"What you said, hurt each other.??"

Suddenly, Tang Yan stood on her toes, wrapped Mai Xiaoyu's neck, and kissed his lips with her tender and soft cherry lips.

Mai Xiaoyu: "..."

Suddenly, Tang Yan hit Mai Xiaoyu by surprise.

However, the four lips are just the first step in Tang Yan's plan.

Then, she was fully psychologically prepared and ready to tackle the problem, using her soft clove tongue to pry open Mai Xiaoyu's hard teeth.

However, her soft tongue touched Mai Xiaoyu's lips, and Mai Xiaoyu suddenly opened her mouth, allowing her soft tongue to invade smoothly.

Lure the enemy deep!

Then...eat it!

Mai Xiaoyu sucked on Tang Yan's soft tongue; Tang Yan made two instinctive "huh".

Mai Xiaoyu attacked with both hands, firmly holding Tang Yan's waist and hips; Tang Yan tightened Mai Xiaoyu's neck, closed his eyes, and returned the initiative to Mai Xiaoyu.

With this kiss, Tang Yan's heartbeat speeds up.

With this kiss, Tang Yan's face flushed.

With this kiss, Tang Yan's breathing increased.

This kiss, the kissed Tang Yan's heart is sweet.

With this kiss, Tang Yan's body was numb.

This kiss, the kissed Tang Yan is hypoxic...

I don't know how long it took, my lips divided.

Tang Yan, who felt a little dizzy due to lack of oxygen, rested her head on Mai Xiaoyu's chest, with her hands still around his neck, enjoying the sweetness in her heart and the joy of every pore on her body after a long kiss.

Mai Xiaoyu hugged her waist and hips, took a deep breath, and suppressed Teddy who was looking up inside.

This silence lasted only a few minutes.

"I find that you are good at it, and the ability to hide chewing gum in your mouth is no one."

Mai Xiaoyu slapped Tang Yan's little **** with his left hand, and took out a lump of gum from his mouth with his right hand.

"They were so nervous when they came to see you... hee hee."

"When I'm nervous, I chew gum and get it in my mouth deliberately. It's not disgusting."

Tang Yan said coquettishly: "Where is it sick? When you put your tongue in my mouth, you still got saliva in my mouth."

"It's not disgusting, right, come on, then you continue to chew."

Mai Xiaoyu wanted to put chewing gum into Tang Yan's mouth, and Tang Yan Ying's lips closed tightly to prevent Mai Xiaoyu from succeeding.

"Didn't you say it's not disgusting?"

Mai Xiaoyu didn't even think about actually putting the chewing gum into Tang Yan's mouth, then he closed his hand, and then lightly patted Tang Yan's forehead, the chewing gum stuck to Tang Yan's forehead.

Tang Yan looked at him puffingly, standing on her toes again, resting her forehead on Mai Xiaoyu's forehead, squeezing the gum in the middle.

The foreheads of the two reached each other, Tang Yan encircled Mai Xiaoyu's neck, and Mai Xiaoyu held Tang Yan's waist and hips.

The rising sun in Dongsheng emits warm sunlight, which is sprayed into the house through the windows, and it is evaporating.

This picture is a bit beautiful.

"Last night, why?" Tang Yan asked quietly.

"I am a decent gentleman, and I don't want to take advantage of others."

"You are a liar who pretends to be a gentleman." Tang Yan rubbed the tip of Mai Xiaoyu's nose with her nose, "do you regret it now?"

"Do I have to regret it? Believe it or not, I will carry you into the bedroom now?"

"What are you waiting for……"

Tang Yan's face was blushing, her voice sounded like a mosquito hum.

"I'm afraid you regret it."

"I don't regret it. Maizi, I love you."

Mai Xiaoyu sighed softly: "Oh, that's why I'm afraid you will regret it."

Tang Yan puzzled: "Why?"

"First you have to figure out the difference between love and security."

"Is there a difference?"

"Of course there is, and there is the difference between like and love. For example, for me, I admit that I like you, but not love."

