The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 585: Just settle it like this?

Wang Changgui had a deep understanding of Mai Xiaoyu's conduct, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Who did you talk to just now?"

When the voice fell, Mai Xiaoyu raised his hand, and between the index and middle fingers, a miniature bug was particularly dazzling.

It was the miniature bug installed in the shoe cabinet when Wang Debin and Zhang Yang pretended to be a drunkard to test the authenticity of the pharmacy. Mai Xiaoyu's flamboyant acting skills when he entered the door were just to get the miniature bug in his hands.

It is illegal to investigate other people’s income exchanges and bank accounts for suspected infringement of civil rights.

Mai Xiaoyu is not sure whether Longxing Studio has this ability.

But this is not a problem. The important thing is that he is a professional liar, very proficient in "deception", and is good at taking advantage of the situation.

Just like this inconspicuous miniature bug, in his hands at this moment, it exerts the effect of Wang Bo.

Because many of the policemen present were old drivers, they knew what that thing was!

No wonder this kid is so happy when he handed over his phone!

Wang Changgui sighed inwardly.

Team Zhao looked at Mai Xiaoyu in amazement. Thinking of the previous contacts, he realized that tonight, destroying the celebrity celebrities gathering crowds of ice dens was not as simple as it seemed.

They seemed to have come in with Wang Ju just now?

Was it because Wang Ju didn't come upstairs before, so he waited for him specially?

Wouldn't it be the "Crowds of Chaoyang" that Wang Ju said?

Recalling that at the end of last year, the special hacking storm codenamed "Operation Winter Thunder" by the Yanjing police was caused by Mai Xiaoyu's personal grievances?

Thinking of this, his eyes fell on Wang Qingchao, who was in front of Mai Xiaoyu, with complicated eyes.

The sensible people present were also the two of them. Whether they were plainclothes from the security brigade or the criminal police from the criminal police squad, the other police officers focused on Mai Xiaoyu. His eyes widened, or looked at him in amazement, joking, or contempt.

In front of a house of police officers, openly threatening a policeman, do you want to go to heaven?

Threatened Wang Qingchao's face was extremely ugly, and he rushed towards Mai Xiaoyu.

After being pushed away by Mai Xiaoyu, he angrily said: "Dare to fight back? Give me handcuffs!"


The door of the room closed suddenly, making loud noises, and suppressed the plainclothes of the public security brigade eager to try.

It is Wang Changgui.


"Jing Wang, he is suspected of being smashing the ice first, and openly threatened the police law enforcement personnel of the public security organ to be behind, and he is also suspected of assaulting the police."

"Police Officer Wang Qingchao, are you really a policeman?

First of all, you said that I threatened the police officer, ok, I admit, it’s great that I write an inspection, apologize to you, and let you criticize and educate. Why do you handcuff me?

Secondly, you said that I attacked the police...Tsk, you are a policeman, you are so big, you will attack a policeman if you touch it. Moreover, you first attacked me for no reason, and I made a subconscious reaction to push you away. This is called an assault on the police?

In the end, you said that I was suspected of smashing ice, ha ha, as a law enforcement officer of the public security organ, there is no evidence to slander others, be careful I sue you for slander, cannon fodder! "

"Wang Ju, you heard it all!"

There is no fool if he can get into the position of the captain of the security brigade.

He had already seen that Wang Changgui and Mai Xiaoyu had a close relationship, so when he asked Wang Changgui to express his position, he also meant to oppose the general.

Wang Changgui was expressionless, looked at Wang Qingchao's home, and at Mai Xiaoyu, lit a cigarette, and asked Team Zhao: "Have you taken care of it on the spot?"

"It has been disposed of."

"Okay, take people back to the game first, remember to wear a headgear to avoid causing riots."


Wang Changgui intends to clear the venue, and some words are inconvenient for outsiders to hear.

But Wang Qingchao didn't intend to stop there: "Wang Ju, this gathering of crowds took place in our jurisdiction, and it also belongs to the scope of our public security duties. We have followed for a long time and have been fishing for big fish..."

"Does the big fish in your mouth refer to my client?" Mai Xiaoyu interjected quietly.

Wang Qingchao will not be fooled easily and settle the case: "All suspects of illegal crimes are big fish! You two are also suspected of being cold."

"You want to plant something, you want to be crazy, right?"

"Planning? If you were not a guilty conscience, why did you hit someone just now?" Speaking of this, Wang Qingchao thought of Zhou Ping and turned around to see that Zhou Ping had recovered. "You went on to say, who you were going to report just now, don't worry about retaliation. Our police will protect you."

Zhou Ping was very embarrassed at the moment. There was a lot of vomit on her clothes, and there was still a bit of vomit on the corners of her mouth, which were all air-dried.

She pointed to Tang Yan and said, "I revealed that she is Tang Yan and she has a share tonight."

Tang Yanjiao trembled.

Mai Xiaoyu squeezed her hand.

