A science fiction film with an investment of less than 20,000 U.S. dollars. The actors are all selected from the Screen Actors Guild of America, or they are selected randomly...

Do you really think these old drivers are buns who have never seen the world?


The year-end work summary meeting of Hualong Pictures in 2006 ended in a discordant atmosphere.

As for the sci-fi movie in Mai Xiaoyu's mouth...

With an investment of $20,000, will the box office in the future be as big as mosquito legs or as big as flies legs?

Leave it to Moe to take a picture by himself!

After the remote video conference ended, Shi Hao immediately dialed Mai Xiaoyu's phone.

"Mr. Mai, what the **** are you doing?"

I'm hoarding lambs.

Mai Xiaoyu definitely couldn't tell Shi Hao.

"I'm digging a hole, so I can put Qingtian in it in the future."

"But how do I feel that the pit you are digging now is pretending to be yourself?"

Shi Hao and Mai Xiaoyu are comrades.

It was not that comrade, but a comrade who had the same goal, Qingtian Ning Shirong with the same goal.

It has only been more than five years since Mai Xiaoyu created the Mengren. In just five years, Shi Hao was surprised by the development of Mengren's film and television, and Mai Xiaoyu's expansion and accumulation of contacts.

Liu Junhao, Ye Xin, Zhu Zeyuan, Mr. Feng, Mr. Han, Mr. Li... Behind everyone is a huge interest group.

With Shi Hao's family background, he could only reach the level of Luo Xing, a senior capital broker, and the six big-time figures were too far away from him.

However, Mai Xiaoyu seemed to have opened up, ignoring the gap of the class, and with the help of Huo Jianhua's injustice, successfully formed six capital predators.

Everyone teamed up to max out the Tang Dynasty hotel, exploded one billion Chinese yuan, and then used the exploded one billion Chinese yuan to march into Hollywood and set up Hualong Pictures in the United States.

According to Mai Xiaoyu, all this is to deal with Qingtian.

Only when Qing Tian is brought down can Ning Shirong be cleaned up and let him pay the due price for everything he has done.

Mai Xiaoyu did not tell Shi Hao his detailed plan, but Shi Hao believed in Mai Xiaoyu. Because he had found out the grudge between Mai Xiaoyu and Ning Shirong, which was deeper than the grudge between him and Ning Shirong, and it could be described as "unending death".

Moreover, Shi Hao vaguely guessed some of Mai Xiaoyu's routines.

With the scale of the giant Qingtian, if you want to bring down it, you must find the heavyweight capitalists of the same level to take action. Among the eight shareholders of Hualong Pictures, except for Mai Xiaoyu and Luo Xing, the other Liu families are in harmony. Qingtian is basically at the same level.

Dealing with Qingtian just like dealing with the Tang Dynasty last year, except that Qingtian is much more difficult to deal with than the Tang Dynasty.

Once you do it, both parties will call for friends, which will surely cause a strong earthquake in the domestic capital market!

Therefore, in Shi Hao’s view, what Mai Xiaoyu has to do is to maintain a good relationship with the six, so that in the future, the six capitals can take the lead, just like swallowing the Tang Dynasty hotel. sky.

By then, Ning Shirong, who had lost the protection of the huge tree of the Sky Group, casually pinched Mai Xiaoyu and Shi Hao.

But what did Mai Xiaoyu do in today's video conference?

How could Shi Hao not worry?

After listening to Shi Hao's anxious words, Mai Xiaoyu smiled; "President Shi, how likely do you think that the six of them will fight to the end for you, me, and Qingtian Group?"

"Something is better than nothing."

"I never bet on such a small probability event. You should know that my hatred with Ning Shirong is deeper than you want to kill Qingtian, so you don't need to worry about today's affairs."


"It's nothing, but I have a sense of measure. When you wanted to use me as a gun, did you ever think that I could hold up the situation today?"

have not thought.

Mai Xiaoyu's life is as sturdy as it is open, who can think of it?

"Also, if I'm not sure enough, as to the 2.5% of your shares, I only hold 12.5% ​​of the shares."

Shi Hao smiled: "The company has been burning money now, and I have never seen my 2.5% dividend."

"There will be next year."

"What's the meaning?"

"The movie I'm talking about will be distributed overseas by Hualong. It's time to see the money back."

"A hundred thousand yuan science fiction movie?"

"Really, that's the production cost. In terms of the cost of publicity, the budget for North America alone would cost one or two million dollars."

"One hundred thousand for making movies, one or two million for publicity, or US dollars? Is this money cute or Hualong?"

