The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 579: "The Wizard of Oz" Adaptation Rights

"I'm coming back tonight, mainly because I have something to tell you..."

When he heard these words from Mai, both Comrades Lao Mai and Liu Xiaoli were shocked, for fear that Mai Xiaoyu would come up with astonishing words like "together". ??

It's not that the two of them are scaring themselves. Seeing the intimacy of Mai Xiaoyu and Cici, the two can't help but doubt.

But think about it, if Mai Xiaoyu and Cici are really together, it would not be unacceptable.

The two of them are only brother-sister relationship in name. They are not related by blood. If they are together, they can be regarded as pros and pros. It is a pity that Liu Tao.

Fortunately, Mai’s is not this, but the movie he promised to tailor for Cici last year.

"I said before that I am going to make a movie tailored for Cici. I just got the news today and Disney let go."


What does it have to do with Disney?

Cici looked at Mai Xiaoyu in surprise.

Comrade Old Mai was a little confused.

Liu Xiaoli knows a thing or two.

Before Mai Xiaoyu asked Shi Hao to contact Disney, he greeted her. She knows that Mai Xiaoyu intends to buy film adaptation rights from Disney to make movies for Cici, and she only knows so much.

"Aunt Liu, turn around and arrange your work, and then contact Disney to fly over and sign the contract as soon as possible."

"Signing in the U.S.? No signing ceremony will be held in China?"

The signing ceremony is a good publicity stunt, which the media likes, and it is also good for cute people.

As far as the "Fatal Id" in the previous two years, although the signing ceremony for overseas trips was held in Europe, a large number of domestic media were invited to go there, and after returning, they reported in China, which aroused heated discussion among the people eating melons.

Recently, such as Qingtian and Yihua, they cooperated with Hollywood film companies to produce films, and they often held various signing ceremonies in China, and they were widely reported in the media.

Doing so will not only play a role in the promotion of the new film, but also help to uphold their own competencies.

Moe Ren decided to buy the right to adapt from Disney...that’s Disney, and it’s definitely more dynamic than "Deadly Id". If you are willing to increase investment in propaganda, the sensation caused may not be worse than those of the big and cheap.

However, Mai Xiaoyu's opinion is: Enter the village quietly, don't shoot guns.

"Don't make any noise, act low-key, and sign the contract as soon as possible."

"Low-key? This is a great opportunity for publicity."

"I know, but it's not the time yet, and I don't want Cici to be too stressed."

Don't want Cici to be stressed?

What Liu Xiaoli guessed: "How much is Disney's asking price for this purchase of adaptation rights?"

"Adaptation rights for $120,000, two films."

120 million!

Still dollars!

So expensive!

The investment cost of all the movies made by Mengren is only 10 million dollars in exchange for the sum of the investment costs!

Liu Xiaoli looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement: "So expensive?"

"No way, Disney killed the price, it won't work for a penny less."

"Then I won't shoot." Cici released Mai Xiaoyu's arm and looked up at him. "Brother, it's too expensive. Disney is stealing money. I don't want you to be bullied by them for me."

"Who can bully your brother?" Mai Xiaoyu touched her head, "Besides, you are my sister. I don't care how much money I have for you."

"That's true." Comrade Old Mai nodded, "I earn money for spending. I don't feel distressed about how much I spend for my family. Son, which film adaptation rights are you planning to buy?"

""The Wizard of Oz."

"The Wizard of Oz"!

Comrade Old Mai: "..."

Liu Xiaoli: "..."

Cici: "..."

"The Wizard of Oz" is definitely one of the most famous fairy tales. It has been translated into more than 2o languages ​​and published since its inception a hundred years ago. There are countless cartoons, movies, and stage plays based on the "Wizard of Oz" story. Too many people grew up watching "The Wizard of Oz".

The fame of "The Wizard of Oz" is not a problem. The problem is... this Nima is a foreign fairy tale!

"Why are you buying this?"

Even the layman, Comrade Old Mai, can see the problem.

On the contrary, Mai Xiaoyu looked like a okay person: "Make a movie."

Liu Xiaoli: "Animated movies? Live-action movies?"

"Of course it's a live-action movie, otherwise how can it be considered tailor-made for Cici?"

Cici: "Me, me, what can I do?"

"My little princess, you are a fairy, you must be the heroine Alice."

The three of them were all stimulated by Mai Xiaoyu's crazy thoughts and looked at him in disbelief.

