jingxiao's professional uniform from below, and attacked the two high grounds in front of him.

You Jingxiaohus face straightened, knocked off his hands, stood up and walked away a few steps, turned around to organize his clothes: "You man is too boring, I suddenly lose interest in you now, you can go."

"Thank you. Don't forget to show up and prepare. I'll let the show team contact you in two days."

"I didn't promise you."

"Let me tell you, that program is very simple. The program team will tell you the topic and control direction in advance, and you can easily promote it with your abilities. Your return from studying abroad is actually an advantage. If there is a'moon circle abroad' on the scene. You just need to use your own personal experience to tell them about this kind of topic of worshipping foreigners and foreigners, you can tell them that if the moon is overcast and clear, it will be the same at home and abroad..."

"I said, I didn't agree." You Jingxiao, who had arranged his professional attire, once again faced Mai Xiaoyu, and returned to his former professional intellectual face, "You have no appointment, please leave."

"Then what about the things you promised to keep secret for me?"

"I need to reconsider."

"So talking about it?"

"Please leave, otherwise I will call the police."


Mai Xiaoyu was not the kind of grind, so he stood up altogether, grabbed the Mouton Bull in 1993 and drank it.


You Jingxiao's order to chase off guests again is very polite.



Don't be kidding, Mai Xiaoyu's business today hasn't been done yet!

And the previous events also showed signs of yellowing.

How could he leave?

Putting down the wine glass, facing You Jingxiao's cold face, Mai Xiaoyu directly rushed over.

"What are you going to do?"

"let me go!"

In You Jingxiao's exclamation, Mai Xiaoyu pushed her to the wall, hugged her hard against the wall, kneaded her, and kissed her.

You Jingxiaozhi struggled for a few seconds, then re-exposed the devil's side, and took the initiative to hug and kiss Mai Xiaoyu.

The scenes unsuitable for children became more and more intense, and the enthusiasm gradually escalated.

The two went from hugging and kissing to tearing... Mai Xiaoyu tore at You Jingxiao's clothes, and You Jingxiao cooperated to make him tear it.

"Do you promise me?"

"Promise... I promise..."

"Promise me what?"

"Keep it secret for you... don't tell anyone..."

"anything else?"

"Go, go to "If You Are the One", and be a guest commentator...Kiss me, kiss me..."

"You won't regret it?"

"No, kiss me hard..."

Jiao gasped and ended with a few simple words. You Jingxiao had been torn completely, and she began to tear Mai Xiaoyu's clothes.

Mai Xiaoyu pushed her hand away, hugged her in Chi Guoguo, threw it on the sofa, and...

There is no more.

"I take back what I said before, you are not old, you are a stunner, but unfortunately it is not my food. Go away."

Hold tight kiss, tear up...

After Mai Xiaoyu completed the complete set of nirvana skills, he tidied up his clothes and left, leaving only You Jingxiao, who was naked and flushed, lying on the sofa...with a dazed expression on her face.

You Jingxiao was really dumbfounded.

I have studied psychology and engaged in psychological work for many years. I have seen and experienced numerous domestic and foreign cases. This is the first time I met Mai Xiaoyu.

You have all your pants off. You show me this?

What kind of routine is this?

It doesn't fit the physiology and psychology of a normal man at all!

She was dumbfounded for more than ten minutes before she was relieved.

"Asshole! This guy is really an asshole!"

At this time, Mai Xiaoyu was already sitting in his Mercedes-Benz and asked Ke Haoyi to drive to the crew.

Holding a cell phone in his hand, waiting for a call.

When approaching the crew, the phone rang as scheduled, and You Jingxiao's angry voice came from inside.

"You are a bastard!"

"Sorry, I couldn't resist your charm and tore your underwear. When I go to see you next time, I will buy you another set."

"Mine is a foreign limited edition, and I can't sell it in China at all!"

"Then change one. That one doesn't suit you, it's all sagging."

"U·k, my old lady didn't droop!" You Jingxiao cursed, and laughed loudly, "Why must I be listed on "If You Are the One"?"

"To protect you."

"protect me?"

"Don't tell me, no one has asked you to inquire about my illness..."


After hanging up the phone, You Jingxiao, who had put on a clean set of clothes again, sat on the sofa, meditated for a moment with her mobile phone, and dialed another number.

"Mr. Chen? I'm You Jingxiao. The adorable Mr. Mai just came to me..."

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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