The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 575: Do things, do things!

2006 is almost over.

This year, the Chinese entertainment industry was full of excitement, among which a lot of cute people contributed.

Let me talk about the entertainment program first.

The most noticeable is that the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television issued a super-strong "restriction order" for the first time.

Of course, the so-called "restricted entertainment order" is just an unofficial name, and the government has never publicly acknowledged it.

The reason for the "restricted entertainment order" was the popularity of a batch of entertainment programs represented by "If You Are the One", "Super Girl", "Dream of the Red Mansions", etc., which are so popular that they can summon the beasts of crabs.

The first appearance of the unofficial term "entertainment restriction order" also proved in disguise that this year's entertainment program market is booming.

Among them, Mengren Film and Television contributed "If You Are the One", which is regarded as a typical criticism.

Then talk about the TV drama market.

I don’t have to say, the contribution of Mengren is obvious to all.

This year’s TV dramas are good and big dramas appear frequently, but the "Soldier Assault" produced by Moe Ren is definitely a dark horse recognized in the TV drama market this year, and it is the biggest, fierce and most satisfying one.

Due to the serious lack of commercial elements in the cast and themes, the first broadcast failed to create the domineering dominance of last year's "Bright Sword" that dominated the annual ratings and watched the crowd. However, the popularity, topicality, degree of dominance, and the intensity of popular actors were hot. The broadcast elements are not inferior to "Bright Sword".

It premiered in September, which has entered December, and many TV stations are rebroadcasting the show.

Even CCTV has also purchased the broadcasting rights of "Soldiers Assault" and plans to broadcast it on CCTV's eight sets next year.

No way, "Soldier Assault" is so popular, it has been upgraded to a phenomenon-level TV series.

The six-character motto of "Don't Abandon, Don't Give Up" has become the signature of many people on the Internet, and it is often talked about by people. Compared with last year's "Spirit of Bright Sword", people who eat melon can hear their ears.

Various seminars and forums around "Soldiers Assault" are endless.

For example, the "Soldier Assault" and the seminar on the state of the spirit of the age held by the Huaxia Literature Forum, this is too low.

There is also the "3rd China Postgraduate TV Drama Forum-2006 Military Drama and "Soldier Assault" Symposium organized by Huaxia Communication University, which shows that "Soldier Assault" is caused by contemporary college students, especially among the relatively high-level graduate students of college students. The phenomenon of cultural fever is extremely rare.

Even more compelling is the seminar on the TV series "Soldiers Assault" specially organized by the China Television Art Committee.

In addition to leading experts from the Arts Bureau of the China Propaganda Department, the Television Department of the General Office of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the Department of Social Management, the seminars were also attended by People’s Daily, Guangming Daily, China Television, and People’s Liberation Army Daily. Journalist of media such as "China Military Film and Television", "China Youth Daily" and major portal websites.

However, the most significant thing about "Soldiers Assault" is that it has triggered a wave of domestic military enthusiasm and military service!

Conscription this winter, that's a hot one. From high school students to college students, from rural to urban areas, too many literary and artistic youths who were impressed by "The Rise of Soldiers" have unswervingly signed up to join the army.

In order to cooperate with the conscription work in the spring of next year, CCTV has contacted Li Yang and prepared to edit clips of "Soldiers Assault" and edit Xu Sanduo's story into a conscription advertisement.

You said, is it appropriate that you don't buy the broadcasting rights of "Soldiers Assault"?


Let’s talk about the movie.

This year's Chinese filmmakers worked hard and launched the second wave of rushing out of the country to the world.

The first wave was launched by small and medium-sized films. The death rate is extremely high, but it will not affect the ambition and courage of the big and the big ones.

Because they are big humble, huge humble!

Because they have money and background!

Because they are qualified to cooperate with Hollywood studios!

The second wave of assault teams composed of big and big people took a completely different approach from the first wave. They have cooperated with Hollywood companies and invested huge sums of money, inviting big-name celebrities from China and the United States to shoot major production films.

This year, Mengren has limited achievements in the Chinese film industry. There is only one commercial film "Crazy Racing", which has won a good reputation and box office, and has created a billion yuan box office director Xi Xiaoxing.

However, compared with the domineering ambitions of peers in the international film industry, the momentum is a lot weaker.

However, the reason why the Chinese filmmakers have launched two consecutive offensives to go abroad with a fearless spirit in the past two years is largely due to the stimulation of "Fatal ID".

The production cost of several million Chinese yuan, tens of millions of dollars from the international film market circle, is too exciting.

Big Bane, Big Bane: We are much better than cute people, there is no reason to be inferior to him.

Zhongjian: When Mengren came out to shoot "Fatal ID", he was still a little cheap.

Xiaojian: The prince and general Xiangning is kind!

In a word: "Fatal ID" has an investment of only three to five million Chinese yuan, and the global box office is tens of millions of dollars. Cute people do it, why can't we do it?