"Of course it is Hualong. This is the rule. In fact, I want to do it myself, so that we can get a higher box office share."

How much box office can a sci-fi movie of 100,000 yuan create?

Does it make sense to talk about the share ratio?

Give you three or five more points, where can the box office split go?

Shi Hao hesitated for a moment, and said, "I'm afraid they will oppose this matter."

"There must be people who object, but most people will agree. You can contact them one by one. If you can finally pass, won't the stone in your heart also fall?"

"That's fine, I will contact them tomorrow."

"You don't have to wait for tomorrow, just do it now, you can get down to earth sooner."

Twenty minutes, seven calls took only twenty minutes, Shi Hao got the answer.

After listening, Liu Junhao, Zhu Zeyuan, Luo Xing, and Ye Xin directly agreed; Feng and Han hesitated for a while and agreed; the only objection was President Li, even without considering Mai Xiaoyu's attitude, the ratio was six to one.

President Li objected to uselessness.

Mai Xiaoyu's proposal passed smoothly!

Shi Hao couldn't believe his ears: "They obviously didn't watch your movie well, otherwise they wouldn't be unhappy during the meeting before, so why did they agree to your proposal in a blink of an eye?"


Here, let's take a look at the relationship between the other seven shareholders of Hualong Pictures and Mai Xiaoyu.

Zhu Zeyuan and Mai Xiaoyu are engaged in real estate development together.

Liu Junhao, Luo Xing and Mai Xiaoyu jointly developed Mengren film and television animation peripheral products.

Ye Xin, her nephew and Mai Xiaoyu work together in a film and television special effects production company.

Mr. Han, and Mengren invested in the filming of "Bright Sword".

Mr. Feng, Mai Xiaoyu originally signed his son without knowing it, and now he is even more ready to favor his son.

Is it true that Mai Xiaoyu's various seemingly scattered layouts in the past two years have been random?

One or two million U.S. dollars can be converted into Chinese yuan and 10 million dollars per day. Will these bigwigs in the capital market look at it?

The cooperation between Mai Xiaoyu and Zhu, Liu, Luo, Ye and others, regardless of whether the investment is cash or intangible assets, is worth over 100 million!

That is, President Li. Apart from Hualong Pictures, there is no other cooperation or friendship between the two parties. On the yacht last year, it was not surprising that Yang Ying was refuted by him because of Yang Ying's disapproval.

Mai Xiaoyu first tested his right to speak with Hualong Pictures and achieved the expected success.

"Don't ask for the specific reason. Anyway, don't you feel relieved now?"

"I really can't see through you." Shi Hao sighed, "Mr. Mai, you can tell me, is there someone on you?"

"Occasionally there will be women above me."

"Uh...I occasionally have it above me, what about the others?"

To be a successful business owner, there must be someone on it. Even if you didn't have it when you started your business, you will work hard to pave a road to the sky after you develop it.

The higher the level of this "heaven", the higher the upper limit of corporate growth.

Mengren hasn't been established for a long time, no one supports the development so fast? Especially in the case of CCTV's "News Broadcast" in September last year, many business tycoons suspected that he stood behind a certain political tycoon, or represented a certain political power.

Mai Xiaoyu thought, but there is no such thing.

Facing Shi Hao's inquiries, he had to pretend to be forced: "That person's favor is too great, and I won't disturb his old man unless he is forced to do so."

"I mean, if the energy is big enough, it will be easier to clean up the sky. There is no need to waste so much time."

"Do you think there is no one behind Qingtian? Business competition involves political struggles, and things can easily get out of control. Besides, wouldn't it be better to overthrow Qingtian and clean up Ning Shirong with your own hands?"

Shi Hao was silent for a moment and nodded: "I admit that what you said makes sense. I look forward to the appearance of Ning Shirong kneeling in front of me, crying and repenting."

"Not enough, it's not enough for me. What I want is blood to pay for blood, to kill for life!"

eye for eye……

Kill for life...

Mai Xiaoyu uttered the **** eight words in that calm tone, and Shi Hao couldn't help but shudder.

"Don't put yourself in for the scumbag." He kindly reminded Mai Xiaoyu that he did not want to continue this heavy topic, "By the way, Mr. Mai, I will do it for you if you ask me to do it for you. Disney The party has agreed to sign a contract at any time."

"So fast? President Shi, you worked hard, thank you so much."

"It's not hard work, as long as the price is right, Disney will be happy. But... the market is very different. You throw in 12 million dollars at once. Don't you worry about being lost?"

"It's okay, I have money and can be willful."

After the phone call with Shi Hao, Mai Xiaoyu contacted Liu Xiaoli and told her that he would go home tonight and let her pick up Cici, and the family of four would have dinner together.