Wang Changgui took a puff of cigarette forcefully, without saying a word.

Team Zhao and other policemen stared at Tang Yan with wide eyes, as if to determine her identity from her exposed eyes.

Thanks to Mengren's publicity for the two dramas "The Fairy 3" and "The Day of Living with a Flight Attendant", Tang Yan's popularity has surged recently, and her momentum once surpassed Xie Weixin.

More than half of the twenty or so police officers present had heard of her.

Mai Xiaoyu smiled.

Wang Changgui, who was laughing, gave a chuckle in his heart.

Wang Changgui originally wanted to be comrades in the system, and wanted to make major things smaller and protect Wang Qingchao.

It's a pity that Wang Qingchao doesn't cherish it and wants to be cannon fodder.

Wang Changgui is too familiar with Mai Xiaoyu's "sinister" and "cunning".

If Mai Xiaoyu is not ninety-nine percent sure, it is impossible to call him to report to the police and tell him to wait downstairs and go upstairs together.

Think about how Mai Xiaoyu introduced Tang Yan when the two met downstairs.

"I'll bring her to get soy sauce. If someone doesn't let her get soy sauce tonight, your police should clean up the internal worms."

Soy sauce...

Obviously, at first, Mai Xiaoyu wanted to give him face, so he jokingly called himself "the enthusiastic crowd" and brought Tang Yan upstairs in the name of soy sauce.

However, some people don't want Tang Yan to "make soy sauce". Mai Xiaoyu had anticipated this possibility a long time ago. Will there be no countermeasures?

After I didn't hear Mai Xiaoyu entered the house, he kept emphasizing...cannon fodder!

When things have progressed to the present point, Wang Changgui no longer plans to protect Wang Qingchao. It is great to get a retreat in the future and let him retreat gracefully.

Sure enough, Mai Xiaoyu moved.

With an unabated smile on his face, he pulled down Tang Yan's scarf to reveal that pale, bloodless face.

"You call Zhou Ping, right? Tang Yan treats you as a friend, but you treat her as a stepping stone to a higher position. Ignorant woman, I really think that the big tree next to me will shelter you from the wind and rain. Are you rich? But I won't care about you, because you are destined to have no future."

"Xie Weixin, right? You are actually quite sad. Zhanbing not only emptied your body, but also your IQ. Can't you see it now? Tonight is a conspiracy against Tang Yan from beginning to end. .

Someone bought Zhou Ping and used your pharmacy to lure Tang Yan into the set. The man wished that Tang Yan would be finished soon, not only wanted her to be addicted to drugs, but also wanted her to be caught, exposed and ruined. And you, naturally become cannon fodder for the funeral. "

Seeing Xie Weixin and others looking at her, Zhou Ping quickly denied it loudly: "I didn't! You wronged me!"

"Innocent you? Then we have to ask Wang Qingchao, the squadron leader, where did you get the news, knowing that Xie Weixin and the others gathered together?"

"We are obligated to protect the informant's information..." Halfway through the words, Wang Qingchao came to his senses. "You deserve to be a lawyer, with a clever tongue, even I was almost circumvented by you. Pay attention to your identity, you and Tang now Like Yan, there are all suspicions of binging, and it's not your turn to point fingers here!"

"Who tells you that I am a lawyer? Listen well, my name is Mai Xiaoyu, I am the boss of Mengren Film and Television, and Tang Yan is an artist of our company! Tonight I will call the police to inform the Wang Ju, that there are people here. Come on, try to slander us again, and see if I don't sue you to jail!"

I knew it was not that simple!

Team Zhao looked at Wang Qingchao sympathetically, as if seeing himself dealing with Mai Xiaoyu for the first time.

At that time, someone greeted him and asked him to clean up Mai Xiaoyu, because Mai Xiaoyu broke Ning Shibin and his nose was broken.

Ning Shibin is the second generation ancestor, so he would not want to make such a big ugly so as not to be laughed at by other second generation ancestors in the circle.

Although the Zhao team did not agree, they could understand it, and because of the situation, they brought Mai Xiaoyu back from the company to the branch office with great fanfare.

As a result, Mai Xiaoyu taught him a lesson of "lively image" and impressive. Had Wang Changgui not appeared in time, he would have finished it.

It's just that Wang Qingchao's sinking seems deeper than he was back then...

No wonder Wang Qingchao showed up as soon as he led the team into the room and kept negotiating with him to take the case from him.

"Impossible!" Wang Qingchao lost her voice.

"Use your brain. If it wasn't for us to call the police, if it wasn't for me to verify the truth, how could we follow Wang Ju? This kind of poison nest shouldn't be left as far as possible?"

Wang Changgui, who had been silent for a long time, spoke, and Wang Qingchao jumped as soon as he spoke:

"Team Wang, this is his mobile phone, this is my mobile phone. You can check our call time. Then compare with Team Zhao and let me tell him the time when the team is out of the police. If you suspect that I am cheating for personal gains and falsifying communications Records deliberately cover them, or you can apply to go to the communications department to bring up the list of call records for tonight."

