The Liar Who Invaded the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 590: Enemy with the entire entertainment industry?

Longxing Studio broke the news for the second time, exploding that the "Crowds of the Sun" who reported that Xie Weixin and others gathered to take drugs were Mengren's boss, and posted a screenshot of Mengren's official micro-screen as evidence.

"Promote positive energy, purify the entertainment industry, and resolutely resist drug addicts and celebrities."

Looking at the time, the Mengren official Weibo was updated just before Xie Weixin and others were arrested for taking drugs.

What is this called?

There are pictures and the truth!

As soon as the news came out, Mengren Film and Television was instantly pushed to the forefront. It was revealed that Fang Longxing's studio was also uncomfortable, and put himself in dire straits.

Gathering crowds to take drugs is negative energy, and reporting is positive energy. This is the main tone.

Many melon-eaters with a sense of justice, while supporting Mengren Film and Television, began to criticize Longxing Studio, and even the police lay innocent guns.

"Like the cute people. For such drug addicts, you should expose them!"

"Yes, there is one to report one, no mercy!"

"Longxing Studio is too much, how can you casually disclose the privacy of the whistleblower?"

"Fortunately, it is the boss of Moeren Film and Television, and they are not afraid of retaliation, but what if ordinary people do?"

"If this goes on, who will dare to report illegal and criminal acts in the future?"

"I just want to know, where did the news from Longxing Studio come from? Isn't it illegal for them to break the news like this?"

"The police don't care."

"Whatever, I guess the news may have leaked from the police."

"What do the police do to protect the whistleblower?"


The police responded quickly: We don't carry this pot!

They stated that the police has a complete set of protection mechanisms for the information security of whistleblowers, and after self-inspection, the whistleblowers’ information was not leaked from the police. At the same time, they severely reprimanded Longxing Studio for their unscrupulous eye-catching behavior and asked them to delete Weibo as soon as possible and contact the police to explain the situation.

The crowd was raging, and Longxing Studio quickly deleted this Weibo and then posted an apology on Weibo.

Longxing Studio first expressed sincere apologies to the public, the police and Mengren Film and Television for their actions. In the future, they will strengthen the legal concept and professional ethics of the studio employees and will never commit them again.

Then explain the source of the message. It was not that the police leaked the secrets internally, but they received the news from an informant that there were people in the entertainment industry gathering crowds to take drugs and sent someone to sneak a photo. When they encountered police action, they accidentally learned that the informant was the boss of Mengren Film and Television.

Apology At the end of Weibo, Long Xing adheres to the consistent style of "If you don't break the news, you will die", claiming that there is still information about this incident, and they will break out to the public next Monday. See you on Monday!

Not everyone, apologized to Long Xing.

"If an apology is useful, why should the police do it!"

In "Meteor Garden", this line of Daoming Temple maxed out Longxing Studio's Weibo. The uniform formation forced Longxing to close the Weibo comment function.

In fact, an apology is really useless.

Long Xing broke the news, the police responded, and Long Xing apologized... After all this, the news that "the cute boss is the whistleblower" spread long ago.

Netizens repost spontaneously, the media needs to repost it out of news, and the media is solicited to repost it...Even if Longxing Studio deletes Weibo and Internet media also deletes reposted reports, what's the point?

Keep your ears and steal the bell, as if anyone doesn't know that the "Crowds of Chaoyang" are cute bosses!

Many netizens even use the term "chaoyang masses" to refer to Mengren bosses.

Ning Shirong's office.

Pei Pengbing asked humbly: "Young Master Rong, I have settled on Zhou Ping's side. What else do we need to do now?"

Ning Shirong did not answer and asked, "I asked you to check Longxing Studio. How is the check?"

"Rong Shao is wise and wise. Just like you judged, Longxing Studio and Mengren are not in the same group. They are just news hooligans who collect money and do things, and take on all kinds of grievances in the circle. As long as the price is right, let them blow someone up. It's okay. How about I ask them to secretly take pictures of Mai, and explode the scandal between him and the female artist of their company?"

"How many celebrities are afraid of gossip? I asked you to check Longxing, mainly to check the mastermind who instigated them to stir up trouble between us and Mengren last year. Now it seems that Longxing is just a gun and has no value."

"Hate that they disrupted your plan."

"It doesn't matter if you disrupt it, it doesn't matter, they are doing a good job now."

"You mean, we don't have to do anything now?"

"Youlongxing is enough for the early bird, so don't get too deep, so as not to arouse suspicion."

Pei Pengbing: "..."

He really didn't think there was any effect now.

Yes, someone is scolding Mengren on the Internet. Many people commented and cursed on Mengren's official Weibo.

It may be fans of Xie Weixin and other seven people, or it may be the navy recruited by the party whose interests have suffered.

But most of the public supports Moe Ren. A person who scolds Mengren may lead to dozens or hundreds of people to support Mengren and curse the host as a **** spray. Even the group of big Vs who have grudges with Moeren don’t dare to jump out and fight Moeren on such a big issue of right and wrong.

What's the loss of cute people?

Ning Shirong saw his thoughts and sneered: "The public is forgetful, don't pay attention to them. Didn't you find that no one in the entertainment circle said anything?"

It has been a few days since Long Xing first broke the news, and the voice of the entertainment circle about this matter has become smaller and smaller.

When Xie Weixin and others were first arrested, some people expressed astonishment, shock, surprise, and unexpected feelings of no nutritional value when interviewed by reporters.

But after the news broke that the reporter was a cute boss, no one said anything, even if asked by reporters, they all avoided answering.

The entertainment industry is a special rivers and lakes with distorted values. Compared with self-interest, drug use is considered a problem?

Some artists have been taking drugs for many years, and they really think it’s perfect for anyone who doesn’t know?

Now that someone knows, why do I rarely report it?

To put it bluntly, drug addicts and whistleblowers in the eyes of many insiders are even more despised by the latter.

Primary school students know that it is shameful and easy to be hated by others, not to mention adults who may involve their own interests.

It is wrong for people to take drugs, but it will not harm the interests of others; but your report will not only damage the interests of a large number of people, but more importantly, will you report other things to me in the future?



Cold eyes!


Cold violence!

Liu Xiaoli attended a charity banquet last night and clearly felt the change in her attitude after others learned that she was a cute ceo, and she felt a faint feeling of isolation.

And this is exactly what Ning Shirong wants to see!

The entertainment circle is not a stand-alone game. When you are isolated by the entire circle, you will be in a difficult situation!

Mai Xiaoyu's phone call was almost broken.

Li Qiang: "Do you want to help?"

Luo Xing: "Why are you so careless?"

Zhu Zeyuan: "Is there a big move above?"

Liu Junhao: "Is it so big this time?"

Ye Chu: "You are enough, I'll take it."

Huang Lei: "Longxing Studio is too fucking, you must sue them."

Tang Yan: "I'm sorry, Brother Mai, I caused you trouble."

Other artists under the banner: "Boss, do we need to do anything?"

Xiaoxing: "Boss, do you want to be an enemy of the entire entertainment industry, I support you!"

Zhang Xiaoquan: "Yu'er, you have to find a way to reverse the current situation."


In this case, Hai Qing, who plays the role of his ex-wife, arrives in Beijing and enters the crew of "Love Call Transfer".

Mai Xiaoyu, dressed in disguise, went to the airport to pick him up.

After seeing him, Hai Qing’s first sentence was: "Mai, you are too courageous..."

ps: I built a v group: 607682821, and the Buddha is waiting. (To be continued...) u More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's reading school

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