At about 6 pm, Chaoyang police finally released official information, saying that they had received a report from the people in Chaoyang last night. In a high-end residential apartment, they arrested the first-line TV star Xie Weixin and other seven entertainers who were gathering to take drugs. ?

More than 10 grams of "ice" and various tools for drug use were recovered at the scene. In addition, the urine tests of seven people were all positive, and the seven people also confessed to their drug abuse behavior.

Currently, Xie Weixin is under criminal detention by the police for allowing others to take drugs, and the remaining six people are under administrative detention for taking drugs.

The event of "Xie Weixin gathering a crowd to take drugs" that was hotly discussed for a day was finally confirmed.

As the media replaced the vague words "x surnamed first-line TV star", "L surnamed first-line female screenwriter", "m surnamed second-line male singer" and other vague words in previous reports, replaced by Xie Weixin and others' real names, and added more details. Content, public opinion is heating up again.


It's half past ten in the evening.

Dongba Township, Chaoyang District, Yanjing City.

Seven or eight cars ran wildly on the remote road, you chased me and drove at full power, there was a rumbling roar, and the earth seemed to tremble.

At the end, hundreds of young men and women with glamorous clothes and tasteful fashion, some were onlookers with excitement, some shouted hoarsely, and some held up banknotes in their hands. Everyone was extremely excited, and the boiling blood dispelled the cold of winter.

This is an underground race, illegal.

However, this is not a problem in a circle composed mainly of various second generations who live well.

In the distance, a silver Pagani drove toward him.

Behind Pagani are Bugatti Veyron, Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Porsche-class sports cars struggling to catch up.

Seeing that the finish line is getting closer and closer, the Bugatti Veyron, the closest to Pagani, is also two cars behind, and the championship is almost no suspense.

At this time, the silver Pagani hit the steering wheel, drifting laterally, sliding across the finish line.

The next few runs followed suit, sliding across the finish line in a horizontal drift.


Two cars.

Three cars.


Eight very close class sports cars slid across the finish line one by one, some were almost next to each other, but there was no collision or accident.


so cool!


It was shocking!

The scene where the eight million-class cars drifted horizontally almost at the same time, and the creak of tires rubbing on the ground, the thrilling crowd of onlookers cheered and cheered for the superb driving skills of the drivers, and even for the silver Pagani who won the championship.

Even if many people lose a lot of money because of this, they don't care.

Illegal racing is always inseparable from gambling. Only winning prizes can be more exciting. Anyway, those who participate are basically not short of money.

The door of the silver Pagani rose upwards like flying wings.

Ning Shirong stepped out of the car and once again aroused the cheers of the onlookers.

The second Bugatti Veyron, who crossed the finish line, stopped next to him, and a second generation who was about the same age as Ning Shirong came down and sighed: "I thought you would go to the United States for a year and your skills would decline, and you would be able to beat you. One time."

"No one can beat me." Ning Shirong was very arrogant. "It's too cold and the road is icy, otherwise my degree will be faster."

"Congratulations Shao Rong, Shao Rong, you are so amazing!"

"Young Master Rong, you are so handsome, my sister and I belong to you tonight."

Two beautiful sisters, Hua Jiao, who were stylishly dressed and looked exactly the same, walked over with a smile and gave them a fragrant kiss.

Xiang Che beauty.

Where there are tens of millions of sports cars, how can there be fewer fashionable and beautiful beauties?

Tonight's car, these sixteen-year-old beautiful sisters, are the winners of this race.

Ning Shirong laughed, put his arms around the beautiful sisters, enjoying the sweet kiss from the two girls. Then surrounded by the beautiful sisters flowers, like a hero who returned in a triumphant victory, walked to the crowd of onlookers and accepted their congratulations.

"Shao Rong."

The appearance of Pei Pengbing disturbed Ning Shirong's interest.

He patted the beautiful sister Hua's buttocks: "Wait for me here."

"Young Master Rong, where are you going, take us along!"

"Yes, my sister and I are both yours tonight!"

"I said wait for me here."

Ning Shirong increased his tone. The beautiful sister Hua didn't dare to act like a baby anymore. She put her arms around Ning Shirong and kissed him on the face, reluctantly letting go.

Not far from the roadside, there was a Toyota parked.

In normal times, this car can also be called a luxury car, but in front of those running tonight, this Toyota looked extremely shabby and couldn't get on the table.

The Toyota car is Pei Pengbing's car. At this moment, he and Ning Shirong are sitting in the car.

"Young Master Rong, things are messed up..."

The strategy of "poisoning" Tang Yan was Ning Shirong's thinking, and it was Pei Pengbing who implemented it.

