The security squad leader was frightened. ?

In fact, the security guards don't scold the reporters, as long as they are instructed by the leaders, even if they beat the reporters, they can survive the exposure.

But now the leader hasn't instructed him. If it gets exposed by the media, I'm afraid he will lose his job.

"My colleagues have taken pictures of your bad words and deeds just now." First threatened and frightened, the one lowered his voice to pretend to be someone, "In fact, we are all working for others, so we can't make each other's embarrassment. I told you that just now. In the Audi car is Liu Yifei. You tell me a little bit of information in private. Everyone is good, right?"

Mai Xiaoyu's Audi car quietly parked behind the Jetta.

The reporter's hidden voice was very low. He could not hear what the reporter said, nor could he see the money in the reporter's hand, but it did not prevent him from guessing what the reporter was doing.

He is a professional liar, but there are so many unprofessional liars in the world?

Seeing a reporter whispering to the security squad leader and another reporter holding a camera to take pictures, Mai Xiaoyu waited patiently.

When he saw that the reporter who was pestering the security guard was about to stuff money for the security squad leader, he knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

"Haozi, it's a good beating... well, don't slap your face."

Mai Xiaoyu faintly commanded, Ke Haoyi got out of the car and went straight to the reporter from Saiqian. In the past, it was a shoulder fall and then a fat beating.

The red hundred-dollar bills were scattered all over the ground.

The security guard was dumbfounded.

The reporter holding the camera was the first to react. Kaka Kaka took a few photos first, and then scolded: "No hitting! We are reporters!"

"The reporter can do whatever he wants and stand in the way?" Mai Xiaoyu's voice sounded behind him, grabbing the camera from the other's hand, and kicking it over, "Do you know how long I have been blocked by you!"

"We don't know, you didn't press the horn again!"

"We are civilized people. We honked our whistle in the villa complex at night. I don't know if we are very unqualified!"

Civilized person?

A civilized person who just doesn't agree with each other?

The reporter had no time to complain, and Mai Xiaoyu's feet had fallen on him like rain.

"Help, hit someone!"

"Call the police!"

The two reporters were beaten up and screamed, shouting "Help" while calling the security guard.

Call the police?

Didn’t you threaten Lao Tzu to expose it just now?

Now we know the importance of our security!

The security squad leader stopped the security guard who had come after hearing the news and stood by and watched indifferently.

He recognized that the license plate of the Mercedes Benz belongs to the residents of the community!

"Report to the police?" Mai Xiaoyu sneered, "Yes, report to the police! Pretending to be a reporter who intends to steal into the villa area, maybe he is a habitual offender!"

"We are reporters, not thieves, ouch!"

"You said that a reporter is a reporter? What about the press card?"

"Don't fight, don't fight, my press card!"

"Oh, what a reporter. Now the reporter is too dedicated, and he has to bribe the security guard for the interview. Okay, I take it. Haozi stopped and broke the news to the media, saying that the reporter from **** newspaper tried to bribe the security guard, blocked the gate of the community, and was then caught Yes, let them come to interview as soon as possible. You are witnesses, how should the media know when you see it?"

Mai Xiaoyu's last words were addressed to the security guards who were onlookers beside the security guard.

The security squad leader nodded vigorously: "Don't worry, we will answer the reporter truthfully, even if the police come, we will tell the truth."

The reporters were shocked.

Buying informants to collect materials is a common tactic used by journalists, and it is also a well-known unspoken rule in the media industry.

But like the two of them, they were arrested when they were stuffing money, and there was no one. They would be laughed at by their peers when they said it.

Sijiqing Villa is also considered to be an older group of villas in Yanjing. Residents are either rich or expensive. It's hard to say how powerful they are. But when the security guards face the police or other media, do you still have to think about it?

If this is a big deal, both of their reporters will have to lose their jobs!

It's a trivial matter to be beaten. Anyway, a Yuji who has not been beaten is not a qualified one.

"Let's go, we will move the car now."

The two reporters drove off the Jetta, not even the camera.

Mai Xiaoyu turned his head and shook his hand at the Bentley car behind: "I'm sorry, I will delay you."

The window of the Bentley was lowered, and the driver was a man in his fifties.

Mai Xiaoyu responded with a smile, and returned to the car with Ke Haoyi. The security guard raised the lifter and put the Mercedes-Benz and Bentley 6 in.

After driving into the community, Mai Xiaoyu asked Ke Haoyi to stop, lowered the window and called the security squad leader, and gave him two thousand dollars: "It's a hard work today. I will sell some cigarettes and alcohol to his subordinates."

The security squad leader was excited: "Thank you boss, thank you boss."

Mercedes drove away, and Bentley stopped again.

An old driver in his fifties said: "Tell your leaders to tell that in the future, there will be cheap cars or unidentified suspicious turtles spying at the gate of the community. They will always be like today. Take a while and call the police that they are suspected to be thieves. Otherwise, let them go. When a stranger comes in, I must complain to you!"

"Don't worry, I will report your suggestions to our leaders."

The Bentley started, and the young lady in the passenger seat came over and said, "Husband, you are too smart. In this way, you don't have to worry about being photographed by the private detective your wife finds we are spending the night together..."

Mai Xiaoyu didn't know his actions, and inadvertently "benefited" some people.

After returning to the villa, he asked Ke Haoyi to drive home and pick him up again tomorrow morning.

He will stay tonight because there are important things to discuss.

At dinner in the evening, Mai Chu just had a reporter following and taking pictures of Liu Xiaoli and Cici.

Comrade Lao Mai put down his chopsticks: "Did you beat someone again?"

"No, I played with Haozi."

Mai Hero: "..."

Liu Xiaoli sighed: "Some reporters really hate it. They follow Cici for sneak shots not once or twice. Sometimes Cici is very tired and needs to rest, but don't let them take pictures, they just said. Cici plays big cards. Wheat, won't you cause trouble, will you?"

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"My brother is the best!" Cici cheered, "Those reporters are really hateful, and the media said that I am ugly when I laugh and show my gums. Brother, do you think I am ugly when I laugh?"

The celebrity is also a human being. Cici is less than twenty years old and is very concerned about the comments on her image in the media.

"That's because they are jealous of you, my little princess will always be the most beautiful."

Mai Xiaoyu resorted to touching her head to kill, touching Cici's head, Cici tilted her head to let him touch her, her face was happy, and her eyes were crescent-like smiles.

When Comrade Old Mai and Liu Xiaoli saw this, they looked at each other, their eyes straight.

After dinner, the nanny aunt cleaned the table and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes. A family of four sat on the sand and chatted, and Cici sat beside Mai Xiaoyu as always.

Comrade Old Mai knocked on the side: "Son, when will you and Taotao get married?"

Mai Xiaoyu rolled her eyes and raised her arm, Cici would cling to his arm, and once again make Comrade Old Mai and Liu Xiaoli's eyes straight.

"You are our closest people. We have a deep sibling relationship. Even you will have misunderstandings?"

Liu Xiaoli added: "The point is that Cici is too attached to you, and you are too kind to Cici."

"She is my sister!"

"He is my brother!"

The brothers and sisters said in unison.

Mai Hero: "..."

Liu Xiaoli: "..."

"I'm coming back tonight, mainly because I want to tell you something...not what you think. Remember what I said before, am I going to make a movie tailored for Cici..."

ps: I built a V group: 6o76828, and the Buddha is waiting. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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