"The Wizard of Oz" is a fairy tale entirely based on European and American cultural elements. It's okay to be adapted into a cartoon or a stage play, and adapted into a movie, and Cici plays the heroine Alice...

"Mai, are you going to shoot our Chinese version of "The Wizard of Oz"?" Liu Xiaoli asked.

Mai Xiaoyu nodded.

He wanted to make the American version of "The Wizard of Oz", but Disney wouldn't agree.

The copyright of "The Wizard of Oz" is in the hands of Disney and Warner Bros. respectively. Shooting a movie on this subject...I don't know how to do it by myself, let you be a Huaxia Film Company to shoot the US version of "The Wizard of Oz"?

So don't look at the $120,000 copyright fee. If it weren't for the Chinese version of "The Wizard of Oz" that the cute guy was preparing to adapt and shoot, it would not conflict with them. Disney would not consider it, and would just refuse it!

Warner Bros. directly refused.

Comrade Old Mai smacked his lips: "Why do I always feel that this is not reliable."

"What's not reliable. Americans can shoot our "Mulan", why can't we film their "The Wizard of Oz"?"

This statement is full of momentum, but the movie ultimately relies on the box office to speak, not the momentum.

Adapting American children’s stories into a Chinese version of the movie, if feasible, how big and humble will be invisible?

A movie full of Western cultural background and story characters deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, filmed by China Film and Television Company, the soul character Alice is played by Cici... Isn't it too nonsense?

What if the Western audience can't accept it by the time, and the domestic audience won't buy it?

Liu Xiaoli thought for a while and asked: "The more the investment counts?"

"The first one is at least one billion."

"Hua Yuan?"

"U.S. dollars. This movie has very high requirements for special effects. Disney agreed to adapt it. It is also because I promised that in the future, most of the work in special effects production will be given to them..."

Comrades Lao Mai, Liu Xiaoli and Cici had no intention of listening to him to explain. They were almost vomiting blood to death because they were stimulated by the investment cost of more than 100 million U.S. dollars.

More than a billion dollars...

Are you crazy?

Cici worried about Mai Xiaoyu's illness. She hugged his arm tightly again and looked at him worriedly: "Brother, I know you are good to me, but I don't want to act. Let's stop filming, okay?"

"Do you not listen to me?"

"Listen. But..."

"That's fine, it's nothing but, I know what I'm doing."

After two sentences hit Cici, Liu Xiaoli asked a new question: "Wheat, an investment of more than 100 million US dollars, if it loses, will have a great impact on our company."

Counting the shares of Blue Sky Real Estate, Storm Video, Derivatives, and Hualong Pictures, plus fixed assets such as the land and buildings where Mengren’s headquarters are located, as well as its own funds, everything is collected in bits and pieces. At the same time, Mengren's total assets are only about 2 billion Chinese yuan.

In order to shoot a movie, more than 100 million U.S. dollars was spent at once, which had a great impact on Mengren's financial situation. When the movie is released, the loss is a little bit better. If you lose your money, the cute person will really be hurt!

You said to find someone to co-invest in the shooting?

Give me a break.

Even the three relatives of Mai Xiaoyu, Comrade Lao Mai, Liu Xiaoli, and Si Qian, are not optimistic. Do you really think that the investors are all blind?

Mai Xiaoyu has considered these issues a long time ago.

He is a professional liar, every time he makes a shot, he must first consider the gains and losses.

If the winning percentage is not high, he will definitely not gamble.

"Aunt Liu, I plan to make another film first to hit the international film market. If that film succeeds, the money earned will be invested in "The Wizard of Oz", and some people may be willing to invest at that time. With any luck, maybe even the 120,000 copyright fee can be recovered."

"There is another movie to be made? What movie? Why haven't you heard it before?"

That's because several shareholders of Hualong Pictures did not exert pressure!

"This Man Comes from the Earth", Mai Xiaoyu's strange soft science fiction movie, is an extremely alternative soft science fiction movie. The investment cost is extremely low, but it has achieved extremely high box office and word of mouth. It is a miracle.

He has already prepared this movie, and he thinks that this movie can achieve similar success in reality. Especially since this movie was shot by Moe Ren, it is likely to be even more sensational than the strange dream after it is released.

The reason why he hasn't said it is because he is waiting for pressure from several other shareholders of Hualong Pictures. This is also the real reason why he ignored the company's business exhibition after the establishment of Hualong Pictures.

You pressure, I play cards.