This is the "contribution" Moeren made to the domestic film industry.

Under the spur and stimulation of cute people, the domestic giants and giants are very keen to cooperate with Hollywood film companies to co-produce blockbuster films to be in line with international standards.

Giant Qingtian is one of them.

In early December, Ning Shirong took a flight from Los Angeles back to Yanjing with a lot of harvest.

This year, he is mainly in charge of a project-on behalf of the Sky Group, looking for suitable partners in Hollywood.

After more than a year of hard work, Ning Shirong, on behalf of the Sky Group, successfully reached an agreement with Fox and signed a cooperation agreement. The two parties jointly invested 80 million US dollars to jointly create an urban kung fu blockbuster with gorgeous elements.

Now that the script has been released and the lead actor has been finalized, the preparatory work of the crew has been mostly completed, only to start shooting after the Spring Festival in 2007.

If this project is successful, it will greatly improve the international image and influence of Sky Group. Judging from the existing conditions, the probability of success in the future is very high. At least SkySky is optimistic about this.

After Ning Shirong returned to Yanjing, Sky Sky Group specially organized a celebration party for him.

The reception was held with a high profile. Not only did Fox send representatives to attend, but also widely informed the media reporters. It is not only to create momentum for the promotion of the new film, but also to prepare for Ning Shirong's smooth takeover of Qingtian in the future.

The general meaning is: You see my son has the ability, I will retire in the future, my son will take over the company, you directors, supervisors, shareholders and so on, don't be blind.

It's just that Ning Shirong pays more attention to Mai Xiaoyu, Mai Xiaoyu's cute movie.

"It seems that you are healed and the scar is forgotten to hurt."

The day after the celebration reception, Ning Shirong called Pei Pengbing to his office and said with a gloomy face.

Pei Pengbing thought that the Dongchuang incident occurred and Ning Shirong knew that he had intercepted and wasted public funds this year, and was frightened: "I'm sorry, Young Master Rong, I was wrong, I shouldn't betray your trust. It's true that I used to be lavish in the past and couldn't hold it back. You give me another chance..."

"What's the mess! I mean Mai Xiaoyu, this year Mengren film and television have developed well, you forgot how did you get out of the love man culture?"

Ning Shirong didn't care about the little money.

Pei Pengbing did dirty work for him. It doesn't matter if his hands and feet are not clean, as long as the work is beautiful.

But you can see for yourself, when I went to Hollywood to discuss cooperation this year, what happened to the cute guys!

"Crazy Racing" is a big hit at the box office, "Soldier Assault" is very popular, "Little Devil" is very popular among children, "If You Are the One" entertainment show ratings overlord, 100 million box office director Xiaoxing... What kind of rural children are so hot stars.

The dirty work you did...Where is it?

Pei Pengbing's heart just let go, became wronged again.

He couldn't stop the release of "Racing Car". It was released on the Hailian Theater, and behind it was the Taiwanese listed company Hailian Group, and the movie of Kintee would be shown on the Hailian Theater.

Before the airing of the two weird TV series "Little Devil" and "Soldier Assault", few people in the industry were optimistic about it.

As for "If You Are the One"... the industry agrees that this year's talent show will lead the entertainment frenzy, and no one can expect the blind date show to have a second spring. Moreover, "If You Are the One", "The topic is king" has been controversial since it was broadcast. Whether Pei Pengbing does something, there is really little difference.

"In other words, you haven't done anything this year?"

Pei Pengbing quickly explained: "I have something to do, and I really do. I have been following the line of Maizi, tracing Maizi, Mai, Xiaoyuer and Azheng."

"Did you find out?"

"I suspect that these four people are all Mai Xiaoyu's previous teammates in the Yanti Sanda team."


Ning Shirong came to be interested: "Reason."

The reason is simple.

Mai Xiaoyu was once recommended to Yanjing Sports University and became one of the "Twin Stars" of the Yanti Sanda team with outstanding combat effectiveness.

When Maizi was blocked in the Houhai Bar, one man carried twenty people, and he was also quite capable of fighting.

Looking at the names of the five people, it is clear that Mai Xiaoyu is the head, and they have a lot to do with each other. And Pei Pengbing asked someone to investigate the teammates and classmates of Mai Xiaoyu's Sanda team. Some people had no news after graduation and could not find out at all.

"Something makes sense." Ning Shirong nodded, his expression improving.

Because he knew the inside story of the year, he agreed with Pei Pengbing's analysis.

Before Dong Ping died, he was also a member of the Yanti Sanda team. It is not excluded that Mai Xiaoyu will lead other teammates with good relationships and talents such as comic writing to jointly avenge Dong Ping.


Ning Shirong rubbed his forehead that was covered with the ends of his hair, and his face became gloomy again.

"In that case, these people don't need to check. You can check, Huang Bo set up a studio, whether Moeren is active or passive. In addition, Moeren is now shooting movies and TV series, and I want me Tell you how to do it?"