Two chess pieces like Zhou Ping and Wang Qing were found by Pei Pengbing.

Their plan is to introduce Tang Yan into the pharmacy, skate first, then be arrested by the police, and finally report it through the media. The artist Tang Yan, whom Meng Ren plans to favor, is stinky.

When the time comes, I will find a relationship and work harder, and the "Xian 3" that is about to be completed will never want to be safe.

Want to broadcast?

OK, rework!

All the shots of drug addict Tang Yan must be cut off, and then someone can be found to replace her character and reshoot.

The loss here is also not small!

Ning Shirong planned well, but it was a pity that Mai Xiaoyu saw through.

As a result, Mengren was unharmed, and Tang Yan escaped smoothly; instead, the two chess pieces were beaten into cannon fodder by Mai Xiaoyu, and Ning Shirong had to add hush money and settlement fees.

Like Wang Qing, who was originally the squadron leader of the Security Brigade, a job rich in oil and water.

It was adjusted just because he received money from Pei Pengbing and participated in the plan to "poison" Tang Yan.

Sick leave!

It was his initiative.

Otherwise, what is waiting for him will be the intervention of the discipline inspection department.

Would you like to give more hush money, can someone agree?

According to the plan, after taking Tang Yan back last night, Wang Qing should bring the phone to report, and Pei Pengbing arranged for the joint media to report.

However, Pei Pengbing waited until the middle of the night and didn't wait for Wang Qing's call. At that time, he was a little suspicious. Later, when he heard that it was not the security brigade that took over, but the Chaoyang Branch Interpol, he finally realized that something was wrong.

He didn't dare to report to Ning Shirong, and kept contacting Wang Qing on his own initiative. It wasn't until two hours ago that he contacted Wang Qing and learned of the whole incident from his mouth.

"Young Master Rong, it's not that I don't do things badly, mainly because the surname Mai is too treacherous..."

Ning Shirong was not interested in listening to his defense: "You mean, Mai Xiaoyu is the'Crowds of Chaoyang People' in the police?"

"Yes, that's the grandson. I didn't expect that he really dared to call the police."

"How did he know it was the pharmacy last night?"


"Trash! Go back and check the people around you, I don't know if it was bought by Mai Xiaoyu."

"Yes, yes, I'll check it when I go back. Malgobi's, the guy who eats inside and out, waits for me to find out and can't spare him!"

"Don't worry about this, take your time. Don't move him in a hurry after you find out, understand?"

Pei Pengbing thought for a while and stretched out his thumb: "Gao, or Rong Shao is smart, the next time the surnamed Mai is dead!"

"Next time? You mean, you are going to give up this good opportunity?"


Also... a good opportunity?

Pei Pengbing was confused and looked at Ning Shirong for unknown reasons.

Ning Shirong smiled coldly: "Because the cute boss Mai Xiaoyu called the police, Xie Weixin and others were arrested for taking drugs in a crowd. If this news spreads, what do you think will happen?"

Pei Pengbing didn't want to answer, because he was afraid of being scolded.

But Ning Shirong's gaze was clearly waiting for his answer.

After hesitating for a moment, Pei Pengbing replied cautiously: "Young Master Rong, this... doesn't seem to be very useful, right?"


Alas, I was scolded as expected.

Pei Pengbing whispered softly, and cried out unlucky.

He knew what Ning Shirong meant.

The entertainment circle is a special circle, and the relationship of interests in it is extremely complicated.

Like Xie Weixin, as a first-line TV celebrity, he can create a lot of benefits for his company. As a result, the crowd was arrested for taking drugs. The acting career was over, and the company to which he belonged suffered heavy losses. All the investment in Xie Weixin's body was completely wiped out.

In addition, the TV series she has recently taken over, or the TV series that has not yet been broadcast after filming, will also be affected.

Just like Ning Shirong calculated Tang Yan, all Xie Weixin's scenes had to be cut off, and then an actor was hired to make up the shoot. Both the cash cost and the time cost will be consumed. Can the investor and production party not lose?

There are also classic TV series that Xie Weixin filmed in the past, some of which were bought out by TV stations and rebroadcast from time to time.

It's all right now, all can't be broadcast, has the TV station lost?

Besides, that second-line male singer, all his previous records will be removed from the shelves; the six major music websites will also delete all his songs; if the record company has already recorded a new album for him, he will have to die, and all his previous investments will be played. The water floats.

Who caused these losses?

In addition, Qin Hui still has three friends. Of the seven artists who were arrested, none of them have good friends.