Tang Yan raised her head and looked at him in amazement: "But when you kissed me..."

"Most men use their lower body to think about problems, and I am no exception. You know, I'm not a good person, and you are so beautiful, in fact, I really want to go to bed with you. If it's just ons, I would be happy."


Tang Yan's eyes are red.

"I have always regarded you as my friend, and I like you very much, so I don't want to hurt you. I'm really not a good person."

"I know you are not a good person, you are a liar, a big liar. You lied to me for 10,000 yuan at the beginning, and then took my first kiss, and now you lied to my heart again, but can't you continue to lie to me... "

Tang Yan's voice choked with tears in her eyes.

Mai Xiaoyu gently licked the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "I want to continue to lie to you. I lie to you, lie to you, lie to your body, lie to your heart, but I can't be responsible to you, I'm afraid of your future Love is hate, and I will lose your friend forever."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it! You say so much as an excuse, but it's actually because you like Sister Tao, and I'm afraid Sister Tao knows if it's right!"

Mai Xiaoyu didn't say a word, and moved her hands from Tang Yan's waist and hips to her back; Tang Yan burst into tears, but her hands were still tightly around Mai Xiaoyu's neck.

After a while, Mai Xiaoyu whispered: "Do you want to know why I turned from a liar to a real film and television company boss..."

After half an hour.

"...Can you understand now?" Mai Xiaoyu took off the dried chewing gum on Tang Yan's forehead, and by the way, put her scattered temples behind her ears, "I can't give you the future, I can only promise to praise you and become Big star, and you... Don’t waste time on me, it’s easy to get hurt, go and pursue your own happiness."

Tang Yan stared at him for a long time, then stood on tiptoe and kissed him again.

It's just that she kissed crazy this time, and Mai Xiaoyu didn't respond.

Tang Yan left without saying a word.

Mai Xiaoyu touched his lips, washed his face to clean up, put on his coat and went downstairs.

Ke Haoyi had been waiting for him in the underground parking lot for a long time.

"Sorry, I made you wait a long time."

"This is my job."

Ke Haoyi drove and took Mai Xiaoyu to the company ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mai Xiaoyu sat in the back row, thinking of Tang Yan again.

He is not Liu Xiahui, and his private life was very messy, but the rabbit does not eat the grass at the edge of the nest, and the female artist of the company can't sleep.

It’s true that the female artists in the company are very beautiful, but which one of the women he has slept with is ugly? And with his current status and financial resources, what kind of beauties can't sleep, he has to eat grass and start with the female artists of the company?

Worrying about Liu Tao's knowledge is one aspect, and he is more worried about the company's confusion because of this.

The cute person is the foundation for him to achieve his small goals and swallow the sky. There must be no chaos inside, especially with regard to male and female issues.

Now that there are strong enemies waiting outside, Ning Shirong looks at him. He is showing the enemy's weakness again, always counterattack passively, and has never taken the initiative to take the initiative.

Once the female artist of the company becomes jealous because of her fighting for the wind, breaking the harmonious atmosphere within the company, making Mengren Film and Television like other companies, the intrigue among its artists will rise, and it will be easy for Ning Shirong to find opportunities.

At that time, with Qingtian's huge advantages and Ning Shirong's ruthless methods, it might be possible for the cute people to fall apart.

This is something that Mai Xiaoyu absolutely cannot tolerate.

As for Tang Yan, Mai Xiaoyu believes she can understand.

After all, love in the entertainment industry is often extremely vulnerable in the face of fame and wealth.

Sure enough, when he was approaching the company, he received a text message from Tang Yan. The first sentence was: "I can understand."

But seeing the following words, Mai Xiaoyu couldn't help but complain: "Sister Ni!"

Tang Yan’s text message looks like this:

"I can understand your relationship with Sister Tao, but I will not give up! What you said, I should pursue my own happiness, and you are my happiness!"

ps: I built a V group: 6o76828, and the Buddha is waiting. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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