You didn't follow me because my cards were not good, but I played the king explosion effect.

I'll play the cards next time, will you follow me?

In order to circle those lambs with sharp teeth, Mai Xiaoyu can be said to have racked his brains in the future to team up with him to brush the **oss of Qingtian!

"For a science fiction film, the budget can be controlled within one hundred thousand yuan. After the "Love Call Transfer" is completed, I asked Director Zhang to shoot it out for a week."

"Son, why do I feel so messy?" Comrade Lao Mai frowned, "Moe is your company, not a government agency. It is easy to make decisions casually if you just shoot your forehead."

Almost everything about Mai was decided temporarily.

For example, a sci-fi movie of 100,000 yuan...The cost budget and the quality of the movie are not considered first. Liu Xiaoli, as the cute ceo, does not even know it. It is obviously Mai Xiaoyu's decision to shoot the forehead temporarily.

Mai Xiaoyu couldn't help it.

According to his vision, next summer, seeing the popularity of the summer vacation files of China Film and Television, those shareholders will not be able to sit still. Unexpectedly, they could not help but put pressure on today's video conference.

He can only play the card "This Man Comes From Earth".

Fortunately, this movie got rid of the inherent routines of traditional sci-fi films such as "laser and metal", and promoted in the form of pure dialogue. It performed drama-style soft sci-fi. The scene layout was simple and it was easier to shoot.

Liu Xiaoli thought for a moment and asked, "Can you finish the filming in one week?"

"Yes, the plot of the movie is relatively simple, and the scene props are not complicated."

"When is it scheduled to be released?"

"The second half of next year."

"Has it been approved?"

"It doesn't matter whether it is reported or not, anyway, it will not be released in China in the future."


"Because I definitely won't pass the trial, maybe it won't pass the approval."

Liu Xiaoli was speechless: "What movie is this?

"It involves religion..."

Mai Xiaoyu introduced the storyline of the movie once, and Liu Xiaoli understood it instantly.

Just like Mai said, this movie will definitely not pass the trial, but the radio and television department cannot be blamed. It is the religious plot involved in the film, which may lead to protests from some domestic religious media.

"This kind of plot... How did A Zhengdu come up with it?" Liu Xiaoli sighed, and then asked, "Are you going to follow the mode of "Fatal Id"?"

"There is only this way. But the overseas dealers have already settled, and they have all the power to Hualong Films Agency."

For this reason, Comrades Lao Mai and Liu Xiaoli did not persuade Mai Xiaoyu to do anything.

Anyway, adapting the Chinese version of "The Wizard of Oz" will have to wait until "This Man Comes From Earth" is released and the box office comes out depending on the situation.

And "This Man Comes From Earth" is a science fiction movie with an investment of only 100,000 Chinese yuan. How high can the box office be?

The exhibition of Mengren Film and Television is inseparable from Mai Xiaoyu's slant sword and Liu Xiaoli's stability.

One odd and one positive, mutual cooperation and complement each other, only to have a high and reliable exhibition of Mengren film and television.

Tonight, Mai Xiaoyu is going to adapt "The Wizard of Oz" first, and then propose one hundred thousand dollars to shoot the sci-fi movie "This Man Comes From Earth", and use the box office share of this movie as the main start-up capital of the previous movie, which can be described as a series of The "odd".

Liu Xiaoli must play a "positive" role: "Well, don't worry about signing Disney's side. After this sci-fi movie is released, check the box office situation. Cici will shoot "The King of Kung Fu" next year. Now that she has bought the rights to the adaptation of "The Wizard of Oz," she didn't have time to shoot in the first half of the year."


"Brother, listen to my mother, OK?" Cici shook Mai Xiaoyu's arm and persuaded her in a coquettish tone.

Mai Xiaoyu smacked his lips: "Well, I'm mainly worried about the changes in the future."

The matter is so settled, according to Liu Xiaoli's proposal, for the time being, not to buy the right to adapt "The Wizard of Oz".

As for Disney, Liu Xiaoli will represent Mengren in a few days and will fly to the United States first to contact the other party. It is easy to find any reason to delay the negotiation.

Negotiations were originally a tug of war.

The next day.

Mai Xiaoyu was not in a hurry to go to the crew of "Love Call Transfer", but first went to the company to find the office director Lu Ning, and asked him to organize the scout staff to go out to sweep the streets and cast a cast for "This Man Comes From Earth"...

ps: I built a V group: 6o76828, and the Buddha is waiting. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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