Ning Shirong never forgot Mai Xiaoyu, and how did Mai Xiaoyu forget Ning Shirong?

It is precisely because of this large-scale report and hype by the Sky Group that Mai Xiaoyu finally learned the news of Ning Shirong's return to China!

"Hello, Ning Shibin?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"Lovely, Mai Xiaoyu."

"Oh, Mr. Mai, have you changed your number?"

Mai Xiaoyu didn't change her number, but just changed a mobile phone.

The original rice phone was replaced with a dual-card dual-standby rice phone, with an additional mobile phone number, which was created with someone else’s ID card and was used to contact a specific person.

For example, Ning Shibin, for example, the small fish that will be released from inside in the future.

"This is a new number that I have specially registered. We will use this number to contact us in the future."


"We cute people don't deal with you Qingtian. You and I often contact you privately. Don't you worry about being found out?"

Often contact privately?

You have a face to say!

How many times have we contacted in the past two years?

I have high hopes for you at a small loss!

Ning Shibin vomited in his heart, but he said something different: "Yes, you are right, or are you thoughtful. You have something to do with me?"

"When did Ning Shirong return to China?"

"You ask him, he came back the year before last."

The year before last?

Mai Xiaoyu instantly thought of the planting against Huo Jianhua last year, which must have come from Ning Shirong.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!"

What are you!

Dare to talk to Ben Shao like this!

Mai Xiaoyu's tough tone on the phone, angry Ning Shibin almost yelled at him.

Fortunately, in the past few years, he has suffered too many setbacks due to Mai Xiaoyu and Ning Shirong.

When the words reached his throat, they were swallowed back. He tentatively asked: "You and my cousin have a holiday?"

"He killed my brother, what do you think!"

I rub it, it's amazing!

It's no wonder that when I was right with the surnamed Mai, the immortal would actually support me.

There has been no movement on either side for the past or two years, and I have been worrying all the time.

Enmity is so deep, you must never die!

Do things, things will happen in the future!

Ning Shibin was excited when he heard it, but he didn't see any clues in his tone: "It's impossible, it's illegal to kill. My cousin would do that kind of thing? Could you make a mistake?"

"My brother's name is Dong Ping..."

Listening to Mai Xiaoyu's indignant words on the phone, Ning Shibin was simply happy not to want it.

He knew it very well.

At that time, the police first arrested Ning Shirong on suspicion of "intentional homicide."

He once thought that Ning Shirong was finished, and even if he could release it in the future with such a big stain on his back, he would never have a chance to take over Qingtian.

Sky Sky Group is a listed company. How can a person with a history of history serve as chairman of the board?

Unexpectedly, a few days later, things came to a turning point.

The testimony was changed, and the material evidence was missing. In the end, the murderer became a legitimate defense, and the brave act became a negligent injury. Ning Shirong was released without charge, which greatly regretted Ning Shibin.

Not sorry for the deceased, but regretted that his father lost the opportunity to take over Qingtian, and he lost the opportunity to become the first prince of the Qingtian Group.

Who thinks that the matter is endless, the opportunity is still there.

A few years later, Dong Ping's brother returned to Yanjing to take revenge!

It's a **** revenge drama, but... revenge is good, very good, I like it!

"I didn't expect the truth back then." Ning Shibin put on a heartbroken Mr. Mai, your grief and change, I apologize for our Ning family like you and your dead brother. "

"I don't want your apology, I want you to help me deal with Ning Shirong."

"Although your brother died in his hands, the court has ruled him not guilty, and he is my cousin..."

"If you want to say that, then assume that I haven't made this call. However, you have made me lose more than 100 million in the past several times, and you are limited to make all compensation before the Spring Festival, otherwise you will be at your own risk!"

You dare to speak loudly.

Ning Shibin sneered in his heart, and continued his performance: "Don't, Mr. Mai, it's not that I refuse to help you. The key is my uncle. You also know that he is the helm of our Qingtian..."

"Do you think I'll let him go? My brother's death was turned upside down. You dare to say that he didn't want to save his son by doing his hands and feet? I told you that it would be a big deal. I will replace them with father and son. Two, no compensation!"

Well, this young man likes a "mad dog" like you!

Ning Shibin was dark in his heart, and he was complacent about his wise decision to bow to the "evil forces" and cause trouble.

He only needs to help Mai Xiaoyu monitor Ning Shirong, and tell Mai Xiaoyu what the latter does. What he might get is a "reunion" ending in which Mai Xiaoyu, Ning Zhiyuan, and Ning Shirong and his son will all die together.

What a wonderful mood to kill someone by borrowing a knife and watching the fire from the other side.

But, who is the knife?

Hehe, Mai Xiaoyu is also in a good mood.

A few days later, Hualong Pictures held a video conference at the end of the year to summarize the company's work progress this year.

During the video conference, Mai Xiaoyu was "pressured" by seven other shareholders, and his mood was even better...

PS: I built a V group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting.

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