Mai Xiaoyu shook the miniature bug between his fingers and made up the knife: "If you still suspect, I can ask the person who installed this thing to report to you. They are my invitation, and the installation of this thing is not In order to eavesdrop on the police handling the case, but to determine if this is a drug den!"

"Oh, you sent those two drunks!"

A young fourth-line female artist suddenly realized that it was she who opened the door for Wang Debin and Zhang Yang.

"You are very smart, but it's too late." Smiling at the other party, Mai Xiaoyu turned to Xie Weixin and others who were glaring at him, "You should hate me, but I think you should hate yourself the most. Did your IQ plummet when you got that thing?

I ask you, does Zhou Ping strongly recommend Tang Yan to join the pharmacy tonight? Did she keep persuading you to organize the game as soon as possible? Compared with your previous pharmacies, is there any abnormality in her reaction this time? "

It's all right, it's all right!

There are some things that Mai Xiaoyu didn't know.

For example, the pharmacy goods tonight are provided by Zhou Ping, or they are first-class goods; another example is that Zhou Ping has suddenly become rich recently, and all the cosmetics used are international first-line brands...

"Sick bitch, why did you harm us! Do you know that I just picked up a TV series, it's a female third, female third, female third..."

A third-line female artist cried excitedly and rushed towards Zhou Ping, but was stopped by the police.

The others stared at Zhou Ping angrily, their eyes full of hatred.

Mai Xiaoyu reported that they had gathered in a crowd, causing them to be arrested, and they naturally hated him. But what they hate more is that they are used as gunmen...No, it is Zhou Ping who uses them as cannon fodder, and the person behind Zhou Ping.

Zhou Ping's face was pale, even more bloodless than Tang Yan.

She was desperate.

She doesn't care about those third- and fourth-line artists, but the first-line TV star Xie Weixin, the first-line well-known female screenwriter, and the second-line singer all have companies and backstages. Moreover, she has a wide network of contacts and friends in the circle. If she is persecuted to be like this, can she be spared in the future?

The entertainment industry is very messy. There are not one or two artists in the circle. Some celebrities have a history of several years or even more than ten years. Does anyone really know?

Obviously impossible.

So why are few people reporting?

Therefore, since Mai Xiaoyu personally admitted that he was the "sunrise crowd" who called the police, basically no one doubted him and Tang Yanbian.

But things are not over yet.

Mai Xiaoyu turned to Wang Qingchao, who had an ugly face: "Wang team, right? I dare say, in this case, my **** is clean, how about you?"

"My **** is also clean!"

"It's so vulgar." Mai Xiaoyu smiled playfully, and asked: "Then you dare to let people check it?"

What a joke!

Don't say that this time he really listened to someone asking that person's money to do things for others, even if it wasn't, he didn't dare to be investigated.

He is the squadron leader of the security brigade, the oil and water on the security mouth... that's so fat!

"Mr. Mai, our police will investigate and deal with the internal affairs of our police. Until the facts are investigated, we will never wrong our comrades; after the investigation is clear, we will never let go of a black sheep."

Wang Changgui spoke

Speaking of this, I have already stepped on the line, and if we continue, the police will not be able to get off the stage.

That is, Wang Changgui will allow him to "act" freely.

Try another person, don't look at the bug in his hand, there are temporary workers in all walks of life!

Having said that, Mai Xiaoyu specially moved out of the great Buddha Wang Changgui tonight. Wasn't that the idea?

"Sorry Wang Ju, I was too angry for a while and I couldn't control myself. I apologize to you. Let's go first."

Mai Xiaoyu wrapped a scarf for Tang Yan, re-covered most of her face, revealing only the godless eyes, then took her hand and turned away.

"Xiao Zhao collects the team and brings people and exhibits to the bureau. Mr. Mai, I will accompany you down."

The three of them went out without saying a word, took the elevator downstairs, left the community, and came to Mai Xiaoyu's Mercedes-Benz.

Mai Xiaoyu opened the car door, let Tang Yan go in, then handed Wang Changgui a cigarette and lit it: "Thank you tonight."

Wang Changgui took a cigarette and asked, "Qingtian?"


"What are you going to do?"

"You take care of your people, and I take care of my business."

"Don't be impulsive."

"Do you think I'm like an impulsive person?"

"That's good. That thing has to be done slowly. The enemy is stronger than expected. Both Lao Su and I have reviewed the files of the year, and there is a lot of content missing."

"Unexpectedly, but it doesn't matter. Your police have too much constraints. I never thought of borrowing your power."

"You... forget it, don't talk about it. You handled it beautifully this time, and this matter is over."

"Not necessarily, Ning Shirong is not the kind of casual cargo like Ning Shibin..."

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued...) u More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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