Especially the first-line TV star Xie Weixin, the first-line well-known female screenwriter, and the second-line male singer, who have worked with them, and many artists and behind-the-scenes staff. Make friends with a wide network of contacts. Will their friends have no idea about the whistleblower?

And those loyal fans, mad fans, and brain-dead fans among their fans who see their idol’s future ruined, will they hate whistleblowers?

Don't say that it is correct to report a group of people to take drugs. Elementary school students hate people who make small reports, let alone adults who are involved in their own interests.

Giant Qingtian didn't dare to offend so many people and so many forces at the same time. If they learned that Mai Xiaoyu was the "sunrise crowd" who reported and caused them heavy losses, would they have nothing to do with them?

In Pei Pengbing's view, Ning Shirong's idea was correct, but the problem was that Mai Xiaoyu was too cunning and had already transferred his hatred and plugged this loophole.

"Young Master Rong, I haven’t had time to report something to you. The grandson of Mai’s surname is the chicken thief. He asked someone to install a wiretap in the house. After reporting to the police, he went up and brought sugar. Yan. He admitted that he called the police in front of everyone, and said that someone instructed Zhou Ping to frame Tang Yan and deliberately pulled Xie Weixin and others to be buried as cannon fodder.

Zhou Ping, the actor, is also a useless rubbish. He doesn't justify and provokes a commotion, making everyone believe what the surname Mai said. They hate Mai Xiaoyu for calling the police, but they hate the person who instigated Zhou Ping even more, so..."

"So you think it's useless?"

Pei Pengbing did not dare to answer, tacitly.

"Do you know why you lost to Mai Xiaoyu?"

Ning Shirong took out the cigarette, and Pei Pengbing hurriedly lit it for him.

"Because you only look at your head and ignore your head when you do things, while Mai Xiaoyu takes things one step at a time and looks at three steps. But I, look at five steps in advance. I don't care about the people you are talking about. I want everyone in the circle to know. , Xie Weixin and others gathered a crowd to take drugs, and the reporter was Mai Xiaoyu, the boss of Mengren Film and Television!"

Pei Pengbing tasted it carefully, and his eyes lit up: "I understand! Shao Rong is still ingenious, and the cunning and cunning of Ren surnamed Mai is not as good as you."

"Just understand, do you know what to do next?"

"I know, I will disclose the news to the media when I go back, let them burst out, and the surnamed Mai waits to be cast aside by my peers!"

"Idiot, I have to teach you this thing!"

Ning Shirong really didn't like Pei Pengbing. If he hadn't returned to China for a short time and lacked people to do dirty work, he would have let Pei Pengbing go.

"Listen well, I will only say it once. In the future, you have to be calm and think more about the pros and cons. When you get older, you will still be so impatient. If you go back, find a way to contact Zhou Ping and let her take care of her mouth. Her point is indispensable."

Pei Pengbing shivered: "I know, I will not let her tell you."

"What does it have to do with me? You did it. If she shakes you you write your suicide note and wait for suicide."

"I will never let her speak out, otherwise I will let her commit suicide first."


Ning Shirong was very satisfied with Pei Pengbing’s response: “Don’t worry about breaking the news to the media for the time being. Let this matter leave for two days, and wait until public opinion reaches its peak...”

Having said that, Ning Shirong had a meal and looked at Pei Pengbing thoughtfully.

No way, he has only this person doing dirty work, and he must cultivate his ability to do dirty work. Otherwise, no matter how good the routine is, it will not be able to land due to poor execution.

Pei Pengbing has served as the CEO of Aiman ​​Culture for many years, and he still has the ability to see and fight intrigue.

He immediately took Ning Shirong's words: "If you publish the news that the whistleblower is a cute boss, the effect will be better."

Ning Shirong's ideas are very good, and the plan is very thorough, but the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Early the next morning.

A luxury villa in the suburbs.

Due to the hard work of "cultivating the fields" last night, Ning Shirong, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened by the rapid ringing of the phone.

On the phone, Pei Pengbing said anxiously: "Young Master Rong, something happened again..."

The Longxing Studio, where Xie Weixin and others gathered to take drugs was the first to be exposed, and this morning broke the news-to report to the police that Xie Weixin and others gathered to take drugs, the "sunrise crowd", is the boss of Mengren Film and Television!

As soon as the news came out, Mengren Film and Television was instantly pushed to the forefront!

Wang Changgui contacted Mai Xiaoyu as soon as possible: "Maizi, our police have strict confidentiality measures for the identity information of the whistleblower. This incident was definitely not leaked by our police."

"I know, I let Longxing Studio do this..."

ps: I built a V group: 6o76828, and the Buddha is waiting. 8More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading academy

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