The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 584: 1 group of cannon fodder!

"Comrade police, I revealed that she is..."

Zhou Ping stood up suddenly, finger Tang Yan yelled loudly, and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Team Zhao was puzzled.

The beard's eyes are shining.

Wang Changgui had vaguely understood something.

And Mai Xiaoyu...before Zhou Ping yelled out the word "Sugar Yan", he rushed to the opponent with two strides, and then hit the opponent's stomach with a heavy punch.


Zhou Ping fell down, disgusting vomit, drowning her words.

That's right, it's just hitting a woman!

Regardless of men, women, young or old, Mai Xiaoyu was never soft when it was time to shoot.

The policeman's face is ugly.

There are so many police officers on the scene. In front of the twenty-odd police officer, you are beating people, but you're hitting the whistleblower. It's really a display of the police!

Team Zhao looked at Mai Xiaoyu dissatisfied.

The beard was even worse, righteously shouted "What are you doing", walked quickly to Zhou Ping to check the injury, and at the same time signaled the person he had brought to control Tang Yan and Mai Xiaoyu.

Tang Yan was already stupid, and stood there blankly with a dazed face.

Because she is not stupid, she heard the last half of Zhou Ping's unfinished words, "Comrade Police, I revealed that she is Tang Yan, and she also participated in the ice..."

Zhou Ping's actions are not like ordinary suspects, who only report others for meritorious service. Because her voice is very loud, enough to make the crowd eating melons onlookers hear clearly.

Recently, Mengren has been promoting the "Days of Living with a Stewardess", and "Xian San" is drawing to a close, and there is also a small explosion in publicity. Tang Yan is frequently seen in the newspapers as the actors of the heroine "Ran Jing" and the female third "Zixuan".

Imagine at this juncture, if the people who don’t know the truth hear the news of "Sugar Yan Bing Bing"?

It is guaranteed that if not tonight, there will be rumors on the Internet. After Ning Shirong's "fermentation" all night, waiting until tomorrow morning will definitely become the latest hot entertainment news and arouse public debate.

Even if the police and Moeren come forward to refute the rumors in the future and prove that Tang Yan was wronged, it will not be able to recover the loss of Tang Yan's reputation and image.

How vicious is your intentions!

Therefore, Luojihu himself went to check Zhou Ping's injury, and at the same time asked him to control Mai Xiaoyu and Tang Yan with the plain clothes he brought.

Two plainclothes walked up to Tang Yan: "Take off your hats and scarves!"

Zhou Ping's revelation and Mai Xiaoyu's interruption have already given the police a preconceived conclusion that Tang Yan is also a member of the gathering of people, but she came late.

Not to mention Luhu and the plain clothes he brought, even the policemen of Team Zhao who received Wang Changgui's order to send out the police thought so.

Only Wang Changgui is the exception.

He understands Mai Xiaoyu, and he has already noticed that there is a ghost tonight, because tonight the crowd gathered tonight, in addition to the team he personally led, there is also a team of cheeky people who suddenly appeared.

Luojihu is the squadron leader of the local security brigade. In his words, they had received reports from the masses a long time ago and learned that some people gathered here to lay the ice, and set up ambush to wait for all the binging personnel to arrive.

His words are not wrong, and gathering the crowds is indeed within the scope of the investigation and punishment of the security brigade.

But the problem is that Team Zhao arrived with people, and after controlling the situation in the house, the beard also brought people in, and had been negotiating with Team Zhao to take over the case.

In normal times, Wang Changgui might still think that he was fighting for merit. After all, the police also had internal assessments; but when Mai Xiaoyu got involved and played some "enthusiastic people in the sun" specifically calling him to call the police, he couldn't help but doubt this. Is there anything else hidden behind the case?

For example, next to Mai Xiaoyu, the "soy sauce girl" who only showed his eyes; for example, Zhou Ping suddenly got up and pointed at the "soy sauce girl" and shouted to expose; or for example, when Mai Xiaoyu suddenly got up and interrupted Zhou Ping's words head……

These unusual actions made him realize that there must be a hidden secret behind the whole thing.

He knows very well that the current Mai Xiaoyu has changed a lot, and the biggest one is that as long as you dare to do something, there must be a later move, and you are not afraid of getting into trouble!

It's like shooting and wounding people on the crew at Huairou the year before the first year ago; last year, we gathered a crowd at the Ertong Factory in Dahuangzhuang to fight, etc. There was no trouble at all afterwards. To put it bluntly, he was addicted to the fight, and the police had to thank him for providing clues to solve the case.

What's the situation tonight?

The police are all present, you kid won't do it anymore, will you?

Otherwise I can't keep you.

I have to say that Wang Changgui thinks very well, but the ideal is very full, and the reality is too skinny.

No, he was thinking about Mai Xiaoyu's intentions, and Mai Xiaoyu started doing it again.

I saw him easily throw off the plainclothes policeman who controlled him, and strode to Tang Yan's side.

First, he rudely pushed away and ordered Tang Yan to take off the two plainclothes of her hat and scarf, then pulled Tang Yan into the house, and said in a very contemptuous tone: "Who are you? I warn you not to harass my client. , Otherwise don’t blame me for being polite."

"Do you dare to attack the police?" Hunk was furious, "Get him up for me!"

"I warn you, you can eat and talk nonsense. Say I attacked the police? In the presence of so many policemen, you guys still dare to pretend to be IQ owes too much, right! You, as the police, don’t care if you see someone pretending to be a policeman. Be careful, I’ll complain about your dereliction of duty!"

I fuck!

This is a cudgel!

Although the police in a room are very disgusting with McFar, they have to admit that his words... can stand up.

Because the bearded party is wearing plain clothes!

You say you are a policeman or a policeman?

Where's the police uniform?

Where's the police officer's card?

Why don't you make me believe that you are a policeman?

With a sneer, Luo Hu showed the police officer's card and held it in front of Mai Xiaoyu: "Look clearly!"

"Wang Qingchao, police squadron, Chaoyang Branch XX District, siren xxxxxx." Mai Xiaoyu pretended to be provocative, pretending that he could not see the probe and approached, reading while reading, but his last sentence made the police present shiver. , "It is necessary to find out the income exchanges and bank accounts of him and his family as quickly as possible."

I'm going, it's awesome!

Gathering the crowds, the arrested current artists, a flame of hope ignited in their hearts.

They all mistakenly believe that Mai Xiaoyu is a lawyer, the kind of lawyer who is more capable but has no integrity.

The second-line male singer who sucked up shook his feet and stood up slowly; "My buddy is great, take me a hand, and I will thank you when you look back."

Xie Weixin and others also looked at him hopingly.

"Go away. Everyone is stupid. They are sold and they count the money. Do you know that today is a pit? You are all cannon fodder to bury you!"

The threatened Wang Qingchao was just waiting for an attack. Wang Changgui suddenly asked, "Who did you talk to just now?"

Mai Xiaoyu raised his hand, and between the index and middle fingers, a miniature bug was particularly dazzling...

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued...) u More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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