Cici is very busy now.

The first album has been released, and it is the solo album "Liu Yifei" of the same name. The ten songs included in the album are written by Xiao Yuer.

In order to match Cici's fresh voice, the album has chosen various styles such as British style, pop style, and rural country style.

The whole album is full of personalized modern electronic rock style, each song is closely linked to the beautiful and dream life, and gives more cheerful and dynamic music colors. Including from the mysterious Scottish bagpipes, naughty rock rhythms to the interpretation of various genres.

After the album was released, it immediately became the target of domestic mainstream media reports, and various interviews continued. The sales are gratifying, and the top six music source websites are also hitting the charts again and again, and they are loved by countless fans.

In order to repay the enthusiastic support of fans, movie fans, and fans across the country, in December, she will go to many places to hold large-scale fan meeting and signing activities. At present, the large-scale fan meeting in Yanjing has ended, and signing activities have also entered. end.

In addition to the personal album of the same name, the action magic movie "Kung Fu King" jointly invested by the Yihua Brothers and the Hollywood film company, the cast list is also officially announced.

In addition to the two international Chinese action superstars joining, there are also Li Bing, a sister of Yihua, and Cici from Mengren Film and Television.

In an interview with reporters, Moeren officially expressed that they are very optimistic about the "King of Kung Fu" invested by the Yihua Brothers, and this movie will also be Cici's first work on the big screen, and they will strongly support it.

In recent months, Cici has been very popular!

There are a lot of celebrities, and all kinds of blacks come out again and I won’t say anything. There are often reporters and paparazzi tracking sneak shots, hoping to get some exclusive news. It is best to be black material, the darker the more explosive, the more newsworthy it is.

Even Cici laughed and showed her gums, and the Internet has been hacked out. If there are other illicit materials, such as nurturing, gossip **** horse meng materials, even meeting with strange men alone, it will definitely be able to stir up the sky.

After work in the afternoon, let Ke Haoyi accompany him to a fitness club near the company to practice Sanda for an hour. When Mai Xiaoyu drove home, it was already dark.

Coming to the vicinity of Sijiqing Bridge, with the help of bright street lights, Mai Xiaoyu saw Liu Xiaoli's Audi, and Cici was sitting in the co-driver.

As he was about to let Ke Haoyi speed up to catch up to make a beckoning, he suddenly noticed that there was an inconspicuous Jetta car that had been following Liu Xiaoli's car.

"Haozi, drive slowly."


The three cars, Liu Xiaoli's Audi in front, unknown Jetta in the middle, and Mai Xiaoyu's Mercedes-Benz behind, kept driving towards Sijiqing Villa.

The property fee of the villa is very high, and the property security is worth the price. Therefore, after Liu Xiaoli's Audi entered the villa complex, the Jetta was stopped.

You don’t need to swipe your card. When you look at the Jetta, the security guards won’t let you in.

The Jetta car was stopped in front of the community, and two men jumped out of the car. One held a camera high and took pictures continuously at the Audi parking space, while the other went to the security guard for information.

Pass the cigarette first, then ask questions.

"Man, does that Audi come here often?"

"Does the owner live here?"

"How many people live, are they male or female?"

"Has any man ever sat or drove that Audi?"


The little security guard is also an old driver~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After taking the cigarette, he answered that he didn't know, and then he yelled at the person who took the picture: "No pictures allowed!"

Inquired about the security guard who stopped, pulled it aside, and secretly took out a few hundred-yuan bills: "Through the ** news, your salary is so small a month, our informant fee is very high."

Looking at the red banknotes, the little security guard was moved.

At this time, the security squad leader on duty came over: "Go! Drive the car away immediately. Your behavior is not only inquiring about the police of the residents in our community, but also hindering the normal entry and exit of the residents in our community. Drive the car away immediately! "

"Don't, do you have something to say. Everyone works part-time, so why bother." The man took out several hundred yuan bills.

The security squad leader’s awareness is definitely higher than that of the little security guard: "Go away, block the door and be careful I beat you!"

"Dare you!" The bribery was threatened, and the person who stuffed the money was annoyed. "We are reporters, have the right to interview, and the public also have the right to know! As the security guard of the high-end villa complex, you are so poorly qualified. You open your mouth and curse and beat others. , I will expose it tomorrow, can you hold it?"

The security squad leader was bluffed.

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued...)

The latest chapter of the liar who invaded the entertainment circle, welcome to collect!

Watch the mobile phone version of the liar who invaded the entertainment circle! There are errors in this chapter, I want to submit

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